ADHD but medicated

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Here is my experience with medications for ADHD. It was an educating experience. I wish it worked better for me since they were really helpful but I just didn't get along with the meds. Maybe I will try others in the future.

me :)

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Adhd is like having 24/7 shower thoughts. No matter what you're doing, it never stops.


i love seeing other people with adhd depict what the overlapping thought trains feel like. they’re often super relatable but this version in particular was just… perfect


meds didn't stop me fidgeting or daydreaming. The biggest effect I've seen is stuff I used to find just agonizingly, unbearably boring now feels tolerable which is a huge relief at times.


"I gain this strange ability... just the ability to.. be able to."
This is honestly the most accurate way of putting this. It probably makes no sense to anyone else but ALL the sense to fellow ADHDers.


What I originally thought when taking ADHD medication was that the pill would do it all. When I was introduced to harder topics in school/ a large workload, I thought that the medication wasn't working anymore. I soon came to realize that most of the work was still up to me. The medication gives you the ability to function how you want, but without training your brain to work with it, you'll get nowhere.


Having ADHD is so difficult when everyone else around you doesn’t understand how it works. For many years of my life I was labeled as lazy, unproductive, a huge procrastinator, etc. but I physically couldn’t help it. Everyone around me told me to change and stop doing said things, but I felt as if it was uncontrollable and that something was wrong with me. Fast forward a few years and I’m going through therapy and my therapist goes “you have ADHD” and I was stunned. She explained to me that every symptom listed in this video and your previous one was a symptom of ADHD, and all of them applied to me. I finally felt that I was heard, and I’m forever thankful.


You explained the vyvanse pattern way to well. The "if I'm doing the wrong thing when it kicks in, I will just hyperfocus on the wrong thing" was a struggle for me for months


Everyone always talked about "the voices/thoughts" and I never understood ... until I took my first pill of Adderall and felt "the quiet" for the first time and got what people meant by voices. I was just so used to the constant flow that it became the norm


Crazy coincidence, but as someone who just was put on meds for ADHD, this is quite relatable video


ADHD is interesting, with or without meds. Its an experience.


Your description of "I was really focused, just focused on the wrong thing" is exactly what I experience a lot of the time when working from home. Thank you for putting that frustration into words!


So relatable, first time on stimulants I had a sudden realization that I was just doing things. I see dishes? I just.. did them. The whole in my head wall block was removed and that feeling is intense and profound.


Man, sitting there taking a test with 8 trumpets playing randomly at the same time in your head is way too relatable.. I don't know if ADHD caused my crippling test anxiety or if it just made it worse, but it's an actual miracle that I was able to make it out of college. I hope you find something that works for you, bud.


The comments section really puts a spotlight on how much of a struggle living with ADHD is no matter what your age, and it shows how much it sucks. Its nice seeing that we all suffer the same way and struggle with the same things; it shows none of us are alone.


when I was around 7, I got diagnosed with ADHD, they gave me medication and at first things went better at school, but I quickly lost my appetite and started not being able to sleep, they started giving me larger doses because the results weren't being met, to the point where they gave me too much for my weight for a while. This went on for about 10 years until I quit cold turkey due to me wanting to get into the military. Suddenly everything improved, I could sleep better, could finally eat again and I started having more fun in life. Only a year later I went back to a psychologist, who diagnosed me with Autism, and said there was no trace of ADHD.


I'm a veteran, was actually addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol and cigarettes addiction destroyed my life, i suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with ADHD. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.


As someone who has been struggling for the longest time with ADHD-like symptoms but never had the guts or money to get a diagnosis, thank you for being open about your experience in such a lighthearted yet informative manner


As someone with ADHD and takes medication for it, you really couldn’t of described it any better. Loved this video!


I got diagnosed with adult ADHD a few years ago, and am lucky that taking generic Adderall has really changed my life for the better. Thank you for sharing your experiences!


I've noticed that there's one thing that really helps me focus when I have ADHD symptoms. It's a habit I've had for as long as I can remember: telling myself a story. it's a story that has always continued, every time I want I add a piece, and I can focus on the thoughts of that story every time I want to fall asleep. When I think of that story I don't think of anything else and strangely I manage to focus on every detail of the environments, faces, words, expressions and movements. Everything else in my daily life becomes so difficult for me to manage, but that story... it gives me relief.
