Alpha-Ketoglutarate for Recovery

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Coudray-Lucas C, Le Bever H, Cynober L, De Bandt JP, Carsin H. Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate improves wound healing in severe burn patients: a prospective randomized double-blind trial versus isonitrogenous controls. Crit Care Med. 2000;28(6):1772-1776. doi:10.1097/00003246-200006000-00012
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The problem with akg, especially for antiaging, is that the researchers working on this claim, that only calcium akg is effective, is that it does need to be protected from stomach acid so that meaningful amounts survive transit, and that a time released formula is needed so that even though akg does quickly get metabolized, enough of it is present for a extended amount of time. Also, the calcium form is claimed to be the superior one. Unfortunately at least one of these researchers has a financial interest in a cakg supplement, I believe this is called rejuvant. I'd love to see you look at those claimed requirements, and if they are actually true, or if simply taking i.e. arginine akg powder would suffice.


What about calcium-akg?? This is rumored also to have tremendous longevity/anti-aging benefits. Like actually reversing chronological age


Currently recovering from a bad ankle sprain. Maybe I should give this a try.


That's interesting. I was about to start reading the research on it because I just ran out of it. I haven't been using it religiously enough to notice any difference.


thank you for posting, is there liposomal form of this to get higher absorption rate? i know when i take my NAC glycine milkthistle cocktail daily, 1 gram each, my wounds heal way faster than i have ever experienced maybe because i was deficient, or buyers effect, since i bought it and want to see some benefit bias?


Good to know but Ca-AKG destroys my sleep (even 500mg only, 1st thing in the morning). Anyone can relate ? I'm 29


Once i pulled a roast duck out from an oven and it got stuck and all the hot duck fat spilt onto my bare leg. I nearly screamed that sudden intense panic feeling but instead i bit my lip, put the duck down, put cold water on the leg with a rag and wiped it down and then drank a half liter bottle of vodka. Duck tasted amazing and my leg itched like crazy but then scars no burns.
