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(0:00) Outthepound Ft Suicideyear - LUST

(2:25) Don Juan - Heartbreak

(5:58) Alexander Panos - Moments

(9:55) James - KOI POND

(13:13) HOME - On The Way Out

(16:53) Melorman - You Are

(21:12) Lil Lotus - I cant do this

(24:12) Pryda - Shadows (Øfdream Vision)

(28:21) light blending in - you are enough
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i've been listening to this mix for the last 3-4 years, thank you so much. i needed music like this when i was at my lowest, and now im recovering, getting closer to where i need to be <3


this makes me think about death and how all of the past is gone forever and all the memories you created can never be altered or be revisited again. It makes me remember to cherish my youth while I can, because I am just getting older now. this shit is depressing as fuck but I cant stop listening to it. it reminds me of all the times I snuck out of the house at 4 am with friends just walking around my town at night talking about life. I miss those times. It also reminds me of when I was a kid in elementary school just exploring the woods behind my house with friends, or just playing tag. All the sleepovers where we stayed up playing video games and doing dumb shit are gone forever. oh well, I guess I have to get over these thoughts.


16:53 to 30:45 had an interesting and very relatable evolution to it.

It starts out gloomy, isolated, the only comfort being the music as the rain falls outside. depression, sorrow, maybe regrets. a rush of mixed emotions. then the next song is wishing not to be left alone, possibly resembling loss of friend or family either through argument or mortality. The next song is uplifting, surrounded by friends, happy and enjoying life and being reminded of the fact that you're not alone. And finally the last song, after you're done laughing and playing and celebrating with friends, the sorrow creeps back in, but the music oddly uplifting as it to say "It's ok to move on".

It's relatable because this is what i went through when my cousin died. it was a heavy loss and it impacted a lot of people, but it somehow also brought a lot of us, both friends and family together.


Used to study to this mix. Dropped out of college. Life got tough. Now I’m back in school four years later studying to it again. graduation is in six months. I’ll come back with an update. Whoever reads this just know it gets better and God is out there looking out ❤


This mix has been with me through a lot. I moved places, lost and found myself, fell in and out of love, gave up on life and believed in it again. This mix somehow always had something for everything life had to offer. To say that I'm thankful is an understatement Neotic, it's more appropriate to say that it saved me.


its 4 am and this is just what I needed. Thank you ❤


I'm addicted to a certain kind of sadness, and Meloncholia is it


I cant stop eating melons,

people call me a melonholic


This makes me wanna make more simpsonwave


This was randomly in my suggestions. God bless Youtube :3


me and my friend usually listen to this kind of mixes and just chill and talk, im very lucky to have him


The scene where Marge sends Lisa a tape of her singing to her while she's in boot camp always breaks my heart ;-;


Coming back to this video, realizing the last time i felt truly alive was when this video was first uploaded.

Been a while


There's a brutal thuderstorm outside and I'm here in my room with the lights dim, stoned and listening to this ❤️ Time : 2:00 AM


Is it just me or I cant do this starts and immediately cuts out now? Love the mix btw, been listening for a long time I don't intend on stopping


Damn it was just 2017 when I found this amazing mix


Dude i am a big fan of your videos please make more, this world needs more Simpsonswave, oh my god make moooore💜💜🎧📣


I would like for Vaporwave to be recognized by many other people but at the same time... I want it to be our little secret... our zen... our escape from reality... only for those gems who are worthy and appreciate this kind of art...


Sorry, I just wanted to put this here. It’s really long, but I thought it was interesting to share, so why not?
Skip if you’d like :)

You know what’s weird? I have a memory where I used to go to this near by park with an old best friend of mine. We used to stay on the swings and watch the sun set together. While we did this, I’d listen to “moments” by Babokon. My old friend and I used to be really close and the song reminded me of those moments. One day I wrote a comment about a year ago describing how I’d hang out with her at night and we’d go to the nearest park together in the comment section of the song. Surprisingly, Babokon actually did respond saying something along the lines of “I’m glad this track was a part of that memory”. Unfortunately, she and I had stopped being friends over a period of time and when I went into the comments of that song again, Babokons reply to me was gone. It’s as if ever since I stopped being friends with her, that memory never really even happened. It’s a very strange, bitter sweet feeling.


Closing your eyes while the beat of your heart syncs to the sound ~
