Skilled trades are a dying industry. Find something else to do.

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New employees are treated awful. The whole industry is full of older people that just bad mouth younger people. They don't want to train anyone, and just overall have nasty attitudes.


Welder here... couldn't give a crap about being looked up to... truth is the pay/benefits are crap, and the lack of respect from bosses is despicable... why would I want to work for McDonald's wages? Pre covid McDonald's paid $7/hr and a good welder could easily get $20/hr.... now McDonald's pays $20/hr and shops pay $25/hr... if we made about 3x McDonald's pay before then we should be 3x what it is now... if shops paid $60/hr then I doubt there would be a lack of tradesmen in the field


I’ve heard this argument from every old man I’ve ever worked for in my 10 years of construction and trades experience. There is so much wrong with the trades industries but the older generation consistently blames young people for the decline. The average salary for an electrician (which I am STILL apprenticing for) in the US today is right under $56, 000. I went to college AND served in the military but I just got laid off along with 61 other excellent employees. Now I am interviewing with companies and showing them my level of experience and knowledge about the trade and the desire to work hard but they are low balling me on the salary left and right.

The older generation wants to blame young people for being lazy and not wanting to “get their hands dirty” but offer nothing but criticism and and low wages for young people who actually want to do this work. If you are really worried about the future of your trade then you would TEACH and be patient with mistakes. Take chances on kids who don’t show much promise but show up. And if you can’t afford to pay them well then START CHARGING MORE FOR YOUR SERVICES. Inflation has impacted everyone but somehow our industry can’t keep up with cost of living. But we are in high demand now so we should capitalize on that and pay ourselves what we deserve.


I wanted to do all those things and make great money. Turns out the industry didnt care. Took me less than a year to realize trades were gonna be the death of me


That’s not true at all. Kids are smarter than climbing through a 130° attic for $15 an hour.


25 years old working in concrete as a skilled laborer been here for 2 years, was my dream job, picked up on it quick, overtime, got a company truck, gas card, benefits, the freedom was amazing, tried getting a 2nd job since my job wasn’t a set schedule to get off, but still wasn’t enough to make up for it, unfortunately once work got slow, or work was canceled due to weather conditions I was left with no work, even finding side work to survive was a struggle & wasn’t a guaranteed 40 hours, & is no way to live, even the highest position was still barely getting by, old heads were still working till they die living miserably in pain off social security, wouldn’t want that to be me one day, leave while you can, trades just doesn’t keep up with cost of living in this economy, was everything I wanted, but it was a hard pill to swallow to accept reality for what it is, never had sense of job security, had a lot of fun, & learned a lot, rather live comfortably, & retire comfortably


The pay sucks, no benefits, no retirement.


I saw how a lifetime of farming and factory work absolutely wrecked my parents and my grandparents and decided VERY young that I didn’t want that for myself.


Instant gratification? Hell no we just want to afford rent. Little pay for 3-4 years? Why struggling to make rent for that time when you can just go for better paying jobs now? Or in that 3-4 year period where you would be struggling anyway. Why not put that time into a degree? (At least one that actually makes sense)


Like everyone else is saying, the actual, non-propaganda, reason that people stopped goinf into the trades is because for the pay they are getting, they might as well go work at McDonalds.

If the pay was anywhere near adequate, plenty of people would prefer the trades to the joke that is corporate america - but people arent going to break their backs for a job that doesnt even pay enough to get a house


What's more likely, the entire nation for whatever reason just collectively started deciding they don't wanna get their hands dirty, or it's the fact that most trade jobs have seen their pay stagnate and people aren't willing to do the most back breaking, dangerous, and high skill work for $2 more an hour than working at McDonalds.

My job sucks. it's not hard, it's just that it fluctuates between extremely stressful and boring, with nothing in-between. The actual work I do doesn't seem to provide any real world benefit to anyone and because of that, putting in extra effort isn't even rewarded with a "thanks." I've been wanting to get literally any other job for years now. Hell at this point, I'd clean portapotties with nothing but my bare hands if it would pay my rent and I got a "thank you" once a week.

Every time I look at what industries and trades need more workers, I see the pay and think "yeah that won't even pay my rent." It's a bit hard to show up to fill out an I-9 form without a mailing address other than "my car"


Nobody wants to break their back, get yelled at all day, work outside in the heat, sweat your fucking ass off… when you can make the same at Amazon in the A/C.


“WHY does no one want to work long, unpredictable hours for a wage $5 above the poverty line anymore!!! What happened to the good old days where you could pay someone far under their actual worth for them to do body breaking work and be spoken to as if they’re insignificant?!! This generation is SO lost!”


I worked nonunion for $15/hr as a carpenter apprentice, I was 18 and thought god damn this is insane work for little pay, but if you have a strong union then look into that! I am now a 5th term Interior &Exterior systems Apprentice at 24, (did office work between the years) and I make over $36/hr! (Over a $10/hr wage increase in 2years!).Journies make around $45/hr and our healthcare benefits are pretty good. Had to go to the ER and only paid $50 for the visit and care. I'm a woman in the trades and ADORE my work. Times are changing - some poorly old fashioned journies will be around but many are changing their ways and becoming more job site positive and safety conscious. If you're intrested in trades work, then just got for it! Its not like its set in stone if you decide its not for you.


Why on Earth would I want to do "back-breaking" work for little pay? When I can go to college and still have a functioning body when I'm older?


I loved working in trades when I was 21 and healthy. Still glad to have the skills I picked up.

Then I started working with 40 year olds who looked 60 and drank a case of beer a day to cope with the constant pain they're in, and I got the heck out as soon as I could.

I do lots of hobby carpentry now, love to get my hands dirty, but no way I can justify tying my livelihood to something that breaks people down like that. I want to be able to play with my grandkids when the time comes.


Ok sir skilled trades are so good lead by example get off youtube and start a skilled trade job bet you wont


More people should be more greatful for the blue collar workers cause without them they wouldn’t have homes, cars, running water, electricity, ect


As a former trade worker, you couldn’t be more wrong. It doesn’t work for everyone, even when they pay well. Have no fear to admit those jobs don’t work for you and move on. Even Jesus quit being a carpenter to go on to do the best work yet. :)


Listen, I can agree that actors and athletes are no tradesmen but let's not act like their line of work doesn't require years and years of meticulous craftsmanship and that their fields, despite the skill level, aren't stress-inducing enough as is.
