Simple Glider Tutorial

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The Vintage Model Co was formed to bring back balsa; by combining the old with the new, we produce kits that are beautifully designed, precision laser-cut, and thought-out. It’s affordable, easy to get into, and fantastic fun. We’re now the biggest flying models manufacturer in the UK.

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I will give it a try once my setup is done. Meanwhile, many thanks here!!!


I want to do similar as a workshop at a festival. Is there a version I can make without glue


Don't make my mistake and 'fit to printable area' - make sure you print actual size.


Can we use different materials aside from a Balsa wood?


At approx. 35-40 seconds into this video the speaker says that there is a template to build this glider from, but there is no link to this file on this video page. So, where is it?


This glider flies very well i didnt do anything to it all I did was build it like he said guessed at how much blue tac to use and it flew straight true abd level first throw cant beat that all and i got mine to fly 200 feet straight and 50 seconds of flight time using a paper clip I .ca glued in and a long river band to lauch it you just pull plane back on rubber band like you would a sling shot and release and it flies far and if you use a damp rag and cure one wing tip up you can make it fly in circles and the direction deoebss what tip you fold up and you can undo it as well if you want it to fly straight again. I'm gonna englarge this by 20 times and put some micro servos on and launch like a sling shot and have a micro rc radio controlled sling shot powered glider. It's not gonna be hard to do it either cuse i got it done in 2 hours and ready to test fly in morning


450th like your tutorial, it really works well.
