Slime mold intelligence vs. humans

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Looking at intelligence from a human only perspective is a big mistake. Hope this video makes you rethink how you define intelligence!
Welcome to the Shoshin Show, where we lead with curiosity to explore our potential.
Welcome to the Shoshin Show, where we lead with curiosity to explore our potential.
Are You Smarter Than A Slime Mold?
Slime mold intelligence vs. humans
The Insane Biology of: Slime Mold
Joe Rogan : Slime Mold has INTELLIGENCE?!😳 #joerogan #japan #experiment
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This Slime Mold Is Smarter Than Humans | JRE featuring Paul Stamets
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Slime Moulds and Swarm Intelligence - Tanya Latty | University of Sydney
Slime Mould Smarter Than Humans?
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Fungal Intelligence: Lead the way to improved technological systems
Can Slime Mould Solve Mazes? | Earth Science
Slime Mold Intelligence: Smarter Than Humans?
Joe Rogan : Slime Mold has INTELLIGENCE?!😳 (crazy end 😱!!)
True Facts Slime Molds: Educational Edition
Experimenta: The Art of Slime Mold With Heather Barnett