Virology Lectures 2017 #22: Emerging Viruses

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An emerging virus is the agent of a new or previously unrecognized disease. Today non-human animals are the main sources of new infections. After listening to this lecture you will understand about the different types of virus-host interactions, and what conditions lead to new virus emergence. To illustrate these principles we will discuss the emergence of poliovirus, Hendra and Nipah viruses, Sin Nombre virus, Ebolaviruses, and Zika virus.
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Very interesting. Currently writing my dissertation on emerging RNA viruses.


How could a virus possibly mutate if it is not a living thing? It is like a compact disk that needs a disk player. That CD is not going to change what is written on it unless human intervention by re-writing and burning the information onto the CD. Viruses are NOT contagious, if a virus is inside of me, it is attached to a cell right? Well if I coughed out that virus attached to my cell and that virus is inert, how could it possibly detach from my cell (and it is not going to replicate without being inside my body) and attach to yours? One word, -ENVIRONMENT viruses are everywhere and most often we are not getting sick. It is all the frequencies that our bodies are being bombarded with that changes our cells and cause disease.
