Living alone? Crash and burn after a wonderful day! Does this happen to you?

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Life sure has a way of messing with our emotions doesn't it?
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Massive hugs to you. The hangover. Yup. Spring is here, you'll feel good again in no time. :)


Happy Belated Birthday! 😊 I can relate to everything you said. You are not alone! Thankfully, it usually wears off in a day or two and I feel back to my old self. Hopefully your feeling much better tomorrow.


Thank you for thanking all of us for the birthday wishes! You have the best of both worlds-family close by and your own private space! I can’t go without saying that turning 70 was by far the worst birthday ever ☹️Hang in there!


Oh bless you, I haven't been on Internet much as my elderly dog been ill.
I always enjoy your videos and so glad you had a lovely birthday. I don't live on my own my 42 year old daughter lives with me. I do have a knack of pissing her off most of the time. But I know what you mean, when I ser my other daughters who I don't see much, what with their work and everything, I do get so upset that I don't see them that much and my granddaughters as they don't live near and so busy. I hope you feel better soon and get back into your own routine. Sometimes when I'm shopping and see women if my age shopping with their partners, I do feel kind of jealous and think why couldn't of I had that.
Take care, sending love xxx


Really appreciate your realness. I can relate to what you’re saying and I’m married and have two adult children still living with me! You are blessed with very wonderful and loving children.
The greatest reward of being a fantastic parent as you have clearly been, is seeing your children grow and become kind, loving, and responsible adults.
Hang in there! Blast some good music from the 80’s and celebrate what an amazing mom you are!🌷💞


You make it real. I feel most of us, in your position, feel some of the same feelings. I feel you’re allowed to sit and cry when you feel like it. I feel the same when I am visiting with my kids, happy then a low. I enjoyed going through some of your videos. I have subscribed as I feel our paths align. It’s great listening to you. I feel you are saying what most In this phase of life feel.


I felt sad listening to you in this video. I miss my kids when they leave as well but I have never let those feelings take over. Guess I am just wired differently than most people. My feeling is that even though buying my fixer upper house was a huge financial burden for many years, I am so busy all the time either working on the inside or the outside I honestly do not have time for negative feelings. Right now, Mother Nature and I are having a foot race! The half acre in the back of my house is filled with fruit trees and other trees and bushes and all the flower beds I have put in. So the last 5 days I have been out there weeding and doing spring clean up only to find out we have a snow storm coming on Fingers crossed that I can get the iris bed cleaned up tomorrow morning and the back will be finished. We are supposed to get about 3 inches so that puts the end to any yard work for a good many days.
Maybe starting a new hobby one that you really have to concentrate on will help to take your mind off things.
Or maybe a McDonalds fish sandwich
I truly help you feel better soon. Many many virtual hugs!
I keep forgetting to ask you if you are doing your fairy garden this year. I loved looking at that.
Take care.


Yes I can relate to the feelings you expressed in this video. Emotionally very painful until you re-adjust.


Oh no! Sorry I missed, Happy belated birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 xxxx


Much love to you Lori, i always look forward to your videos. Feel like we're friends 🎉😊


I know tomorrow will be my "wet rag day" as today was a shopping day for stocking the larders, plus finishing a house project. (10-26-24). Yep...I do get those "dead battery days"...just roll with the "low voltage"! Happy Real Belated Birthday"! You are I have no visit...or visit me. I'm thankful I do have three very good friends two female, one male...they too are in a similar situation. Speaking of friends...must not forget the to them as I walk around the house and basement! Videos such as yours keep me occupied, as well as having my favorite music playing...or going to the piano and making my own!! One situation is during this time of year, when the Holiday Season comes on...a bitter-sweet time...the best and worst memories. Best Cheer of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas...worst...the passing of my mom left home, never to December of December of 1999. But, I had no choice but to move on!! Thank goodness for those cheerful times!!


Hello! I hope you are feeling better. I get it, from a high to a low, and I have experienced it, it can be hard to sake it off.

Even with the lows afterwards you are so blessed in having a family that loves you, and cares for you 🙂😀

Thanks for saying high, it put a big smile on my face 😊


The way I see it is It’s always Saturday for us retired folks.
Marty in Galveston.


I can see the Pacific Ocean from my back room windows...we do "shake-rattle-and roll" in San hometown! And "Larry"...that's me!!


I understand completely. I moved to a rural area after living in the city. It gets lonely when my daughter leaves and my friends still are back in my hometown. I hope you feel better. There will be lots to look forward to with more family get togethers. Do you keep a journal? Put it all down. I'm starting one..kind of like a diary. You will find a new companion, because you are a lovable, kind, And beautiful lady.


Happy late birthday 🎉 I missed it. You created that joy they are your kids props to you. I have to do something I really love to distract me until it passes. I agree with that Monday thing I get happy on fridays i think it’s from childhood going to school. My mom had lilac smell bead when I was little and it is one of my favorite smell to this day.


2023 was 59 lost my 89 year old daddy in January..started renovating my daddy's house to move in husband went into dts for 3rd time when i needed him the most..went to rehab..divorced him in October..lost my cousin which is my best friend in an only son doesn't come over or call


I can’t relate but that could be because I see my kids/grandkids every week at least once or twice a week. I like my solitude and I’ve been single going on 26 years and I’ve lived alone for most of that time. I guess I’m just used to it. I do have one cat. Having at least one pet and staying busy sometimes with a hobby helps. I love sitting in silence and meditation too though. It’s been a long time since I have felt lonely.


I think you are beautiful just the way you are. Makeup is soooo overrated. I love the natural look and you have a natural beauty. I guess that you have one more thing to be happy about ;-) Oh Happy Birthday!!! Mine is coming up next month.


I watched a couple of your videos and I was a a bit confused about your loneliness because it's not really about living alone but about being disconnected from your family. It's obviously very key for your well being. Have you thought about selling up not sure if you own your home and having a granny annex on one of your families properties? like invest with them or share rent costs with them, but still each have your privacy. I think that could be ideal. You can be the heart of the family Just my observation.
