Lesson 24 - 74HC595 Shift Register

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Eight LED with 74HC595, or 74HC595 shift register. Demonstrate the tutorial’s sketch and expand the sketch to show back to back shift registers. A beginner's guide to the Most Complete Starter Kit by Elegoo.

Hello everyone, I'm Rick the Tech Enthusiast here with the next Elegoo Lesson. This is the next lesson on my Arduino UNO Series covering the Most Complete Starter Kit by Elegoo. I try to follow the included Elegoo tutorial and will point out any changes or corrections as I find them.

As mentioned before, I purchased this Elegoo starter kit and Elegoo isn't sponsoring me. I just thought it would be fun to do a video of each Lesson as I was learning the Arduino environment.

We’ll need a few things from your Elegoo Arduino UNO kit. I’ll list the items below. In this lesson we’re going to check out the 74HC595 shift register, a digital output port expanding device that uses only three Arduino outputs. I’ll step through the Elegoo tutorial, briefly explain the code, and build and configure a simple circuit to demonstrate the functionality. Then I’ll expand the circuit with back to back shift registers to control 16 outputs. I hope you enjoy it.

Parts you’ll need for the Elegoo tutorial:
* Elegoo Uno R3 board
* 74HC595 shift register IC
* 8 LEDS, 2 blue, 2 yellow, 2 red, and 2 green
* 8 220-ohm resistors
* The breadboard
* A bunch of male-to-male jumper wires (about 13 or so).
The expanded circuit requires an additional 74HC595 shift register and additional 220-ohm resistors purchased separately.

The next lesson will be Lesson 25: The Serial Monitor


Various Parts can be found: (Note these are Amazon Associates links)
(Full Disclosure: I get a little credit/$ if you purchase a linked item.)


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This is another video for my Arduino tutorial series. If you like the series, be sure to rate and subscribe.

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Thanks for putting these tutorials together. I bought a slightly different version of the Elegoo kit, but the 4 digit LED project was giving me fits as the numbers were jumping around instead of incrementing sequentially. In this video, I noticed the part about setting the MR to high. This isn't called for in my documentation. It works flawlessly once I put that jumper in. Thanks again!


real amazing video and so much clear. its greatly explain how data stores and how it works crysatl clearly. Thank you sir!!!


Thank God! Someone who speaks English!


Whenever I plug in the last line into the 5v into the Uno the Uno loses power. Its On LED stays on but I can hear it disconnecting from my PC. Any tips? I am for certain wired correctly and strongly.


Nice video. I downloaded your code and start to learn it. The example is working. However, I cant figure out how to control each individual leds. When controlling the leds only with arduino, with digital output, it was easy: digitalWrite(6, HIGH); digitalWrite(2, HIGH) digitalWrite(3, LOW) . How can I do the same with your example?I have 16 leds.


Great video, thank you. Could you explain how to build a led matrix using shift register?


@10:58 I don't understand why the lights would travel right to left, shouldn't it be from left to right? you said in Lession 27 that shiftOut() with LSB always makes the right most digit Q7, and in your code here your for loop iteration for bitSet travels from index i=0; i<8, so i assume the loop proceeds etc etc. so shouldn't the lights travel left to right?


Well done sir. Thank You. Please keep doing this.


Good sir, thank you very very much for this amazing video. I wish you well from the bottom of my heart!


Hi Ricardo, Can I control a single digit RGB led strip using the shift register?
From the led strip ( 5v/data/grd )


Hola quería comentarte como se hace invertir la salida de los pines 8 a 10 parta atacar la base de los transistores 2n222 para controlar unos displays de 7 segmentos de ánodo común .


will you lower the music i cant hear what are you saying


Do you need external power source?

I was going to use 2 shift registers with 16 leds then i remembered people talking about how much current Arduino UNO can provide and how much current each Led draws. Now i'm searching internet for information. I don't want to kill my Arduino UNO.


How do you draw your electronic circuits?


You can only controll 4 shift registers in chain?


Is there any difference between the suffixes like 74hc595 N, D, P...?
