How To Import Custom Textures Into WAD on GZDoom 👺Create A Texture Set On Doom Builder 2 Tutorial.

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💀 #zdoom #DoomWad #modding.
In this video, I will show you how to import/add custom set of textures into your wad archive & edit those in Slade 3 & apply them to your game engine.
This is tutorial how categorize your textures in systematic way, so you could navigate through your search on Ultimate Doom Builder. Check out my anime defs video.
I tried to achieve spooky vibe & get as close as things I saw on Doom 3 long play. Just another decoration to use in my maps to fill it up with things.
🕯️ I want to achieve horror game vibe, to look classic but with more content. I'm gonna start creating maps and document my journey when creating darkness, hell & horrors. With haunted ambience, abandoned halls, creepy soundscapes & spooky atmosphere. I want my hell to look like dark prehistoric angelic & legendary spaces.
I still have alot of custom content - sprites, actors, textures, sounds, effects to add into this collection. From monsters & enemies to guns, weapons & magic powerups. Decorative actors - light sources, obstacles or some functional actors, such as spawners and randomizers. Please follow this playlist to follow my journey.
I have a huge variety of monsters for each class - Zombies, Chaingunners, Imps, Pinky Demon, Lost Souls, Cacodemons, Hell Knights, Baron of Hell, Arachnotron, Archvile, Mancubus, Spider Mastermind, Cyberdemons & others. Some of the monsters are from hexen or heretic games.
I'm also importing some custom armaments, &/or replacements for pistol, chainsaw, chaingun, rocket launcher, plasma gun, BFG & other weapons such as magic power books or staves.
My hell will be full of dark secret rooms & traps. Open world as the engine limits allow. There is lot more where that came from!
🐙 So I was always interested with modding zdoom. I played it as a kid. I believe anyone can make a Doom map. Is started from the The Basics and Fundamentals of Doom Mapping. I learned alot about things to AVOID for Doom Mappers.
Watch alot of internet tutorial videos. Researching different Doom Builder configurations. Started on Learning Line Draw Mode! One which of the most common tools to use and how to create basic rooms/layouts with it. Next - Sector properties and how to use them. Then various ways to "light" sectors without having to resort to using dynamic lighting with GZDoom's modern rendering features for real time lighting! Also learned how to create basic doors & hidden/secret rooms with double sided doors. Locked doors in which you can open from either side with a set key or switch & other functions. PolyObjects & swinging/sliding doors. Decorate/Zscript
Also when editing maps I use things such creating stairs using Ultimate Doom Builders(UDB) Stair Sector Builder Mode or Star Builder with emi-transparent windows with fancy pillars. Doing cool skybox to my scene, e.g. F_SKY1. Teleport our player around the map with teleporers Work with archive files & importing custom textures into my level using the PK3 format which offers better compression and an easier file system to work with.
Then I learned more advances tricks, requires the UDMF format. Such as slopes or ramps using Ultimate Doom Builders(UDB) or Line Set Portal option. Allowing you to create portals within your level that hook up to a new area. Creating wall mirrors to add a bit of extra awesome my level.
Other map making features like:
Walkover-Line Ambushes;
Crushes & Deep Water, Bridges;
Monster Death Events;
Fog & Ice Movement;
ARTILLERY & Monster Spawning;
Camera tool & cutscenes;
Map Formats & MAPINFO;
Ambient soundscapes & SNDINFO;
Sound Emitters;
Animated Textures & ANIMEDEFS;
Dynamic Lightning & GLDEFS;
ACS Scripting & Decorate/ZScript coding;
Actor Movers & Interacion;
Special Effects & FX config;
Monster behaviors & commands;
Custom Monsters, Weapons, Decorations, Marble, Wood & Metal Textures, Light Sources & Obstacles; Sprite rotation & editing;
This whole playlist Is Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3 and FreeDoom WAD files. This won't be the most advanced tutorial but stick around as we slowly dive deeper into HELL. I get most of my sprites & resources from Realm 667, ModDB & Forums. This playlist is not a tutorial, just some explainer. Good sources on YT is - Chubzdoomer, Readyon, raven67854, GamingGargoyle, lazygamer, DavidXNewton, Benpaste, SublimelyElegant, DoomKid.
Also Check out Power Pak, borogk, James Paddock. Dragonfly, Mutant Mods.
- Ultimate Doom Series - Classic, Final TnT Plutonia Experiment & Evilution Doom & Hell on Earth ;
- Doom 3 Series: Resurrection Of Evil & Lost Mission;
- New Doom games: DooM 2016 & DooM Eternal;
💀 Guys. your feedback is very important to me! Please do LIKE & SUBSCRIBE.
💀 Leave a comment and tell me what you think... Thanks :)
💀 #zdoom #DoomWad #modding.
In this video, I will show you how to import/add custom set of textures into your wad archive & edit those in Slade 3 & apply them to your game engine.
This is tutorial how categorize your textures in systematic way, so you could navigate through your search on Ultimate Doom Builder. Check out my anime defs video.
I tried to achieve spooky vibe & get as close as things I saw on Doom 3 long play. Just another decoration to use in my maps to fill it up with things.
🕯️ I want to achieve horror game vibe, to look classic but with more content. I'm gonna start creating maps and document my journey when creating darkness, hell & horrors. With haunted ambience, abandoned halls, creepy soundscapes & spooky atmosphere. I want my hell to look like dark prehistoric angelic & legendary spaces.
I still have alot of custom content - sprites, actors, textures, sounds, effects to add into this collection. From monsters & enemies to guns, weapons & magic powerups. Decorative actors - light sources, obstacles or some functional actors, such as spawners and randomizers. Please follow this playlist to follow my journey.
I have a huge variety of monsters for each class - Zombies, Chaingunners, Imps, Pinky Demon, Lost Souls, Cacodemons, Hell Knights, Baron of Hell, Arachnotron, Archvile, Mancubus, Spider Mastermind, Cyberdemons & others. Some of the monsters are from hexen or heretic games.
I'm also importing some custom armaments, &/or replacements for pistol, chainsaw, chaingun, rocket launcher, plasma gun, BFG & other weapons such as magic power books or staves.
My hell will be full of dark secret rooms & traps. Open world as the engine limits allow. There is lot more where that came from!
🐙 So I was always interested with modding zdoom. I played it as a kid. I believe anyone can make a Doom map. Is started from the The Basics and Fundamentals of Doom Mapping. I learned alot about things to AVOID for Doom Mappers.
Watch alot of internet tutorial videos. Researching different Doom Builder configurations. Started on Learning Line Draw Mode! One which of the most common tools to use and how to create basic rooms/layouts with it. Next - Sector properties and how to use them. Then various ways to "light" sectors without having to resort to using dynamic lighting with GZDoom's modern rendering features for real time lighting! Also learned how to create basic doors & hidden/secret rooms with double sided doors. Locked doors in which you can open from either side with a set key or switch & other functions. PolyObjects & swinging/sliding doors. Decorate/Zscript
Also when editing maps I use things such creating stairs using Ultimate Doom Builders(UDB) Stair Sector Builder Mode or Star Builder with emi-transparent windows with fancy pillars. Doing cool skybox to my scene, e.g. F_SKY1. Teleport our player around the map with teleporers Work with archive files & importing custom textures into my level using the PK3 format which offers better compression and an easier file system to work with.
Then I learned more advances tricks, requires the UDMF format. Such as slopes or ramps using Ultimate Doom Builders(UDB) or Line Set Portal option. Allowing you to create portals within your level that hook up to a new area. Creating wall mirrors to add a bit of extra awesome my level.
Other map making features like:
Walkover-Line Ambushes;
Crushes & Deep Water, Bridges;
Monster Death Events;
Fog & Ice Movement;
ARTILLERY & Monster Spawning;
Camera tool & cutscenes;
Map Formats & MAPINFO;
Ambient soundscapes & SNDINFO;
Sound Emitters;
Animated Textures & ANIMEDEFS;
Dynamic Lightning & GLDEFS;
ACS Scripting & Decorate/ZScript coding;
Actor Movers & Interacion;
Special Effects & FX config;
Monster behaviors & commands;
Custom Monsters, Weapons, Decorations, Marble, Wood & Metal Textures, Light Sources & Obstacles; Sprite rotation & editing;
This whole playlist Is Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3 and FreeDoom WAD files. This won't be the most advanced tutorial but stick around as we slowly dive deeper into HELL. I get most of my sprites & resources from Realm 667, ModDB & Forums. This playlist is not a tutorial, just some explainer. Good sources on YT is - Chubzdoomer, Readyon, raven67854, GamingGargoyle, lazygamer, DavidXNewton, Benpaste, SublimelyElegant, DoomKid.
Also Check out Power Pak, borogk, James Paddock. Dragonfly, Mutant Mods.
- Ultimate Doom Series - Classic, Final TnT Plutonia Experiment & Evilution Doom & Hell on Earth ;
- Doom 3 Series: Resurrection Of Evil & Lost Mission;
- New Doom games: DooM 2016 & DooM Eternal;