Dyslexia | Tips for Parents | Quickmommyhacks
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Dyslexia is a neuro-developmental condition affecting nearly 15% of school going children in India. It is the most common learning disability that affects an individual’s ability to read, write and spell. Dyslexia has nothing to do with a person’s intelligence. It is not due to a child’s lack of desire to learn or because they are lazy; Dyslexia runs in families and can be genetic.
Dyslexia can often go undetected in the early years of schooling. Children with dyslexia can become frustrated by the difficulties they face in learning to read and they might fail to convey their difficulties to parents and teachers. Parents might also realize it late that their child has a learning and reading problem. This could further affect a child's mental health and social behavior. They may often show disinterest in everything and feel unmotivated for school. If left undiagnosed and untreated, childhood reading difficulties can continue into one’s adulthood.
Dyslexia doesn’t have a cure but the earlier it is identified, the easier it is to treat the child and help them adapt to a learning method that is suited to their condition.
First step in achieving that early intervention is to be aware of what dyslexia is, what signs parents can look for and where to seek help.