TCL 2023 TVs - recommended picture settings tested on C745 model

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Picture settings for TCL 2023 TVs, made after calibration and analysis of 55-inch 55C745 FALD LED LCD TV.

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Note: analog inputs, 3.5 mm jack and CI interface were not circled in the connectivity section - final render ended up like that, even though it was correctly done in the editing software. I've rendered the video twice, but to avoid publishing the video even later, I released this version. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Outstanding tutorial - really appreciate the time you took to go through each setting.
Just about to watch Dune 2 (via Stremio installed directly on the TV - no more Firestick needed!!) and the colours already look 10x better.

Thank you!


I'm waiting on 55c745k to be delivered to me pn 27th Dec. This video was timed to perfection. Thanks 👍


Nice, wonder if this could work for the C805 also ?


Very useful content, thank you. Happy New Year.


Purchased "TCL C745 (C74 series) 4K UHD TV picture settings - HDR (2023)" from website. Product not delivered, no communication from seller.


thank you, this was extremely informative


Excellent tutorial. I had the exact tv's but unfortunately the white is not very white which is suck. I mean, it's little dull to my likeness compared to white on ips panel (exclude oled panel) which is fairly good. so, what my point is : will the white will be pure white when I maxed out the contrast in brightness setting? thankyou.


Thanks for that video! And BIG thanks for the calibration profiles!❤ Without them in Movie mode and after some „common/amateur” adjustments, for me screen looked really average or even poor. But after applying them I’m totally satisfied and happy with what I see 😉 White balance settings are real final touch 👌🙂 Great job Darko!

Is there a chance you could create a profile for Dolby Vision?🤗 I promise I will be the first person to buy it 🙂


Just brought your pdf... can"t wait to have the TV !


Bok Darko, odlican video, svaka ti cast. Daj mi molim te reci koja postavka slike mi je najbolja za gledanje zemaljskih kanala? Ja nemam nikakav drugi sadrzaj osim toga


There is an HDR mode setting under expert calibration. does anybody know nobody what it does?
With this setting and enabled picture in HDR is quite dark with the setting disabled the picture is very very bright. You only get it with HDR10 or HLG with Dolby Vision it disappears.


Is it possible to remove the energy efficiency pop up that appears every time tou try to modify brightness etc? It’s driving me crazy


Hi Darko, i recently bought a TCL P635, and i need your help to calibrate my TV for gaming.
Could you show me what are the best values for backlight, contrast, sharpness, color etc?
i know its a bit weird but i really trust your knowledge.


Thankyou .. excellent detail on settings for my tv just what I wanted. I could never get game mode to activate with pc input from setting and i never knew quick menue was possible.


Very good and structured review, thank you for the effort!

I have one short question about the TV though: How is the image stability in regard to the viewing angles? I know it is a VA panel, so it shouldn't be the best in class, but still, I read TCL was working on improving in that area.

Including this Info and maybe a short clip walking around the TV from left to right or vice versa would be hightly useful and appreciated from the perspective of the potential buyer!

Thanks in advance!


while watching football matches, the color of the pitch changes automatically. is there a way to disable this ai coloring features?


i just acquired the 43" 2024 QLED model. I will be switching a lot between live tv (via antenna) and Internet content. You might mention in your videos how these setting may differ when viewing live tv. Thanks!


Hi Darko,
Great helpful review as usual, thanks a lot !!!!
I'm thinking purchasing a 55C745 model these days. However, I have a fear on 2 particular points:
1- I watch some SD german channels through my exetrnal sat receiver, is SDR upscaling good in this TV or will I probably get a pixellized picture with these channels ? Same question for FHD content as my Sat receiver isn't 4K at all and I don't use internet (Netflix, etc.)
2- Is shadow detail good enough in movies' dark/night scenes ? --> Advertized 1000 nits should do a good job, but as we know this is theory...
Best regards


Can I use these calibrated settings for my TCL android tv for gaming? I use game mode for gaming and movie mode for everything else 😊

I don't have the same model tv as you showed in the video jus asking.


I did this on c805 and picture is great. It's amazing TV.
