My Favourite RomComs (by a hopeless romantic)

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I am beholden to these rankings for the rest of time

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As brilliant as About Time is, it's not really a rom-com. There is obviously rom, and plenty of com, but he gets the girl pretty quickly and then the film moves on, so if ranked as a rom-com, it definitely deserves 7th. If ranked as a film in general, it blows every other film on this list out of the water and it is a sin that you've only seen it once.


completely agree on When Harry met Sally. I saw it in the theater recently, which was lovely, and two things stood out for me:
1. Very soft lighting? Or do the clothes they wear just look so soft? There is something inherently cozy about the shots.
2. I love that both Harry and Sally are kind of difficult people, and they both change and grow, but for example Sally stays a picky eater, and that is framed as a good thing about her? Lovely. I mean, it's summed up in "the" speech: They love each other not because they're perfect, but because they're best friends and want to spend all their time together :)


Dan I am LOVING this booktube-for-movies vibe you have going. I don't watch a lot of movies (like, probably 75% of the movies I've seen in the last ten years have been on planes) but I love this "easy" movie content that's not a lecture. After your last video like this I watched Padington for the first time and had such a nice time. I feel like I forgot 90 minute movies existed and thought all movies were like, 3 hours long. I have so much to do tonight but you've made me really want to watch a film and I love that for me.


I was really worried that When Harry Met Sally wasn't going to get its flowers but you articulated everything I love about it. It is the perfect rom com.

That being said, About Time needs another rewatch, it is an absolutely gorgeous movie that makes you feel every emotion!


immediately mad about About Time (I have so much love for this, even walked down the aisle to the piece of music that recurs throughout)

… but also: yes, fine. sure.


10 Things I Hate About You is a masterpiece


I just feel a need to announce into the world that 10 things I hate about you is my bisexuality awakening movie… can anyone relate?


I am absolutely flabbergasted that Notting Hill is your number 1, it’s at 8 or 9 for me


That thumbnail had me ready to fight but I’m glad we’re on the same page 😌


Rom-com is one of my favourite movie genres, and I own quite a few. And yet, despite having seen and loved most of these, there's not a single one thats on my shelves! I feel there are some gaps in my collection that i need to fill!


This came just in time! I'm just trying to get into Rom Coms. I just watched When Harry Met Sally last year then decided a couple months later I NEEDED to own a physical copy. So good!!


I loved this so much! When Harry Met Sally is the best film of all time, it's just perfect. I would love for you to do this video again with 10 more rom coms!


Big fan of the fancy film journal you’ve posted a few times - have you ever thought about Letterboxd? It would be so cool to have a list after every video comes out with all the movies you mentioned each time!


Love this format! Also very intrigued to know what the other 5 were. I’ve never seen When Harry met Sally, but out of the others my top three would be 10 things, You’ve got mail & Bridget


No one has ever quite captured my vibe of rom coms/love of rom coms quite as well as this entire video has🥹 I feel so seen. Dan this video is wonderful❤️


you SCARED me with the thumbnail, daniel!!! glad to hear you recognize the best romcom as such


Yet another video that plasters a big smile on my face. You have the knack! And you are absolutely right about the joy of something that's earnest and sincere. I love crappy old adventure stories and detective shows for this very reason. Stuff that revels in itself, that knows you know all the tricks, but takes you along for the ride anyway. Never thought I really cared for romcoms, but then I popped Notting Hill on a little while back in a 'well it's something to watch' mood, and yeah, I'm mentally ticking off all the tropes and the clichés, but also I'm cackling gleefully and then I'm in floods of tears?? What a delight! So I think I need to watch some more. There's so much to be said for storytelling that doesn't overthink itself xx


Delightful. You actually did convince me to watch a RomCom right this evening. Thank you for that!


Hey Dan! I just love your channel so much, thanks for all your videos. I''m a huge RomCom fan, they made me start writing romance novels in a RomCom style. I think - knowing which movies were in the bag of course - I would've had a hard time to decide between Notting Hill and About Time for #1. But I have to admit I've never seen When Harry Met Sally.

And I love your concept of BookTube for movies. I think this is something I could join in as well. I love talking about movies but I don't know how comfortable I would be in front of a camera.

Anyways... I'm very much looking forward to seeing your next videos.

Much love from Germany.


The happy dance I do when one of your cosy videos come up. Thank you Daniel J, exactly what I needed today <3
