My Mother-In-Law Did A Background Check On Me | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

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SHEFFY and Macky initially met online, speaking for years until they finally met in person. When they did, they had a whirlwind wedding, mainly so Canadian Sheffy could live in the US with Macky. Speaking to Truly, Sheffy explained: "We knew we wanted to get married anyway so we thought why not do it sooner rather than later?" But both of their families have expressed concerns about the relationship, particularly as they come from different cultural backgrounds - Macky is from a Christian family in the Southern US and Sheffy's parents are Muslims from Bangladesh. Macky explained: "My family, they're concerned about the cultural differences between the two different religions." It even led to Macky's mum carrying out a background check on Sheffy. In this episode of Love Don't Judge, the pair will meet with Macky's cousin, Austin, to hear his thoughts on the relationship. Reflecting on their journey, Sheffy said: "All the things that we face, I feel like other intercultural relationships face."

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Videographer: Andrea Claire Morningstar
Producers: Kate Moore, Yasmin Walker
Editor: Garry Sykes

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Bruh they could just say they’re racist instead of pretending that a Canadian would marry an American for a green card LMAO also the cousin making fun of her cooking was rude af


Honestly this is a good example of why I can't marry anyone with a stupid or crazy family. I have no patience for nonsense.


The way he rudely dismissed what she had cooked. He didn’t even have awareness for how rude he was thats the big issue. Just yikes. At least try it, maybe you’d love it, but how would you ever know. Kudos to this couple for escaping how they were raised and following their heart ignorance be damned.


His cousin was rude when she offered him food.


The cousin saying her food looks terrible…so rude


What person in their right mind would ever think a Canadian would want to marry someone for a greencard?!
And that cousin? It's because of rude, disrespectful people like him that Americans have such a bad name for themselves.
People like him and his family give a bad name to the country and make life more difficult for the Americans who are lovely souls.
She must really love the dude to put up with his family like that.
Good like to them both...


Cousin, next time when someone offers you some food and you don’t feel like it, try this:

Option A: I’ve just eaten. Still full (rub your tummy) but THANK YOU for asking though.
Option B: THANK YOU. It is too early/late for me to eat. I am not that hungry. It smells amazing! (If it does, of course)

Have some manners and be polite. It doesn’t cost a thing.


The cousin, Austin, gave me an icky feeling. Sir, you’re a grown ass man Icking Someone else food. Be a big boy and say “thank but not thank you” to her the onion and eggs. Ugh…that part is so cringe


This dude really be out there calling eggs and onions with some spices "cultural difference" bruhh hahaha


It was a little weird how her husband insulted her traditional dress. She seemed taken aback.


Why does he still have a relationship with his family when they treat his wife like that? The cousin's reaction to her food was appalling and racist... Pathetic


How to say I’m racist without saying I’m racist


Being concerned that she's with you for a green card when shes Canadian is comical. The amount of jobs she's had was a red flag? If she didnt have a job history, they would call her lazy. I am glad she let the cousin (and fam cause I am sure they watched this) that she could easily stay in Canada and have a good life if she wanted to.


If she was a white canadian, the worst they'd say to her is call her a golddigger. This is all pure rascism. How the husband talks about her also rubs me wrong "its one of her cultural foods." and "It barely has any skin showing." when talking about the lehenga, it's just weird...


I would not be with a guy if his family didn’t like or accept me. It’s not worth the headache.


I think it’s pretty obvious that she’s a very liberal Muslim, she’s literally Canadian, why his parents are concerned at all is fucking absurd. She’s an absolute queen and HE has just as many hang ups if not MORE so his family needs to tighten up.


YES! Canada is a good country as well. The US has its issues - i dont think people realize how Americans are viewed by some across the world. Super expensive healthcare, soaring crime, and skyrocketing xenophobia. Wow, paradise!


I think Austin was a bit jealous…I’m pretty sure he wanted Mackey all for himself 😭😭😭


EVERYONE knows that leaving Canada to come to America AIN’T a win…she loves that man😂😂🙌🏾Especially if his cousin gonna criticize her food like southerners ain’t got a whole “unique” menu of their own😑


Is it because she's Canadian or she's a brown skinned Muslim....hmmmm
