VSCode is Not Enough Anymore in 2024

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After being a lifelong Visual Studio Code user, I decided to make the switch to WebStorm a year ago - and it's been an eye-opening experience! In this video, I share my honest thoughts on transitioning from VSCode to the WebStorm IDE from JetBrains.

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- My Experience with WebStrom
- is it worth to buy jetbrains products

I discuss the pros and cons I've encountered, including WebStorm's snappy performance, clean interface, intelligent code assistance, and rich coding features. However, I also cover some of the frustrations like the wonky formatting, lack of window snapping, confusing plugin installation process, and inefficient toolbar.

While WebStorm has been a breath of fresh air in many ways, there are still aspects of VSCode that I miss. Join me as I navigate this coding journey and determine if WebStorm will truly become my new code editor home after 9 years with VSCode. Get ready for some brutally honest takes!

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This channel is gonna rise and rise and rise... Just be consistent


vscode is written in electron so the performance might not be the best but it's highly customizable and easy to use.

if you want something that is not bloated, vim is the way. Saw your other comments stating it's hard to collaborate and you need to move files around. It's 10x faster if you learn to master the command lines and do everything with your keyboard. Collaboration can be done via git and drag n drop can be replaced with a simple mv command. The only caveat is if you're on Windows, you need to run wsl for the best vim experience.


Thanks for the video. I actually tried out WebStorm, but I couldn't get the autosave to be as instant as that on vscode. WebStorm's autosave consistently takes about 10 seconds to work after code changes, no matter the settings I tweak. Whereas vscode's autosave takes 100 milliseconds or so. A huge deal breaker for me.


I use GNU Emacs on my Linux system with customisations for the main work I do that is in C, C++ and Python


I just wish WebStorm didn't require as much mouse input. I hate having to move my hand from my keyboard as often as I do


When it comes to remote development, Jetbrains sucks so I had a JetBrains licensed version installed on my workstation and yet, I still use vscode, cause vscode is years ahead when it comes to remote development (SSH).


pycharm is actually good so i would assume this is also but i like the free part that VScode offers lol


I hope zed will be available on windows soon..


Typescript is slow in webstorm, so switched back


one is free and another is 160usd year... no thanks...


Thanks for the video. Btw. What's the font that you use in the counter.js file at 3:06.


In VS Code, you could go to definition side by side (Ctrl + Alt + Left Click in VS Code). How do you do it in WebStorm?


to be fair if you use 4 spaces instead of a tab you don't deserve your fingers to code with in the first place


I am a 4th year computer engineering student, i see everyone is talking about DSA, i dont have any intrest in DSA but i am more interested in Development Part,

I tried hard bought different course s on Udemy referred YouTube but was unable to learn DSA, some of my friends are good at DSA and have solved problems on platform like Lettcode . I feel very depressing i am not able to do so.

As i recently ended my 3rd year and have started 4th year of engineering, I am confused how to get job can you suggest me what should I do right from basics like what should I learn...


bro really compared vim to vscode and said vscode is the best open source community has to offer 💀
do try vim sometime


As a real dev I looked for webstorm in the pirate bays I couldn't find one 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Intelij idea ultimate Jack of all just make sure to disable all java and koltlin plugins if ur not java dev


VS code vs web what? bro went from a poop to trash. Nice change. hope you will get peace someday if you try Vim :)


Sorry, but you didn't cover it the way it should be. All superficial talks. Nothing Deep.
WebStorm is Good but this video fails to prove why is it Good.


My man. Stop using these memes and sound effects every second. It's unwatchable, we already have enough of this fast-paced content shit going around
