Giving Knives To Strangers! || Why Doesn't Everyone Carry a Pocket Knife?

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0:01 Intro
0:17 Going Bungie Jumping With Knives!
1:11 Can You Fight A Bear With Knives?
2:33 Ben Tries to Steal A Strangers Pocket Knife 😂
3:12 How Often Have You Lost Your EDC Gear?
4:15 Scoping Pocket Clips
4:48 What Does A Construction Operator Carry?
5:54 She Was In the Army and Fell In Love With The Lander EDC Pocket Knife
7:52 Ben Always Has Something For Everyone!
8:31 She Has Never Carried A Pocket Knife Until She Found Out How Awesome They Are!

You know when me and Ben team up we are going to have a good time! With the Holidays in full swing we decided to hit the pavement and hand out some handy EDC tools from KNAFS. We were really interested in talking with people who do not EDC a pocket knife to see why they don't carry one regularly and if they would be interested in trying. We have some great conversations, get kicked out of a mall, and make some friends along the way. Hope you dig it!
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“Why doesn’t your wife carry a pocket knife?”
“Because she can kill people with her bare hands.”
Best answer ever.


It great to see your generosity. No one has ever walked up to me and randomly given me anything, especially a pocket knife. Thanks for doing something nice for others.


As the token knife enthusiast among my friends, family and coworkers, I appreciate the work you guys are doing.
These videos always make me smile 👍🏻


Isn’t it amazing what a difference you can make in a person’s day with a simple act of charity? The smiles on their faces were awesome! Keep up the great work!


This is in some way spiritual and wholesome. A knife is a basic life tool that humans have been using every day for millenia, and giving a knife to someone is like proverbially "teaching a man to fish."


It sucks being in the UK - It is literally impossible for me to ever bump into you guys, and you're super cool and responsible for my knife habit. My last buy was the Milwaukee 6 in 1, tool you recommended. Keep up the great work chaps.


I think this is awesome for both knife community and non members of the knife community because it shows US not everyone had a knife and to be practical at the end of the day but it’s also brings non knife people into the knife world which is cool…


My biggest fear is being stopped by these two and not having my pocket knife in my pocket haha. Don’t leave the house without mine. Great vid guys


That’s awesome to see you all out talking to people and giving Ben’s awesome knafs stuff away. Thanks for always staying positive Zac, Jamie and Ben. Great video guys!!!


Though I hid it from my parents, I carried a pocket knife at an early age, usually a cheap British army surplus "clasp knife" with can/bottle opener and marlin spike or a Swiss Army Knife. In the early 1960s an essential tool for a latch key kid.


These vids are awesome! Love the reactions you get from folks and it’s a wonderful way to promote the positive aspects of carrying & owning knives.


What a neat thing to do! :D
I'm from the SOUTH-south United States and was raised to always carry a pocketknife.

And it's crazy to think how different of a world we live in now: At one time (at least in the south), school kids had not only pocketknives but would roll into the parking lot with a rear-window gunrack, all decked out. It was never seen as scary, though, because it was a very different time then. (Mental health being what it is TODAY... yes, that would have been alarming.)


So cool of you guys to make peoples day. Never have i ever been approached like that and it makes me smile watching others receive.


That’s awesome what you guys are doing! Really a great example of rehabilitating the often stigmatised reputation of the knife carrying community! The vast, vast majority of people carry knives as handy everyday tools not as weapons - nothing to be afraid of ❤


Best explanation I've heard: Having a knife is like having a truck. It's perfectly possible to go through life without one, but about once a week someone will need to borrow it.


The only time I never have a knife on me is when I’m in the shower, or when I’m sleeping. Currently contemplating which pocket knife to take to my company Christmas party tonight.


I'm glad that you didn't show anyone with a negative vibe towards pocket knives.
This video was all smiles and giggles.


Bro this is literally illegal in many countries. Insane how basic things like this are so restricted outside of the US. Love this country


I’m 54 and I’ve been carrying a pocket knife since I was 8. Right now I daily carry a Emerson CQC-7 mini.


Envelope and box openers, basic self defence, something to fiddle with, something to learn to sharpen, backup defence to a pistol, backup field dresser…everyone should carry
