Best IRON Farm Minecraft Bedrock 1.21

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Best IRON Farm Minecraft Bedrock 1.21. Welcome to my channel, 1upMC! In this video, we're taking a look at an Iron Farm that's going to improve your Minecraft world, whether you're a seasoned pro or a total newbie.
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Time stamps:
00:00 - Intro/Materials
00:10 - How To Build
04:52 - Outro

Song: The 25th Hour - Shlatt Crossing
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#Minecraft #MinecraftBedrock #MCPE #1upMC #MinecraftTutorial"
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For everyone that is after update put workstations same level as villagers now and not under them. If you have the workstation under villagers change it. Please like so ppl can see this.


A little help for those who wonders, *DISCLAIMER* : I did this test on version 1.20.0 (Bedrock obviously) and creative mode. Bold text means they're a FAQ, if something is wrong or you want to ask for more, don't hesitate, I will reply it :

*Question 1*
Q : *Why iron golems spawning outside?*
A : *Because dirts are spawnable block, you can put a 7x7 leaves/slab outside the farm.*

*Question 2*
Q : *Why iron golem "not" spawning?*
A : *Check if a nearby underground cave(s)/tunnel(s) exist, approximately within the range of 25y.*

*Question 2.1*
Q : *Why iron golem still not spawning after I fill the space?*
A : *You missed some point(s) in the video.*
*Solution if you did everything correctly : You can make this farm in air, I made it 40 blocks above (from ground level) and it works*

*Question 3*
Q : *Instead of iron golem, why cat keep spawning?*
A : *Because villager also have a chance to spawn a cat, make sure to tame 5 cats and make them sit nearby to farm, you can get 2 and breed them until you get 5.*

*Question 4*
Q : *I will make the farm in air, can iron golem spawn in the ground?*
A : *As long as your villagers chamber is higher than 30 blocks vertically, no.*

Question 5
Q : Can I replace the campfire with soul campfire?
A : Yes, you can.

Question 6 (air farm)
Q : I tamed the cats and one of them fell, what should I do?
A : You can make them stand and all you need to do is just go back to the farm so the cat will teleport.

Question 7
Q : What's the safest coordinate to do this farm?
A : Approximately 9(x)x9(z) 30y from any 2(x)x3(y)x2(z) underground cave to prevent any iron golem spawning in the cave or ground if you make the farm in air.

*Question 8*
Q : *Did you do all the things said in the video?*
A : *No, I make 30 beds instead of 20, 30 villagers and 30 fletching table, still a 5x5 hole, probably 14 depth.*

*Question 9*
Q : *What's the rate of irons you get?*
A : *I got the rate of 156 irons/hour and 39 golems/hour.*

*Question 10*
Q : *Can I leave the farm or I need to be close to it?*
A : *You shouldn't leave your farm by 30 blocks horizontally and 20 blocks vertically.*

Question 11
Q : If I afk for hour(s) (3 days in game) and a phantom spawn, what to do?
A : You have a cat, so yeah, I also spawned about 96 phantoms during the test and even spawned one on the block where I stand, none of them hit me (changed to survival).

Question 12
Q : Does having many hostile mobs nearby affect iron golem spawn rate?
A : No.

*Question 13*
Q : *Can I put zombie to scare the villagers and increase iron golem's spawn rate?*
A : *Scaring the villager doesn't affect the spawn rate (Bedrock only).*

Question 14
Q : Is it true the villager must be scared by zombie/pillager once in order for the farm to work?
A : No.

Question 15
Q : How many days in game does it take for this test?
A : It takes 5 days, I put 3 clocks (2 in item frame, 1 in my hotbar) to get an exact in game time (I'm lazy to find a texture pack).

Question 16
Q : Do you think 5 in game days test is enough?
A : Yes, it results in an average of 52 (53) irons/day and 13.3 (13) iron golems/day.

*Question 17*
Q : *Is it true if I should make the farm far away from any village?*
A : *Yes, it's partially true and it's about 120 blocks away, but you can destroy every beds and workstations there, once you do a "/locate structure village" command (which is cheat), it should shows you the other nearby village, if necesarry you can destroy the bell.*

*Question 18*
Q : *Does it means I can make the farm in that "village"?*
A : *Yes, but you need to kill the previous natural iron golem, and it's also a bit risky as a zombie may spawn during the process and infect the villagers.*

Question 19
Q : How many ticks in game is 1 second/1 minute/1 hour in real life?
A : 20/1, 200/24, 000

Question 20
Q : How many tick you used during the test?
A : 1, I'm not sure if ticks affect the spawn rate because I once test it with 1000 ticks (on previous farm) and it doesn't affect them at all.

Question 21
Q : How long does it usually takes for an iron golem to spawn?
A : Normally 35 seconds (700 ticks in game), it has 1/3 chance (1/2 if you tamed 5 cats).

Question 22
Q : Is it normal if 2 iron golems spawn at once?
A : Yes, depending on the amount of villagers you had, on this test I have 30.

Question 23
Q : How many villagers do I need to get 1 iron golem?
A : You only need 10, as 10 villagers means 1 iron golem, and yes you can increase the spawn rate by having more villagers within the multiple of 10, but they still have a 1/3 spawn chance every 35 seconds (1/2 if you tamed 5 cats, regardless the amount of villagers you had).

Question 24
Q : Once every villagers attached to the bed/workstation, can I put bed/workstation nearby?
A : Yes, I also put a bed in distance of 7 blocks vertically (y) and 4 blocks horizontally (x).

Also 3 months late 🗿👌


Works wonders but I recommend adding tamed cats nearby, i fenced around the built two blocks out, added a gate, and made 4 tamed cats sit down around the build. This made tons more spawn!!


I was able to get this to work, but only after making sure there were more blocks between where the golems spawn and the surface of the area. If anybody reads this and has issues, just go down a few extra blocks to be safe.


If you have five cats in the area outside sitting down (or perhaps in the AFK area), from what I've researched, the golems should spawn without interfering cat spawns.


Thank you so much! I was looking for an Iron farm that actually worked on Bedrock. I spent 3 hours trying everything in my creative test world. I saw this and had to try, it worked perfectly. I’ll be sure to implement this into my main survival world soon! Great vid!


Works like a charm! I had to fill in some cave space I didn't realize was below my iron farm, but once I did, it has been working flawlessly. Thanks!


I did exactly what was in the video on the new update and it’s not working. It’s not near no other villagers or villages and there’s nothing spot indicates it’s spawning cats, but not iron golems


Omg thank you soon much I've been trying to build a farm so I could flex on my friends and I built 5 of them but all of them didn't work. But then I discovered your channel ty


Mine works very randomly and it is not spawning them consistently. It'll go periods of around like 15 minutes without any spawns. I have cats, it is 50 blocks above the ground, I've lit up the caves and surface underneath it. But, nothing seems to be working. Does it work at night? Also, is there other things I should consider?


Thank you bro thank you so much it's working


Place chest before the other hoppers so you can link them to the chest and place a 7x7 leaves area around the farm. Also terraform the surrounding area before starting so that the 7x7 leaves will be flat. Also place a 2 block high hedge around the 7x7 leaves to prevent mobs from getting in


This is working amazingly thank you so much


3:50 the way the golems stare at him when he said 'to kill them more quickly' lol


nothings spawning no cats or iron golems and i’ve checked the caves they are all blocked and can’t spawn anything for 14+ blocks around the spawner


your channel is my favorite tutorial channel!


I built this farm. It was working fine when I log in. It'll work for a little while and then all of a sudden it'll stop i dont know why By log out and wait for a while and log back in and start working, and then it stops again


Question: Does the iron farm have to be 150 blocks away from a village horizontally? Do diagonals change the distance needed? I'm asking cause if I go that far the iron farm will be floating high in the air. (My base is built on a cherry grove and the site of the iron farm is a biome at least 20-30 blocks lower down.)


I did the kill chamber above my trade hall and spawn proof with slabs around the trading hall in both of my world and it work perfectly thx


Does anyome know if your able to put some more of these farms close to each other for more iron or does it break?
