My lips felt so soft and moisturized 👄 #skincare #lipcare #winterroutine #selfcare

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Vaseline works real good . No need to harm your lip with the brush and all the other stuff. My grandmother and mother learn me and it works perfectly.


Dr. Dray says to omit scrubs and just put a thin layer of any kind of oil (olive oil, jojoba oil) on the lips followed by a layer of Vaseline (cereve healing ointment, aquaphor healing ointment) on top to trap in moisture


When you first get out the shower, moisturize your lips immediately (oil, Vaseline, whatever u use). Bc of the steam, your lips will be softer and have gotten moisture, putting oil or Vaseline will help lock in that moisture for longer lasting softer lips


Slowly putting a layer of Vaseline on my lips *without breaking eye contact*👁️👄👁️


If these products/steps don’t work for you, here’s the routine I use that keeps my lips moisturized and plump all year: (1) wash lips with CeraVe hydrating facial cleanser (can leave on for a 1-2 minutes and gently rub off any dead skin with a warm cloth at this point). (2) Apply a very thin layer of CeraVe moisturizing cream while lips are still damp. (3) Follow with Vaseline, Aquaphor or CeraVe healing ointment once the cream has absorbed about 85% of the way.

I do this morning and night while I’m already washing my face. The CeraVe cleanser is very hydrating, so it naturally softens and lifts any dead skin without the need to scrub, and the hyaluronic acid in CeraVe’s signature suit of ingredients plumps. I already use all pf the products on the rest of my body, so there’s no extra expense. I haven’t had to use a scrub, exfoliating tool or oil since starting this routine 2 years ago. Turned my family on to it and they’re obsessed.


Srub with a TOOTHBRUSH and again with a actual scruber for 60sec ( 1 min ) is a total NO NO FROM MY SIDE


Girl yo lips looks so cute it got some natural lipliner and all girls been needing that natural lip .😮


The most beautiful skin colour I've ever seen... 🥺


y’all don’t listen to ppl when they tell u to brush ur lips 😭😭 just don’t


I recommend just using aquaphor for the lips and no need for exfoliation and this will just makes your lips supple.



Exfoliating of any kind on the lips is a terrible idea, and will only lead to your lips becoming more dry and irritated from a damaged skin barrier!

The lips have only a VERY THIN layer of stratum corneum, thinner than anywhere else on the body. This means the lips lose water much faster than anywhere else, so it's already hard for the lips to retain moisture. By exfoliating the lips, you're destroying the only thin protective layer the lips have, thus creating more water loss and dryer lips.

1. Using a product with a hydrating humectant like glycerin, panthenol, urea, propylene glycol will help to draw moisture from the environment into the lips.
2. Applying an emollient like squalene, squalane, shea butter, cocoa butter or hemp seed oil will help to smooth any flaking and will moisturise the lips. Remember, moisturising does not equal hydration.
3. Applying an occlusive like petrolatum (preferably petrolatum since it's the most effective occlusive in the world), lanolin or mineral oils.

Products with ceramides, vitamin E, cholesterol and fatty acids such as linoleic acid will also help heal and repair the skin barrier.


Do not use toothbrush, the lips has a very thin layer and without that layer bacteria’s gets one your lips. Another thing is that your lips might burn constantly for about a day if you do this. So if you do it you might as well do it gently, stay hydrated


Also, drink water in winter time it helps with dry lips. Your lips are dry because you are dehydrated


Tried it yesterday and i was waiting to comment and i just want to say, thank you 😭❤
I've just somewhat recovered from being sick and every single time I'm sick my lips get dry and chapped (no matter what product i use) and it takes forever to get my lips to their natural state. This worked so well


That was accurate, the whole blood coming to your lips thingy. I could tell her lips got a lot redder after brushing it.


If you're running short on time put the lip scrub on then use the soft bristle toothbrush with the scrub rubbing in a circular motion for about 90 seconds. Wipe away with a warm cloth very gently & put on some good moisturizing lip balm.


I did this and my lips feel so soft! Thank you 😄


I have been using only vaseline for about 7 years now, I apply it everyday before going to bed and that's it, regular and consistent application made my lips pink naturally without using any other products, EASY...


guys i recommend vaseline (dont get the stick tho its a scam) and nivea (dont get the coloured ones) for lip balms and laniege lip sleeping masks for overnight but if you can't afford the laneige the lip balms are okay for overnight too!! as a lip product collector these are honestly the best i've ever tried and i can't live without them ❤❤❤


i just slightly brush my lips softly with a soft toothbrush at night then put on a thick layer of vaseline and go too bed! it works for me. My lips used too be rlly crusty and dry IT WAS PEELING. But i started too use more lap balm then rubbing the toothbrush too my lips every week and my lips are so smooth now!
