Riot just nerfed Doran's Shield

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Riot just nerfed Doran's Shield in League of Legends.

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I swear, if they showed the amount that D-shield healed per game, it would be the most bought item in the game. It was so OP.


The Dshield you used in the thumbnail is the most HD item icon I’ve ever seen wtf 💀


Riot sending Amumu back to the shadow realm after making him op for 3 patches.


*Ranged top laners have entered the chat*


im glad that it will be even easier to get bullied out of lane when you get counterpicked. Love it


Nice they indirectly buffed every range top later


so less xp on kills early and less passive healing on dorans shield idk what they are cooking but I am scared at this rate


the most annoying thing about doran's shield was champs like akali could buy it to easily survive early on mid and thanks to that poking them early felt like waste of mana


riot would be all "we have adjusted your winrate to 40%, no this isnt loser's que, its just an adjustment, there's nothing to see here"


Rito: Amumu is too strong!
Also Rito: welcome wonderfully reworked Aurelian Sol


This is one of those situations like bruisers abusing tank items so tank items are nerfed, bruisers still get to use their items but tanks now got nerfed items. For example, I'm Irelia mid lane vs sth like Syndra. I build doran's shield to decrease the poke Syndra does, it's the smart thing to get but not how Irelia is supposed to be played therefore it's nerfed. Makes sense, now Irelia can go Doran's Blade, long sword or maybe even refillable. If I'm playing sth like Shen tho now I get nerfed and I can't just go blade or ring and the triple bead start has also been taken out. I'm just nerfed outta nowhere. It's sad.


Wow, nerfing even damn dorans shield. I could never espect that they would go that far


Generally the shield is very helpful when you are gonna play defensively the whole landing phase due to reasons such as being kited/difference in range and poked easily. However, when a tank or a bruiser that already deals heavy damage and is tanky enough buys the shield on top of all that then you have someone that will regen and never die while dealing as much damage you do with your blade.


it sucks playing as a mage in midlane and a zac, viego, garen, etc just eats up all your mana and outsustains and outfarms you because they have no mana costs and just tank everything.


Abuse with Second Wind and you can win any poke matchup in mid lane where enemy uses mana as resource


I see this 2 ways, one it’s nice to see second wind d shield combo nerfed for some champs like sett that have infinite sustain in lane. On the other hand, if its nerfed too hard laning against anyone with poke or DoT will be much more annoying. Maybe make it’s heal after being damaged better, but I feel that’s the most op part of it


Can't wait for the super entertaining and totally not boring Kennen, Jayce, Heimer on Toplane in every Match coming soon. Might as well sprinkle some Viktor in again. But hey, as long as tanks get to never be played besides as situational Supports, Riot is happy. Buff ADC 😴


Next video: Riot Just Nerfed Winning Games


For those complaining that now their champion can't lane against poke or oppressive matchups:

This is an overall nerf to everyone. Everyone can take Doran's shield and second wind. The thing is that nerfing melee mids, or top lane tanks was difficult without making them impossible to play _WITHOUT_ taking second wind and Dshield. _Now_ they can actually step back and take a look at the champs who struggle without it, and buff them where they need it without impacting any other system that could have unwanted effects. Since DShield/Second Wind was such an ubiquitous and reliable pick for surviving lane, and especially harmed champs with dot damage like Brand, Teemo, Heimer, or Twitch, nerfing just Dshield is a clean way of dialing back overall strengths in a specific system to add individual buffs/nerfs to champions. Not only can they evaluate which champs to buff their durability in lane, but also nerf champs with too harsh of poke.

The issue with Dshield is that most people don't take it regardless of its strengths still existing even on mages or adc, rather, it was the only way to play safely against tough matchups where as, ranged champs needed to push their lead while they can since they really can't build defensive if they lose lane. Mages have one MR and Armor item, and most ranged AD champs have nerfed effects on defensive options like Deaths Dance.

If they buffed champs because they struggle to poke or have kill threat against Dshield matchups, then they can be oppressive against non-dshield matchups. Weak champs, especially mid lane mages, just can't be buffed without punishing mages who are already struggling.


Sad I love Dorans Shield in annoying poke lanes :(
