How to complete Phase 1 | Satisfactory 1.0 Masterclass

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A Satisfactory guide on how to progress & build efficiently, while still making optimal & great looking builds. Today: An Early Build to complete Phase 1 and still serve you far beyond that!

An overview of the build:

Satisfactory is a first-person open-world factory building game with a dash of exploration and combat. Play alone or with friends, explore an alien planet, create multi-story factories, and enter conveyor belt heaven!

Conquer nature by building massive factories across the land. Expand wherever and however you want. The planet is filled with valuable natural resources just waiting to be utilized. As an employee of FICSIT it’s your duty to make sure they come to good use.

Construct your factories with gracious perfection or build intricate webs of conveyor belts to supply all your needs. Automate trucks and trains to reach your faraway outposts and be sure to handle liquids properly by transporting them in pipes. It’s all about minimizing manual labour!

Explore & Exploit
Venture on expeditions to search for new materials and be sure to put everything to good use. Nature is yours to harvest! You have vehicles, jetpacks, jump pads and more at your disposal to make the exploration easier. Equip the proper safety gear as well, just in case you run into the local wildlife.

I am not sponsored in any way.

#Satisfactory #Letsplay #tutorial #guide
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Note: You *can* definitely scale this factory down to about HALF size on everything, and it will still function fine. It will also be easier to maintain power that way. However, I still recommend building it at this size because it will make later builds FAR easier. Simply put: Whatever time you save now, you''ll simply spend later anyway. Don't worry if you built everything and you have some power issues - that's where the next episode will come in (meanwhile, your stockpile should be sufficient to keep your buiding going for a bit).


I came to your guides on Satisfactory because I used your masterclass series for Dyson Sphere. Thanks for this series and keep making content. You're great!


Wow, Masterclass for Satisfactory. This is gonna be my motivation to keep playing the game.


hey hey hey mr TDA, I tried the build myself and here's some things for newbies wondering why the build might be running differently for them:

if you look at the planner, you can underclock 1 of the iron plate constructors to 50%, and one of the screw constructors to 50% too, this is also applicable to the limestone build TDA has but I'll leave the underclocking calculations to you as an assignment ;)

By THE WAY, one of the commenters here mentioned that one of the assemblers were only getting 40 screws per minute. THIS IS TRUE. this is because the first assembler in the line is only being fed by one constructor, while the other three are feeding the second one.

mr TDA actually made a mistake and made one set of the screw dedicated for the iron plates output 120/m when it only really needed 60 (remember there are 3 assemblers for this) what you do is split it and connect it to the line of 40/m screw so you get 100/m, just enough for the 1st rotor assembler.

THEN, remember the other 3 focused on the other rotor assembler? you might say that's 120/m when we only need 100? well dear viewer that's when you go back a few sentences, this is where "underclock one of the screw constructors to 50%" comes in. basically cut the conveyor connecting the two assemblers as they will now have their own dedicated screws. 1st rotor assembler is 40 + 60, 2nd rotor assembler is 40 + 40 + 20 (underclocked).

i hope this scratches your no waste left behind itch


Another great one! I really appreciate the tower views - it helps me judge/plan the size of the factory deck I need to plan for, proximity to other production chains, etc. Thanks again...


I like that you explain your thinking. Solid video, thank you.


Idk how ling ago they added what ADA tells you when you plop down your first portable miner because its been a few years since i last played because iv been waiting for 1.0...well last night i put down the first portable miner and what she said had me rolling because back in 2017 i spent a good 20 min trying to get the portable miner to deposit its contents on a belt, i even googled it....i felt uplifted knowing i was not the only one....GOOD VIDEO BTW STAY EFFECTIVE


As I watch your videos and try to get my base going, I’m starting to debate whether Satisfactory should’ve been called Work: The Game 🙂 and if it’s for me. Has nothing to do with whether it’s good or bad or anything, only if it’s something I want to spend a lot of hours on.
I loved SimCity but in normal mode there was the element of gameplay success/failure there. Not always easy to make a successful city. Most other games I’ve played where I’ve spent a lot of time building, Subnautica, The Forest, Raft, etc. I guess Space Engineers was mostly about making stuff, though we did use ships in combat. Anyway most have a wider story going that drives the reasons for building. In Satisfactory I’ve yet to feel that pressure as of finishing my Hub.
I’ll keep going for now and hope that there’s more reasons for building to come.


can you number the videos plz, the playlist is all over the place


I'd strongly appreciate adding in a planner link of the bit you build, as it's much easier to follow!


Great video TDA. Really like the way you organized your biofuel constructors with the sideways solid biofuel constructor


I love your masterclasses and have so since Dyson Sphere. I was wondering if you had the schematics for this, as no matter how much I watch it I can't seem to get all the belts connected into something that makes sense. I tried graphing it out on paper but I managed to make myself lost regardless.
Keep up the great work, and I am really looking forward to progressing through your masterclasses.


One of the rotor assemblers seems to only be getting 40 screws/minute in your build. is this intentional? did I miss something?


"You'll probably never fix it" => Truer words were never spoken.


I am still new to the game and learning a bit, providing a layout for the factory is a big help, however, I kinda want to know how to think of my future layouts by myself. Would you mind sharing the thought process that you go through in identifying how would you determine how much item is needed, what should be automated, balance the X number of materials going through different buildings, and how you determine the needed number of buildings type to be made for a single production line.

Sorry if this is a lot, this game is really complex, but watching you makes it easier to get into. Thanks!


Did you put in a split to a container for screws? Couldn't see one - maybe I missed it. I'm following along and am pretty happy with how uncomplicated your builds are, compared to other YTs. Also appreciate the speed with which you are getting thru each phase. I did skip ahead to do the smart plating in a standalone assembler, because I didn't think I would have enough bio energy to do this build before building coal generators.


love the video! butbut i cant see the overview of the build if u can possibly repost that plz :)


Very nice video! Next time also please pay some attention to rates, build modes, copying of buildings/recipes, use of middle mouse button and other neat tips.


Good video, but would've been better imo if you mentioned crash sites. I know I commented something similar on the previous video, but I can't understate how incredibly useful they are if you go through onboarding and still helpful if you skip it. You can get hundreds of reinforced plates from them and it gives you something to do while collecting plants for fuel. It also makes you explore and gather advanced materials for the MAM to unlock QOL stuff like the blade runners early. I do like your suggested setup and starting location though, it's convenient and a good prep for the next phases.


I’m not sure that this will become something that I will play - Dyson Sphere Program is still very much my thing. Especially the new belt Shenanigans that are possible, I have yet to delve into those. (Diving belts, mall, hmmm!)

This is interesting too though. Please keep this kind of quality content. :) It may become something that I poke around the edges of.
