Why Are Most People with Tic Disorders Female?

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Neurologist Dr. Jen McVige shares why people will mimic tics after watching them on TikTok. Plus, young women tend to be more prone to this, Dr. McVige shares, perhaps due to the fact that they are prone to having empathy, they want to fit in, and when they see a problem, they want to fix it.

About The Doctors: The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show in its 14th season. The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.
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I had tics in junior high provoked by trauma and stress related to my parents who had substance use disorders and mental health problems that were not addressed 10+ years ago and it was not cool. I only had it in junior high school. My anxiety presents in different ways now and I’m worlds more on top of accepting my problems and wanting to address them. I didn’t even know that my thoughts and behaviors were problems when I was younger. Hope this gets more awareness


Sad no one will watch this and will be watching tik tok instead.
Thank you for bringing this up on your format. This is all tied into culture and american pop culture and the decline of values and adopting the values of accumulating fame and wealth at all cost such as Weinstein, Epstein and Zuckerberg. Hollywood, Stock Market Marketing /Big Media, and Social Media. Capitalism at is greatest heights . I am a relationship therapist and find this all fascinating and it is helpful info on who to avoid and why . Whether it be women with classic Spectrum disorders to masking anxiety disorders and "Tiks" as in this article. Only in the west especially the US are these issues turned into a medical complex cycle and not addressed on a large scale by the Media outlets that are creating these famous mentally ill women and men attention seekers aka "Social media attention whores".


Hi. I have tics and I'm a female.
