Dark Energy might not exist after all

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Correction to what I say at 5:26 mins: The supernovae that Permutter & Riess used were not all from the same direction of the sky, but the low-redshift ones were in one direction, while the high-redshift ones were in the other direction. So, same problem (skewed sample), same conclusion (they couldn't tell) but slightly different reason. Sorry about that blunder, I misread a figure.


Last week I told you what dark energy is and why astrophysicists believe it exists. This week I want to tell you about a recent paper that claims dark energy does not exist!

Dark energy determines the ultimate fate of our universe. If dark energy is real, the universe will expand faster and faster until all eternity. If there’s no dark energy, the expansion will slow down instead and it might even reverse, in which case the universe will collapse back to a point.

I don’t know about you, but I would like to know what’s going to happen with our universe.

The paper I am talking about is this one

The original Nobel-Prize winning paper is here

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Thank you so much for this video and thank you for keeping us up to date with these latest discoveries! :)


Professor in cartoon around 2014: “Along with ‘Antimatter’ and ‘Dark Matter’, we’ve recently discovered the existence of ‘Doesn’t Matter’, which appears to have no effect on the universe whatsoever.”


In my Physics department, the most popular subject during coffee breaks is Sabine's latest video.


Keep these coming please. You are one of VERY few people I trust to bring accurate, critical analysis of current physics


"Sir? Excuse me, sir? We are going to need that medal back."


This is a good idea - presenting physics updates in this format.


Nice! I love that Sabine has no sacred cows and doesn’t worship at the alter of “settled science”.


Thank you for bringing to the front the theories considered almost “heretic”. It is always refreshing to listen to you videos. We desperately need physicists trying to think orthogonally, as you do 😉


Interesting study. Personally, dark energy and dark matter just feel "wrong" to me (even if I am wrong). What I dislike is how most sources talk about it as if it's already been confirmed to exist rather than making it clear that they're basically terms that were coined to give a name to a hole in our understanding of the universe (someone correct me if I'm incorrect about this).


Love your videos Sabine! I would love to see an update of this video on the current state of cosmological expansion and dark energy, addressing the rebuttal to thia finding by D. Rubin and J. Heitlauf ( arXiv:1912.02191), and generally discussing whether anisotropic motion - such as local bulk flow or dark flow - may be alternative or additional explanations necessary to fit the current observations generally ascribed to dark energy.


"Many heads (ideas) shall fall so that truth will prevail." This is how science progresses according to me.


I like this channel more and more every month. I have had 3 other science/physics YouTube channels for years whose content I wait for as if I was 5 years old waiting for Christmas (presents)..this channel is about to become the fourth such channel, absolutely top notch content.

I especially appreciate that Sabine is not afraid to ruffle some feathers in the physics community if the need arisis.


I used to find your videos a bit annoying given the constant "strike down" of certain postulations. Now, I'm more humbled to open my mindset to the possible inaccuracies of current hypothesis. And am grateful for your efforts. The truth, as it were... is most probable to be a mixture of what we know and what we don't. Thank you for making these.


Ever since I learned about "Dark Energy" in college, I've always questioned whether it was even scientific to make such an assumption, and have been bothered that it seems to be taken as dogma since its supposed discovery. It just seems so much more appropriate to call it a discrepancy to me and leave it at that. That being said, I'm seeing just now that you did a video addressing just that very point, so I know what I'm going to watch next.
Very much enjoying your content.


I don’t know who this young woman is, and I only understood a small fraction of what she said. It wasn’t her presentation but my inability to keep up with her. So, refreshing to hear such a brilliant woman speaking with such strength and confidence. I loved her presentation and will keep replaying until it sinks in. I found her to be, without a doubt, one of the most attractive women I have seen in a very long time. Bravo.


"The truth has nothing to fear from inquiry." -- Matt Dillahunty


I've always been sceptical of being so certain of a result obtained from one set of delicate observations.


"When an established foundation requires the support of elaborate epicycles to agree with emperical observations, it's time to begin searching for simpler foundations".
- Galileo


So, that was some monthes ago. Any news about that? At least there was nothing in the news about "There is no dark energy". But does that mean anything?


Zur Hypothes der dunklen Energie:
Wenn die Beschleunigung des Urknalls ausreichend war um die gravitationsbedingte Fluchtgeschwindigkeit zwischen zwei Galaxien zu überschreiten, so werden sich jene Galaxien von diesem Punkt an mit jener relativen Geschwindigkeit von einander entfernen. Zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt werden dann galaxien, welche die doppelte Entfernung voneinander besitzen, wie zwei andere Galaxien ebenso die doppelte entgegengerichtete Geschwindigkeit zueinander besitzen.
Entfernen sich zwei oder mehre Massezentren so weit voneinander, dass deren gravitative Wechselwirkungen, welch mit dem Quadrat des Abstandes abnehmen, immer bedeutungsloser werden, sollte dies zwar nicht direkt zu einer gegenseitigen Abstoßungskraft bzw. dunkler Energiefreisetzung führen. Indirekt jedoch schon, da jene Gravitationskraft, welche eine Expansion mit konstanter Geschwindigkeit innerhalb eines Raums mit höherer Masse/Volumen zuvor noch abgebremst hat, nun ihre Wirkung verliert.
Galaxien welche sich von unserer Galaxie entfernen, was durch eine Verschiebung der Lichtwellen-Frequenz (analog zur Verschiebung von Schall nur halt nicht mit 333 m/s sondern m/s Wellenbewegung, ) erkannt werden kann, entfernen sich seit dem Urknall mit jener Geschwindigkeit von unserer Milchstraße und werden seither nicht weiter durch eine unerklärliche dunkle Energie beschleunigt.
Oder ist eine Veränderung der Lichtwellen-Frequenz ebenfalls vorhanden, wenn man das Licht der gleichen Galaxie zeitlich versetzt also z.B: einmal im Jahr 2000 und einmal im Jahr 2010 misst und die Rotverschiebung mit einander vergleicht?
Gerne darfst du dich über eine der folgen Verlinkungen mit mir in Verbindung setzen! So können wir uns vielleicht gegenseitig bei verschiedenen Ideen unterstützen, verbessern und helfen:
kollektiver Ausbau trotz geistiger Störung Versuche: Entropische Gravitation, Materieteilchen, Vereinheitlichung - Simulation

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Mit besten Grüßen
Andreas Schneider

On the dark energy hypotheses:
If the acceleration of the Big Bang was sufficient to exceed the gravitational escape speed between two galaxies, then those galaxies will move away from each other from this point on with that relative speed. At a later point in time, galaxies that are twice the distance from one another, like two other galaxies, will also have twice the speed in opposite directions.
If two or more centers of mass move away from each other so far that their gravitational interactions, which decrease with the square of the distance, become more and more meaningless, this should not lead directly to a mutual repulsive force or a dark release of energy. Indirectly, however, because the gravitational force that previously slowed down an expansion at constant speed within a space with a higher mass / volume now loses its effect.
Galaxies that are moving away from our galaxy, which can be recognized by a shift in the light wave frequency (analogous to the shifting of sound only not with 333 m / s but 300, 000 m / s wave movement), have been moving away at that speed since the Big Bang from our Milky Way and have not been accelerated any further by an inexplicable dark energy since then.
Or is there a change in the light wave frequency when you measure the light of the same galaxy with a time offset, e.g. once in 2000 and once in 2010 and compare the redshift with each other?
You are welcome to contact me via one of the following links! So maybe we can support, improve and help each other with different ideas:
collective expansion despite mental disturbance attempts: entropic gravity, matter particles, unification - simulation
My Instagram account for communication as well as other linked ideas and projects: from me - with the hope of mutual expansion or collective benefit and growth ...
Would be very happy!
Best Regards
Andreas Schneider
