A Real Code Red at Becca's School #shorts #teacher #podcast #summerbreak #teach #boredteachers

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The fact that you would put yourself out there speaks volumes for your character. Those kids are lucky to have you!


There’s been a bomb threat at my school before. Scariest experience in my life


This is honestly sad. Imagine having to be in a situation where two teachers have to defend you. And one is Getting ready to STAB the intruder if needed. (No fault on the teachers they are amazing) this would honestly be traumatic.


We had a code red situation at school on the first day of the new semester. We were all exchanging stories afterwards of the teachers and how what they did blew us away. One history teacher passed out scissors to everyone in his class. Two science teachers herded their kids into a storage room and barricaded the doors. The Chem teacher literally grabbed a bottle of the strongest acid she had in stock and stood in front of the kids ready to chuck it at anyone who'd come in. The teacher I was with pulled out a brick from her desk while the other English teacher knew a secret way onto the roof and snuck his class up there. I was blown away by what they were willing to do for us at the time but in hindsight was appalled by how many of them actually had these plans worked out in advance. It's just so sad that this is becoming a part of the job because it in no way should be part of their job.


I remember in like 6th grade we had a red lockdown, same year as Parkland, (no one was hurt, they thought a district custodian was an intruder) and there was a teacher who always dressed in all black, his hair was a split dyed mullet, he wore doc martins with blue laces, and when the SWAT team broke the door open, he had a fire extinguisher and almost bashed the dude’s head in. He stopped himself and fell over, but he still nearly killed a police officer for his students. The police didn’t identify themselves so the teacher thought they were the intruders before he saw the SWAT patches


This is devastating and real teacher commitment


Teachers in America literally have to prepare themselves to risk their lives for their kids. And they still wonder why teachers are leaving the profession...


Mrs. Rogers: “I felt like wolverine.”
Me: Nah, more like Edward Scissorhands.


The fact that you prepared yourself to basically stab someone for students really shares your personality and how caring you are for these kids


This makes me fkn sick. Imagine. IMAGINE I can't even think about sending my son to kindergarten in August. These teachers are ready to be human fkn Shields for your babies and yall don't even think they are worthy of a living wage.


My high school I went to had an intruder drill that wasn't like any other. It was my older brother who's a cop trying to get into the school and walking around looking just like a highschool student. They were seeing if anyone would report him as suspicious and the only ones who did were the lunch ladies. I knew he was doing this the day before and kept it a secret.

Once that was done they gathered all the students to talk about why it's important to report suspicious people. They pulled all these toy guns out of his backpack showing you could fit more than 4 guns into one school bag.

Also he had to try and find his own way into the school. I asked him how he got into the school and he said they left the auto mechanic shop doors cracked open. He slid under the door and got in even though there was an auto mechanic class going on. They did nothing to stop him from entering or even said anything to him.


"who practices code red during lunch" ... you'd be surprised...


We had a shooting when I was in middle school. One of my favorite teachers grabbed the scalpels from his supply closet (science teacher, in case that wasn’t obvious lol) and started passing them out to students to protect themselves, then he stood at the door with scalpels in hand, ready to stab anyone who came in.
A week later there was a shooting at a college in town. I heard about it while leaving the funeral of the kid who died in the one at my school. Unbeknownst to me, my now husband was in that building and had to hide from the teacher that snapped.
This was YEARS ago and I still remember how my teachers put our safety first. I can tell you from experience, your actions that day are more appreciated than you’ll ever know, Mrs. Rodgers.


"And I shouldn't have had to have done that"
It was honestly heartbreaking to hear that. No one should have to prepare for that. This kind of thing shouldn't even have to come across someone's mind and yet we live in a reality where we have to practice for these types of situations for when, not if, they happen.


The amount of stuff teachers risk every day it’s just crazy. They deserve so much more respect.


When I was in middle school, there was a real code red called after we came back from Christmas break, and everyone was actually super nervous until it was figured out that the code red had been called because the “suspicious character” wandering campus was our PE teacher who grew a beard over break and people didn’t recognize him. Funny now but scary at the time.


That's my fear having to look a momma in the eyes and say, "I'm sorry, I couldn't save them!" My students swear they are invincible but all their ideas I knock down by what has happened at other schools. Like they are immediately going to jump out the window. I ask them to look both ways out the window and ask them if they can tell if someone is on the roof, left or right. One of my rooms was beside this little alley that went behind the school where teachers parked! They couldn't tell me if someone was there waiting on us. They sit down and tell me they will listen to me after that. Then they start looking at things they could use to save us in a real manner like the fire extinguisher and scissors like she said. It's scary at best. And the most difficult part is the one coming to hurt us may be a student that I've taught in class or known for years. That hurts.


This is so sad! My daughter had a teacher who told them "We are NOT sitting here waiting to be shot!" They actually dicussed exit strategies to get out and get help for their friends. I told her the same thing. If she could get out and away, then go!


I remember during in high school, we had an actual code red. We all block the door with desks and chairs, my Geometry teacher grabbed her heavy laptop and went behind to corner next to the door, and had it ready to swing. She played baseball so she could swing hard.

Thankfully no one was heart but we were all thankful for her being ready to defend use.


The fact that schools have to practice these drills because nobody in our society feels safe to even go to school which is just awful
