Women ONLY WANT What They CAN'T HAVE when dating (The man she actually craves and desires)

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This video will help improve your dating life.

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Attract and Keep ANY women you want using 'MBT' Below! 🔥


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Attract and Keep ANY women you want using 'MBT' Below!🔥


"...when you first meet, you give her friend more attention." Gentlemen, this is pure, practical, solid gold.


I can’t chase, I can’t validate, I need to be permanently indifferent. Doesn’t seem like we’ll be talking much. 😂


The problem with dating game these days, it that both sides are playing hard to get

And less people are getting any at all


This is so damn right! I lost my girlfriend because I started to act too nice and sweet and she lost This made me so sad and broke, but I recovered somehow. Thank you sir, this is pure gold! Thank you


It goes to show you, Less you do for chicks, the more they want you, plain and simple


I think I need a masters of psychology to get a girlfriend


Man i wish i discovered you when i was in my 20s lol. i made all those mistakes in my 20s but its a learning curb every man goes through. even my mom used to say let a woman chase you never get too eager with women. everything you said was on the money. this is female nature they can't help it its just how they are wired.


The shy part is so true. My first gf from early high school still be asking me if I ever really loved her. Bro I was in love with that girl😂😂


#1. Dont compliment women. They should assume you are spending time with them because you like them.

#2. Do not tell them you love them unless it is in response to them telling you they love you (special occasions are an exception).

#3. Do not blow her up with calls or messages, give her her space always and dont contantly be inquiring about her day, she will tell you.

#4. When you spend time with her you listen well. If she likes massages give some to her fairly often. Also do things you both enjoy together fairly often.


Casey, I finally understand why I have never been able to stay attracted even though I have tried to force it by focusing on the positives of which there are many. At least the women who admit falling out of love are not faking attraction!


You’re right Casey the last girl I was seeing was going great but as soon as I told her I’m falling for her she I immediately went cold on me and soon after ended contact


Lol when I see a woman lookin at me anywhere I just look away to the side. Makes it seem like you can do better or have had a woman like her before. I can almost feel the magnetic attraction after


A literal 5/10 that was my third option that was head over heels for me and treated me like a king… cheated on me in the first two months of our 7 month relationship. So embarrassingly hurtful.

Looking back on it now - she grew up without a father, has two tattoos, a lot of exes, horrible social circle of women (literally a prostitute and a married woman that cheats).


Women self sabotage themselves into rejection 😎


It feels like the attraction game has always been a paradoxical struggle between maintaining self love and not giving them too much of the cold shoulder. In hindsight I can attribute a lot of my failings to simply being too much on one side of the fence due to my mood or insecurity at the time. We must learn to adopt a healthy balance by carefully examining body language and nonverbal cues and knowing which direction to take things when you feel the power dynamic is being manipulated on the opposing end.


As soon as i fell in love with her, she started becoming rude and dry. So she left me no choice to see other women and put her on the side


true about the rich dude, he may not be be to hold on to the girl, but he can always get any chick he wants...


A very fascinating video, this brings back painful memories which i have been enduring. My relationship of 5 years ended 3 months ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.


2:03 i sound like a broken record now. CASEY HAS FULLY GOTTEN IT ABOUT FEMALE NATURE. Yes, 6 pack, 6 million, 6 cars won't keep a woman! It is ALL ABOUT YOUR INTERNAL STRENGTH
