The best explanation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution ever

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Graeme Codrington explains not just the Fourth, but also the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Industrial Revolutions, and why 4IR is more important and disruptive than you can imagine. A MUST WATCH VIDEO.
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That's a lot of power to put into the hands of creatures who are morally evil whenever you give them half a chance.


A rather upbeat presentation of what could effectively make us prisoners


4th industrial revolution us also about transhumanism and sociomateriality. Basically, it about removing and reducing differences between humans and machines


Notice, there are no videos challenging this. They have all been censored. This is a trap that humanity is poised to fall for.


It's about doing as we're told - by an unelected elite. RESIST THIS.


This explanation helps me to understand the 4th IR and I agree that this is THE BEST EXPLANATION OF THE 4TH IR EVER! Thank you, Sir!


The Fourth Industrial Revolution is steeped in promising terms and concepts, like _sustainable development, _ _equality, _ _green energy_ and _revolutionary technology_ but really, it all amounts to one thing: keeping this outdated and unsustainable (and at this point indefensible) economic model alive, when we could easily create a post-scarcity model. One not built on profit and competition but on working together and building products to last, rather than to fail. The ride is over, boys and girls. There is no selling this bs to anyone whose done even a modicum of research on the subject.


Those who stand for nothing will fall for everything! WAKE UP


The best explanation of the fourth industrial revolution is the book of revelation in the


Where does the Human mind, the Human Heart, Intuition and Critical Thinking play in this equation?


A good explanation of the basic principles behind the revolution paints a nice picture. But I am not that enthusiastic about the whole techno thing for a number of reasons:
1. there are not a lot of alternative approaches in the mainstream discourse that are truly taken seriously, it is a one-way discourse most of the time. For example, we intend to invest billions of dollars into inventing carbon capture technology, yet any talk of systematical reforestation is not taken seriously. Just one example of how we tend to look at technology as our savior and shy away from nature, mostly because of unconscious fears
2. any technology is just an externalization and amplification of the body-mind machine and yet it is glorified more than the flesh and blood and the Earth we are made of
3. the money behind the techno industry is gigantic and distributed among 2000 people more or less. You connect the other dots
4. there is a huge potential that the technological revolution will be a totalitarian one, not in principle, on the surface it does present good values, but underneath it will not leave a lot of space, if any, for those who do not want to be connected to the grid, like me. The same dynamic was present with Covid when most people were blackmailed to get a vaccine to keep their jobs.
5. no one wants to really let AI loose. Why? Because if it is truly intelligent and gets its data from clean, unbiased sources, to sustain itself it will have to adjust and surrender to the larger cosmic reality, as we do. Then, and only then will be able to live with it properly. Since we are still on a quite low and exclusive level of consciousness, my guess is that "AI" will be an extension of the wealthy few and used as a totalitarian tool to control and rule humans and Earth, for transhumanist agendas which are but a small stupid brother of cosmic consciousness. Any totalitarian is afraid of intelligence in any way, and AI that is not monitored in any way is a threat to the establishment. We are and will be served a narrative that AI is great and this and that, but all along it will not be AI completely, it will be a slave of a few and hence make us slaves as technology is making us.
6. there have never been more mental disbalances, anxiety, depression, pharma drug abuse, loss of boundaries, technology addictions, digital dementia, and loss of respect for anything like now. Every civilization that was on Earth reached a certain level of development, became arrogant, decadent, and descended into chaos because of inner struggles and outer impulses. We are at this point now and the use of technology without consciousness might just accelerate the whole thing
7. On one hand, it empowers us, on the other it disempowers us. We are now capable of a lot o things we were not before, but also we are rapidly becoming degenerates and incapable retards in ways unimaginable. So yeah it is a boon as it is a curse in the same manner. Our senses have degenerated, and our bodies have become weak because we do not use them anymore because of the comforts of technology.
8. it is being idolized and any idolization by default is bound to disappoint itself the same way any tyranny is bound to fail since it is a failure from the start
9. the techno narrative is being run on fear, guilt and control, the same way the religious one has been run for millennia. The techno narrative is in essence anti-religious as one can see mostly in the music industry. In its anti-religiousness, it is religious but can not percieve that. A typical example of the concept of the Jungian shadow. Both have missed the point, as electricity has first been the devil and now is revered as a god. Science has become unquestionable, especially at the beginning of the Covid era. Does that remind you of dogmatic priests? This is one of the dynamics I am sensing are happening on a major scale
10. to rely on technology in the manner we are doing now and will do even more in the future is dangerous because of cosmic impacts. If the Sun just farts a stronger electromagnetic pulse, the whole system is fried just like this and then we descend into absolute chaos since more the 50 % of the people can not grow their own food since they live in cities. A Mad Max scenario truly is possible.
11. Technology will never replace emotions, feeling, intuition, the juices of life, creativity, nurturing, hiking, camping, etc
12. it is a tool that is not alive but has its own consciousness and as such can not truly know what the needs of life are if not surrendered to life and we still want to conquer life with technology out of fear of life meaning for a while, until we surrender and until it surrenders to life we will fight and struggle on a global scale
13. it is and always will be a part of the whole cosmos and consciousness and as such suspect to its demands and changes
14. the "green" technological revolution is run by human slaves in many places. The battery industry is run on cobalt mined in Congo by 10-year-old slaves. Where is the glory in that? And yet, we can build efficient car batteries from hemp that is even better than the ones we use. The whole industry is built on the mentality of replaceability, of no fixing things, not making things durable, and on hiding the fact that every man in the west is connected indirectly to at least 60 slaves, meaning the whole system is not humane and not compassionate and that is s the starting point of the "revolution" meaning the whole thing will be painted in slavery, misery, abuse, and totalitarianism but presented as green, wholesome, the future, progressive etc.

To conclude, the techno narrative is full of deceptions on so many levels and we need to be careful not to fall into old traps in different packages. Also, there is much more I could say about this topic but I deem this enough to counter argument the fake enthusiasm being built by the ones that will mercilessly profit the most out of the 4th industrial revolution. And technology will never, I mean never, be able to replace life as such, the feeling of aliveness and of consciousness.


This dude should have titled this segment ‘How Great and Important the Fourth Indy Revolution is


Thank you so much this explaination is indeed the best I have listened to. thank you thank you.
I have a better understanding of 4ir now


I will live in a shelter in the Woods near a stream and grow good and fish , Leave our Bodies and DNA Alone :( QC


Glad to see this tool has less than 3k subscribers.


This is not Schwab's definition. It is about FUSING THE BIOLOGICAL PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL!


I feel like coops are more fitting for the 4IR than conventional corporations, but time will tell.


Fellow Saffer named Graeme here. Great vid, very informative - thanks!


The second industrial revolution had of course the mentioned productivity advantages but it was mostly the new inventions of electricity, internal combustion engine, radio, telephone, photo/film, the replacement of actual horses(power) etc. Can't say you're doing a great job on the "best ever" explanation.


The keyword of fourth industrial revolution is decentralisation as via Blockchain and SSI
