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My name is Brandon and I am a used car dealer. I created Car Questions Answered to share the ins and outs of the used car market from my perspective. I share with you updates on car prices, what's happening at the dealer auctions, and what it's like being a dealer. My goal is to share information to help you make the best decisions while buying a car to save you money. I do not want car dealers taking advantage of you.

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Zero sympathy for these big dealerships. They spent the last couple of years marking up cars like crazy.


I would pay $50, 000 for a FULLY loaded pick-up truck, but I will not buy a truck that is up to $100, 000.
Absolutely ridiculous.


I drive a 2006 Toyota, before rate hikes I was ready to buy a brand new car, now I sunk $1, 500 into it to repair, and decided will continue driving it, as I don't have anybody to impress and it runs great.


Jeep enthusiast here saying they have ruined and obliterated the brand. New jeeps are garbage with a $75, 000 window sticker now.


This is what happens when business get greedy. Instead of selling cheaper vehicles in volume they put emphasis on overpriced vehicles that nobody can get finance or even buy.


Big 3 American car companies have been doing nothing, but restructuring and getting bailed out for the last 40 years! Any new direction would be a welcome one!


This is by DESIGN.
They couldn't be that stupid.
In case you haven't noticed, the WHOLE Western economy is slowly unraveling.
The more I see, the deeper I dig, the more it becomes visible, that it is by malevolent DESIGN.


I just spent $4100 to repair my 389, 000 mile Toyota Highlander… because I REFUSE to buy a new car, and I can afford one. I’ll treat it like an old boat or airplane. I keep replacing parts until it’s all eventually new.


So irritated with car dealers. I finally found a good deal on an affordable Honda accord and they ruined it by sending me 10+ spam emails and calling and texting me from different numbers. I don’t even want to step foot in a dealership and deal with these 20 year old kids trying to finance me at 7% APR. A slap in the face to someone with zero revolving debt and 820 credit. I can’t wait for dealerships to be gone.


Carflation is finally happening ask stupid prices for a vehicle get piss poor build quality.


I noticed all the older cars/trucks on my garage's lot while I was in for a safety inspection last week.
I asked the secretary "is the boss turning the place into a used car lot" (just as a joke.)
She told me that they were taken all off the road (failed inspection, ) waiting for parts so they could be fixed.
She said that 3, 4, 5 years ago their customers would have simply bought a NEW car/truck,
but now NO ONE can afford to buy new, so they have to get the old clunkers fixed.


I bought a beater to get me from point A to B. Don't care about status symbol. I don't have a car payment and will drive it till the wheels fall off.


I have no clue how any average American can afford an $80k pick up truck or Dodge Challenger.

Making my $1400 monthly mortage payment is a struggle in itself.


This entire situation feels like a scam. None of this makes sense. They’re building so-called “luxury” cars that nobody asked for, while pricing out the majority of potential customers. How do you make money like that? Why it seems like a scam to me is the car companies aren’t even fazed by what’s going on…why not? They are literally running their industry into the ground. I don’t understand.


This just goes to show how far out of step C-suite executives are with their customer base. People have been being laid off left and right over the past 18 months and these clowns think everyone can afford to spend $90k on a truck. Not even a frigging BMW or Mercedes but a truck! I hope they all go bankrupt and have to fold. Others will step up to the plate and make a better, cheaper product that consumers actually want to buy.


This may be a trivial thing here, but I think part of why RAMs aren't selling is they've deleted the dip stick so you can no longer check your oil yourself. They've done away with transmission dipsticks and now oil dipsticks. These car manufacturers are becoming dictators with their product and removing your right to repair and it seems no one's paying attention to this. You pay 100k for a truck that's been designed in such a way that you can't work on it. And the companies are making it where even small repair shops can't access the software needed to fix these vehicles, only certified dealerships are allowed to work on them more and more. These money grubbers are basically refusing to give you full ownership of the product you buy from them just so they can squeeze as much future profit as possible with repairs and maintenance. Who in their right mind would willingly 'buy' a vehicle they can't even check the oil on? If I'm going to pay any amount of money for a vehicle I demand the right to work on what is MY PROPERTY once I pay it off. Mopar is being destroyed, Chrysler's grandson is right. You're nuts to buy a new Dodge anything IMO.


Let the free market do its thing. STOP BUYING THESE VEHICLES!! Bankrupt these companies and make them regroup; with more realistic wages, more robots, better quality and lower prices.


If you really need a truck you don’t need it fully loaded you need it capable.


Called the jeep dealer to get a price. 675.00 to change front and rear diff fluid plus transaxle ATF. Rear diff oil at parts store is 62.00 a quart! Insane!


2015 f150. Paid off, runs great. No way id ever sell it. Same truck is 90 grand cad now. Prices and market are unsustainable. Greed destroying the world.
