2022 Whitetail Rut Forecast and Hunting Guide

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The 2022 whiteail rut will come in hot and heavy, at the very same time that it did last year. However, will you be ready? What is the most reliable whitetail rut forecast out there? To pay attention to the historical rut timing for your area and not miss the rut! Here is not only when the rut will, but how you can hunt it! Also, do not miss my Whitetail Rut Web Class below...

*Do you want to learn how to take full advantage of the whitetail rut where you hunt? Check out my Whitetail Rut Web Class:

*Make sure that you are practicing my highly proven weather based hunt predictions when you head out to bowhunt! Check out HuntCast, at:

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I totally agree with what you said. Here in Oklahoma the biologists say the peak of the rut is November 15th give or take a day or two. Usually about Halloween if a cold front came in thru the first couple of weeks in November you can see a lot of activity by the mature bucks. But if it's warm you won't see much activity except maybe right at 1st light or right before dark. Once in a while Halloween will be in the 20s and you will see the big guys on their feet, but when it's warm you'll just see little guys wondering around. So especially here in the south cold fronts or at least cooler weather are key ! Mature 250 pound bucks with winter coats just won't move until dark. My cameras will show big bucks at 3am when warm but all day when it's in the 30s. Another great video.


Wow Jeff! You and the Rutcast were spot on, as usual, this past week. Took Friday off for Wisconsin last week. Couldn’t get prime time Thursday but Friday was OUTSTANDING for movement. And your times on the app were literally exact almost to the minute. Insane accuracy!


Thank you for all these videos and your online course! Everything is paying off. Just had two shooter bucks show up on cell cameras within the last 3 days on a property that I never saw any before.


Good luck this year Jeff and everyone following! Big thank you for all the hours you and your team put in to create these videos and donating your knowledge for free. Following your methods I’ve been able to shape my family farm in to something special!


I watch these videos daily and I can hear the words of wisdom when I’m in the field doing the scouting or planning my stands. I learn something new every single video, I always suggest this page to people trying to learn more


Thanks for all of this free info Jeff.
I hunt my Genesee County Michigan backyard for the most part, which isn't optimal by any means, but it allowsme to participate during the workweek, and lets me do what I love. It's a sliver of a rural suburban lot (allowed to hunt) that I used to bring in deer by baiting. That's banned in my area now. The no till food plot, mock scrape and water hole I added over the last two years, that I learned from you and this channel has gotten me more activity now then when I was baiting.
My appreciation will come in purchasing your plot and cover seeds in the future.
Thank you.


Jeff, you make not only a great point with rut times, the industry as a whole has gone too far with hype. Thank you for your information and enthusiasm!


Well I got my food plot about 50% right. Learning curve came into play! Lol.

Was out yesterday LOTS of does and fawns. Few if any bucks, the travels through the property went from twice a day to every few days I’m smack dab between big open hardwood and open fields were they congregate nightly. Chased 20-25 out of one field last night on the way out and home.

Acorns are dropping big time I’m hoping that’s where the big boys went and they will be back within 2 weeks. My historical hit time hits about them as well. Crossing my fingers!


Jeff, a lot of sites and other vids describe the rut as pre>chasing>lockdown>2nd. You describe as pre>lock>peak>2nd. I think differentiating that would be helpful.


Huntwise 5 of 5 antlers tomorrow rock on jeff


Great assessment.

My favorite week of the year is October 25-31. It’s the same Pre Rut time every year. Never changes here in MD. And as you accurately point out, the weather dictates daylight buck activity 100%. A cold front during that week is always fantastic.


I was a moon guy. The deer and deer hunting magazine article by some doctor in early 2000 convinced me that the deers pineal gland reacted with the full moon. I am now pretty convinced you are right. I pretty much trust what you say across the board lol. My question is if the moon has nothing to do with it why is the second rut preficted as 30 days later. Obviously that would be relating to the moon somehow as that is the only significant 30 day cycle in a deers world as far as I am awaee.


Great video Jeff! Thanks for the info. Exponential start. Luv it


I recently checked a trail cam i have at east fork state park. It was showing nothing but doe early morning an late afternoon. Up until 3 days ago. Then no doe an only 3 bucks two 8 points an one nice 12 pointer. The two 8s was late at nightfall. The 12 was right at 9:38am.
I haven't been at that stand for 3 weeks. Next weekend 11th-14th a cold front is moving in late that friday.
I'm going to hit that stand early that Saturday morning. All goes well, there will be a nice 12 in the log book..
Biggest I've ever had was a 10, 3 yrs ago.. love your channel. Thanks for the wisdom you share..it's been unusually warm here in southern ohio. I figure I'll stay out the woods on all three stands till then too.. a week out is chewing on my patience lol..


Good stuff...I'm always blown away by the magnitude of the information...Thanks and best wishes.


Ya know....i found this channel researching what i could plant truly no til, successfully...public land hunter my whole life...successfully ...via bow only..2 years into my first lease at 50 years old...never food plotted...but knew enough bout it to know you can mess a lease up puttin it in the wrong place ! Figured it needed some research time...been bowhunting or nohunting whitetails now 30 years...with gunhunting thruout childhood and literally found what i was looking for on the very first whs vid i watched on notilling plots....BUT, i have since watched every one made for last year and a half probably...all topics..now im not exactly a novice...its not like i havent already learned all this...we part ways on couple points..not factually...more preference ...I watch this stuff because i enjoy the presentation..and have heard nothing inaccurate or goes against what ive experienced myself firsthand..and the stuff i didnt know and i learned from jeff is growing like weeds !.so he gets creds for that as well...got beautiful plots out of the gate 1st attempt !...now...the deer did eat my damn buckwheat ...to the dirt...but the turnips/radishes have done fine "zero" til and the rye does as well..zero til...mixed a little clover in rye sections this year...i terminate everything as soon as other stuff greens up...i kill plots...spray couple times over summer and its dirt ready to be planted in fall..stick to small seed stuff if ya gots no buckwheat ! mostly i just enjoy listening to this stuff.. jeff and the wall board is simple, direct, bullet points..details...choice of subject matter...just refreshes me...keeps me sharp..comment community is engaged...i love talkin bout this stuff to...not just listening...comparing experiences...i have caught a couple of priceless nuggets here as well...number 1, vines work waaaasy better than limbs i used since early 90s til recent ..when your not putting any kind of scent on them..ive never used scent..dunno...plain limbs worked fine...but vines they seem to hit faster..and id just never thought of it nor had i heard of...now theres vine scrapes all over the net..but i give that to sturgis as well..and the "bedding heirarchy" ..WOW....first i was amazed that i had missed that bit right there in nearly half a century chasing whitetails and learning that bit was the finishing touch for me...the first time i heard Jeff speaking about does bedding in layers my last questions became illuminated ! Thanks to jeff and his guys for putting all this stuff out here for free.cause.i be poe as hell...just drive nails for a paycheck..spend anything left from bills chasing these damn deer and freaking archery targets 😜 all good stuff for a dude that thinks about whitetail strategies all freaking day long for decades....it just never gets old to me..the gun had lost some adrenaline by my late teens but once i went bow only it was new again and its as good today as it was the first time i zipped a thunderhead thru a pair of lungs ! Thanks Jeff...good luck to anyone that stuck it out and read all this !


A few years back I looked at the dates of my past bow kills and was surprised to see they all occurred between November 9th and the 14th. I now plan my vacation to capture as much of that window as possible. This is coming from a WV hunter.


Good morning Jeff, is there a certain point in the season where you're confident that the bucks you're seeing multiple times on camera have settled on your land? The past month has shown more and more diversity in bucks. Just wondering when to start honing in on a target buck of the bunch(oustide of rutting random surprises). Thanks from Missouri


This is my first season bow hunting and my second time going out hunting total these videos have been very helpful for me


Great video! I am planning my vacation days for the the rut. I saved a full 2 weeks this year. Looking at taking the first 2 weeks here in PA
