Living with Lobular Breast Cancer: A Patient’s Perspective | Lobular Breast Cancer Event 2023

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In this session, Jan Bruskey gives her perspective as someone who is living with lobular breast cancer.

Cleveland Clinic presented the 7th Annual Cleveland Breast Cancer Summit: Collaborating for a Cure, a live educational multi-disciplinary summit that focused on the up-to-date reviews and treatment options for lobular breast cancer. This symposium was designed for practicing physicians and other practicing health care providers in oncology, surgery, radiation oncology, radiology, pathology and women’s health.

Learning objectives:
• Discuss diagnostic work up of lobular breast cancer.
• Review oncologic and plastic surgery approaches to lobular breast cancer.
• Describe approaches for radiation in the treatment of lobular breast cancer.
• Identify systemic treatment options for lobular breast cancer.
• Discuss challenges faced by lobular breast cancer survivors.

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Thank you for your story. I was diagnosed 8 years ago yesterday, Stage 2 ductal.Come to find out 8 months after my first biopsy, I found out I had 1 very large lobular tumor and six more smaller ones determined by my Oncotype biopsy (no ductal). I felt like I was in a coma for a year. The only thing I could control was what I ate. I didn't sleep, I didn't have doctors I could talk to (I was in a clinic setting where they just don't have to time to talk or take phone calls). I focused on many holistic options combined with western medicine. I didn't want people to know I had been diagnosed and told my family but only told a few neighbors and friends. My preference has been not to discuss it at all or let anyone know I had it. You have inspired me to "give back" and be someone who can help make other's journeys a little less scary. While cancer certainly doesn't define me, I now feel that i
owe others some of my knowledge, considering how fortunate I am to be healthy years later. Sending you love, peace, and health. Thank you for your brave and inspiring talk.


I was just diagnosed a week ago with ILC, thank you so much for your words! "Faith and fear cannot be in the same house" That will be what gets me through this! Thank


I was diagnosed with Lobular Oct. 2022. 2.4 cm tumor. Node negative. I chose double mastectomy. BRCA negative. No gene mutations found at all. But my mom had breast cancer 3 times from age 54 to 80. Ductal the first 2 times 20 years apart and then lobular at 80. She is healthy at 87 now. When mine was found on screening yearly mammo thank goodness, my sister rushed to go get a mammogram as she rarely got one and she had breast cancer too. Early stage 1 ductal. I am 58 currently and take aromatase inhibitor pill daily. Get your mammograms everyone. Don't blow them off. They will save your life


Thank you so much for this. I was just diagnosed a week ago and am going through all of the emotions. Depression, anger, shock, acceptance, rinse and repeat. It’s so helpful to hear others stories.


Thank you so much for your presentation! I was just diagnosed a week ago and of course very scared as I found out more information. "Faith and fear cannot live in the same home" will be the phrase that I will need to repeat over and over as I begin this journey. Thank you again!


Great video. My sister was diagnosed with ILC last month. Her tumor is also fairly large ( about 5.5cm ). She is scheduled for double mastectomy Jan 02. Please keep her in your prayers & any advice or recommendations will be appreciated


Thank you so much for sharing your story


Me too: I lived and live a healthy lifestyle. Nonetheless I got BC twice in my 40ies. No family history of cancer at all.


I was just diagnosed 3 months ago. Had a unilateral mastectomy and now in chemotherapy sessions. Is there a way to get this woman’s phone or email to chat for support? She is so uplifting to me as I, too, have been healthy my whole life with no family history. Thanks for your uplifting narrative. 🩵💚💪
