Backup furnace that doesn't need electricity - Backup heat source

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If you need a backup heat source, try a backup furnace that doesn't need electricity to operate. This is a furnace that works in a power failure so this is a furnace that works off grid. You can buy a blower fan for it to use when the electricity works but it is not needed to heat your room(s). We discuss a DIY easy install furnace / heater that works during a power outage and doesn't need electricity as a secondary heat source in this video. The best furnace for cabins on the market. This furnace works in a power outage !
This is the Williams Direct Vent Furnace and if you have skills with hooking up propane or natural gas, this may be a DIY project that falls into your wheelhouse.

The furnace in the video is:
Williams 14,000 BTU Propane Direct-Vent Forced Air Wall Heater
Model Number: 1403821 Menards ® SKU: 6414900

It (and similar models) can be found here:

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Ventless can also be a great back up heat source. My grandparents lived thru their late 90s and never had a problem. Then again, they weren't idiots and we have a lot of idiots out there these days.


Glad you said how much propane it used! Watched other videos and they didn't say anything about how much propane they used! Awesome video, God bless you and your family!


Thanks for this video, will definitely look into this heater, mainly for winter power outages. I recently got quotes for a generator that runs on propane and also for having a wood stove installed in my home. Sticker shock, way over the budget.


Thank you so much for this info! I've been looking for options for a backup electrical source for my natural gas furnace. So far, none of those options are easy or inexpensive. This option is at least another one to consider, and might be cheaper than a backup electrical system dedicated to the furnace. Adding on the cost of an HVAC technician might drive the cost up too much. But, I'm going to research it. I DID NOT know about these no-electric, direct vent units, at such low prices. I'd only seen the fireplace inserts and the much more expensive, fancy units which run thousands, when all is said and done. This video really helped provide extra, needed info. Thank you, again, for sharing it with us!


Been using the Mr. Heater 30, 000 btu propane heater for several winters now. The only problem i have with it is the pilot light won't stay lit when it gets cold outside. Works every day but the day you need it to work. I spend most nights re-lighting the pilot every hour just to keep from freezing.


i got one of these in 2021. for my 12x16 house i built i just relit my pilot light. wish i had one of those giant propane tanks then i wouldn't have to get more propane all the time.


Great video. You're very articulate and concise. Well done.


Great video!
I've grown up with a wood stove and one thing i like about firewood is that you can stack it in advance. But that's also possible with a large propane gas tank like the one you have.
So, in case of a blackout you can also drive a generator on same propane gas and use the gas to also heat your home.
one source - two solutions. and you also have control to stock up on your energy source.
btw. these heaters also seem to be popular in russia, and are often used off grid only powered by those tall gas bottles.


This would have been an excellent furnace for the folks in Texas in 2020.


Great video. I just installed a similar one, this Williams one actually looks nicer than the one I installed so I wish I would have found your video first. LOL


We have a similar unit that heats a small generator building at work in WI. The unit just runs all winter long, I can't remember ever having trouble with it. I have a wood stove as backup at home which is great but doesn't do any good if we are out of town.


This looks like it could be a great option for our place! Thanks for sharing!


Your definition of efficiency isn’t mine so much, especially after I seen one 30, 000 BTU Williams direct vent heater at Home Depot has a efficiency rating of just 66% but if it’s for backup it isn’t going to run much so big deal right? My EPA wood stove is 75% efficient and the wood is free for it up here in Sawyer County Wisconsin. If I didn’t have the stove I’d look into putting one of those heaters in and I could DIY since I’ve don’t HVAC-R for years, funny I never heard of these heaters before.


I lived it - DFW, TX apartment... it was horrible...


Thank you very much for this presentation. I have apartments and always worry what will happen with my tenants if we have a prolonged power outage here in the northeast with them having stoves that need electricity to operate. Will be looking into this brand and see if I can get at least one of them installed. Do they come with optional blowers too?


Where did you get the exterior plate for the corrugated steel siding?


What a good video!! The info i needed


We have a Williams floor furnace in our cabin in Northernn WI that as a sole source of heat and works great without electricity. I installed a smart thermostat so we could change and monitor the temperature while not at the cabin. I want to re-connect the old Honeywell thermostadt to the new thermostadt as a backup. I'm thinking I can simply tap two jumper wires from the old Honeywell into the smart thermostadt and set the temp at a lower temp than the smart thermostadt. It will never kick in unless the internet and or the electric goes out and the temp falls below the smart thermostadt temperature. At that point, the smart thermostat would just act as a junction box allowing the old thermostadt to kick in. My question is: Will it be that simple? There are only two wires and No fans or AC to worry about


Hi, very cool video. Does that heater have a carbon monoxide concern or is that what the outside vent is used to be safe??


Can you heat a normal house with one of those?
