Macrocytic Anemia | Podcast

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Ninja Nerds!
Welcome to the Ninja Nerd Podcast with Zach and Rob! This episode dives into Macrocytic Anemia. During this discussion, we will review B12 Deficiency Anemia, Folate Deficiency Anemia, and Non-Megaloblastic Anemia. We have three cases we will be working through, so please listen and see if you can figure these out. Enjoy the podcast, and be sure to support us below!

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I was having neurological symptoms and fatigue, my practioner has told me I have b12 deficiency but my labs show a normal b12 level but my MCV, MCH, and MPV are all high, so not sure if my diagnosis is correct and why they are not looking into further. I want to ask to be sent to a hematologist just to verify things. Really great podcast 👏


I love this discussion❤

Thank you both!😊


This is my personal topic: celiac disease, with Hashimoto, Spastic paraplegia wirh bilateral Babinski and peripheral neuropathy, chronic gastritis and high Mcv that has been ignored due to my history of folate deficiency that resolved with sublingual vitamin b12.
I remember that that I had my mcv at 104, vitamin b12 at 300, folate at 15 and I had the worse type of nerves pain and of course the bloody foots drop


Very amazing teacher..nice way of teaching..lov him...god bless you sir..respect n love from india❤


I want to ask something about B12 deficiency-can you only have severely low levels of B12 (<50) with neurological symptoms (pain, not much of the decrease in the perception) but with normal Hb/MCV/MCHC or these lab changes can be because of combined anemia (B12 and Fe deficiencies)?


OK guys this is my first time being on your channel. But I must say I like the way the guy in the brown shirt explains everything. He breaks it down. The one in the gray long sleeve speaks as if he is speaking to doctors. He needs to break it down more. Just saying. What I s a
