Change The Questions, Change The World!

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How can the questions we ask in our day-to-day lives bring out the best in ourselves, the people around us, our work and our communities? And what questions are those?

Social scientist and asker of powerful questions, Hildy Gottlieb, shares what the team at Creating the Future has learned in almost 20 years of research and experimentation into the factors that create both personal change and social change. Their key finding: Creating powerful results is not a matter of ideas and actions; it is about changing the assumptions that go into those ideas and actions.

And what does it take to change those assumptions? The simple act of changing the questions we ask in our day-to-day lives.

In this talk, you will watch assumptions about scarcity become assumptions of "enoughness;" from suspecting the worst in each other to bringing out the best in each other; and most powerfully, from reacting to what's wrong to creating what is possible.

Hildy Gottlieb speaking at City Club of Portland February 20, 2015.
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