A Rant About Transphobia

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Trans people are consistently shunned, belittled, and boycotts are called over the slightest amount of representation. But this outrage is happening because bigoted cis people are spreading misinformation, and the trans community are not being listened to.

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I hate people's obsession with "healthy breast tissue". I'm not even trans but I'm in high debate on someday removing my breasts if I can. I've had so much trauma revolving around them, especially when they were first growing. The only good that came out of them was that they fed 2 out of 3 of my babies but now that I'm done having kids, I'd love to just get rid of them.


Jamie is cool, transphobia is not. Thank you for speaking on such a brutal and continuous barrage of bigotry and transphobic rhetoric currently happening on TERF island. Trans rights are fundamental human rights, and us allies need to step up more than we ever have. Thank you for everything you do to tackle transphobic bigotry and misinformation <3


Braun is advertising a trimmer, not advertising a gender affirming surgeon. This ad is just the acknowledgement of trans people's existence. As a cis guy, I'm more inclined to buy a product from a company that's dedicated to inclusivity -- not just in their ads, but in their corporate policies regarding the treatment of their LGBTQ employees.


If "exposure" to trans people "made you trans", then why am I cis? My heart goes out to all my trans and non-binary siblings for this irrational targeted hatred. It is bloody exhausting, and I'm not even trans or NB myself. Love to all feeling the weight of this nonsense.


I can only imagine how amazing it must feel to have top surgery as a trans man. I'm a cis woman, and I was very uncomfortable with my breasts. I had the opportunity to have them completely removed, and I took it! That was four years ago, and I've been so much happier in my body. I feel more like myself. I can only imagine just how much more relief trans men must feel to have that weight gone (literally and metaphorically).


What if it wasn't a transman, but a cis man that had to have top surgery because of cancer or gynecomastia; who wanted to show he wasn't ashamed of his scars? Would those transphobes still have a problem? Why can't people just let people (who aren't hurting anyone) be and learn to mind their own damn business?


Even if top surgery was considered cosmetic surgery, would we not need to ban ads who feature models who have had cosmetic surgeries? They only care about this because they want trans people to be excluded and unseen in society. This is a non issue.


i love that the same people that call lgbtq people "snowflakes" for being angry about their human rights being violated are now throwing a tantrum over a single photo in an ad that they most likely hadn't even seen prior to someone pointed it out. the call is coming from inside the house.


If a trans woman were to realize that they were actually not trans and were in that 1% then I bet the "healthy breast tissue" being "immoral" to remove would be thrown out the window real quick


The “if you show scars you’re glorifying surgery” people seriously must have spent under 0.00001 seconds thinking about the logic in that. I have a scar on my cheek from a mild injury when i was 3. Am i glorifying being cut in the face by a table by existing? No. If someone has crutches because they broke a leg, are they glorifying breaking their leg? No. That’s just part of us, and a trans person having scars visible is the exact same; they’re not “glorifying” surgery by existing, they just had surgery, and they are existing. It’s just such a dumb point of view


I never understand the children aspect of these arguments. Are children shaving? Are children drinking beer? It's clearly a thinly veiled excuse for transphobia.


Yep. Apparently I removed my "perfectly healthy uterus" and will regret it when I "wake up from my delusion". Apparently passing out from cramps and borderline needing a blood transfusion are delusions. Like just because someone is trans doesn't mean 100% of their medical care is because they are trans. Yes I'm trans, yes I had a hysterectomy, the two are not related. But people will still tell me I'll regret it one day and want to be a "real women" (aka have babies) even *after* I say my doc said it's really good I didn't want to be pregnant because she'd have had to advise me against it because it would be life threatening for me. Like why would I ever regret not being able to risk my life to do something I didn't want to do?


Would they be repulsed by a woman with a mastectomy for cancer???? Just ridiculous!!!


I'm glad you mentioned the weirdness of the constant use of "healthy breasts." I'm a cis woman and it made me feel so gross. I'm bi and love boobs, but they're not sacred or special and glorifying them is C R E E P Y behavior. If boobs don't fit your image of yourself, they gotta go. I can't believe so many articles were written about this. Surgery scars are beautiful and should be a non issue.


What angers me is the term “transgender ideology.” There is no ideology. People aren’t debatable. There’s also no “gay agenda” or “Jewish problem.”


Gotta love when transphobes are so late to the party that you can barely find the original ad.


Some trans guys need razors. Why wouldn't a razor company advertise their product to those who might need them? Wtf.


As a trans man who hasnt had top surgery yet this kind of shit is exhausting. I want it so badly but its so expensive. And the transphobes obsession with "healthy breasts" borders on fetishism to me


If that man had a shirt on, they would have never known that was a transman. People are just offended that people exist outside of their extremely narrow view of what gender is.


It’s kinda scary that the transphobes know what top surgery scars look like now. They’re evolving. They have intelligence. Not much, but still.
