7 Shocking Cat Facts!

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You guys know that I know cats; there are shocking facts in this video that EVEN I didn't know! Shocking? Sure... but also fun, entertaining, educational, and sure to help you build a better understand and stronger bond with your cat!

0:00 Intro
0:40 Cats Land on their Feet
2:10 The Righting Reflex
3:22 Left or Right Pawed
5:10 How a Cat Tongue Works
6:45 Cats Have Many Meows
8:03 Cat Nose Prints
9:23 The Healing Purr
11:00 Cats and Dairy

All About Cat Vocalizations


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Ustedes saben que yo conozco a los gatos; ¡Hay hechos en este video que ni siquiera yo sabía! ¿Impactante? Claro ... ¡pero también divertido, entretenido, educativo y seguro que te ayudará a construir una mejor comprensión y un vínculo más fuerte con tu gato!

¡Llamando a todos los padres de mascotas! Comparte tus momentos de video conmigo ... ¡y tal vez con el mundo!

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Jackson Galaxy es el presentador y productor ejecutivo del exitoso programa de Animal Planet "My Cat From Hell". Jackson, un defensor de los animales y experto en comportamiento y bienestar de los gatos, tiene más de 25 años de experiencia trabajando con gatos y sus guardianes.

Desde problemas con la caja de arena, agresión, nutrición y más: el canal de YouTube de Jackson es una inmersión profunda en el mundo de los gatos.

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Marcamos la diferencia para los animales en riesgo y las personas que los cuidan. ¡Únete a nosotros!

#JacksonGalaxy #Cat #Advice

"Light, Love & Mojo"
Рекомендации по теме

I sat in a pub once, a long time ago with my boyfriend. A large ginger tomcat came over to me, said hello to me and then insisted on draping himself around my neck, purring away like a motorbike. This was the first time I'd met this cat, or had much to do with a cat at all. He was purring so loudly I couldn't hear much else. I carefully took him off, fussed him a bit and set him down. Then he climbed into the table and around my neck again. The landlord of the pub came over smiling and said this was strange, since he only usually does that with pregnant women. We laughed since it would be too early to tell either way. A week later, one thing and another, I did a test. Guess what? That was me pregnant. The cat knew before anyone else!


I've suffered with anxiety for the better part of 15 years, and becoming a cat momma for the first time this year I was surprised to learn that my babies' purrs have calmed my mind more than anything else by a mile


I was in a hospital for 2 days. When I got home, my cats were happy to see me. They realized I wasn't well, took up to cure me. One on my left, one on my right side both pressed up close to my sides. Both were purring me to a love-filled sleep.


My cat 'chats' to me all the time.
If I've been out, she'll chat away, rapidly, for quite a while, as if she updating me on all the things that have happened since I left.
Even when I'm in, she spends various times of the day, following me around, chirping and meowing away, telling me what she thinks, and probably what she'd rather I was doing.
She's a right little chatter-box.


My anecdote about "healing purrs"...When I had a kidney infection my cat knew, she would NOT leave my side, not even to eat. I would get up 1000 times to go to the bathroom, and she went with me every single time. My partner and I had to wait all night until shops opened to get meds, and so as I laid in pain on the couch, she laid right beside me (something she never does) and purred and purred. It was like she knew not to sit on my belly, which is what she would normally do, and she stayed with me purring until my partner was able to get meds and come back with them! When he came back she ran to the door and very urgently meowing...like she was saying "help her! help my girl!" and once he got me medicated and feeling better, only then did she eat. Cats can be so fiercely loyal and loving.


Getting my cat to purr is so rewarding, I'm like "yess, you love me!"


My cats always communicate with each other and me with these special "hmmmm?"s and it's so adorable, almost as if they're trying to say "what's up, you doing something interesting here? Can I join? Give me your attention!"


Re: Adult cats meowing only for humans, many years ago we had a cat we allowed to go outdoors, as he stayed in the yard and didn't try to mix it up with other cats. Anyway, he somehow figured out that, when he was sitting outside the sliding door meowing to be let in, we couldn't hear him from the other side of the glass. So, he decided to save his kitty vocal cords -- he would literally MIME a "meow, " moving his mouth like he was vocalizing but with zero sound coming out. And it worked; we always knew what he wanted. It was funny and amazing at the same time. RIP, Kersey!


My "daughter's" cat greeted me with a somewhat suspicious look when I came home from the hospital after a craniotomy. Then he finally jumped up on my bed and gave me the biggest head bump greeting ever, right on the fresh cut that of course was stitched up and sore. So I yelped and he jumped back and then approached again very slowly and started sniffing every stitch very thoroughly. I could hear and feel his breath as he carefully examined the cut. Then he laid down by my hips and curled up to stay. Sometimes purring. Sometimes not but just in the perfect spot to reach back and touch him which would start him purring. So comforting.


One additional “cat fact” I’ve noticed: when a cat walks, it places its back paw exactly at the spot left by its front paw. A trail left by a cat in the snow reveals this.


I"m not sure if a cat's purring can help humans heal but I have to say that hearing it and feeling the gentle vibrations of the cat's body as it purrs on your lap or against you, is one of the more pleasant experiences in life. There aren't many more things more peacefully pleasurable than that.


I knew something was wrong when my boy stopped purring. Got him to the vet, had a scratch from one of his sisters that got infected. Knowing he wasn't purring was key to getting him well again. Love you cat daddy!


I’m not sure if it was the emotional response to my cat purring on my lap/chest or the healing effect. But when I had a cat, they always made me feel better during my menstrual cycle.


I never understood cats at all until I got my kitten and started watching your channel. I gotta say it's been a life changing event 😊😊😊


Only camels, giraffes & cats walk that way...and individual nose prints... now, that, I didn't know! As Leonardo DaVinci said, "The smallest feline is a masterpiece." Love you, Jackson.


I am a full believer that they can heal us too. My late cat Phantom gave me purr sessions same time everyday when I got into a biking/car accident five years ago, breaking three bones. She did this everyday at 5pm until the doctor said my bones had healed. She stopped the sessions after that unless she wanted to cuddle. Miss her everyday 🥰. Thanks for the facts very interesting.


I've been telling everyone. My youngest cat, Angus MacGyver, had horrible anxiety. We've had him since he was about 6 weeks old, he was a feal kitten and took a long time to adjust to people. He's fine with me, but my husband still makes him nervous because he's hyper and loud. Angus loves to be pet, get hugs and kisses, but he's never purred. Until the other day. He got in my lap to be pet and he purred!!!! It was just that one time, but it was amazing


It's been a rough day...a lonely day of negative self talk. As I glance through the lineup of video notifications I sigh with relief and pull up Jackson. The vibe is sincere and just pure goodness. Thanks for being there. You never know who you've encouraged with your positive energy. 🙂


One of my kitties will sleep all day with me when I'm down with a migraine. He jumps on the bed, purrs and settles down against one of my legs. It's so sweet.


I have always called my tortie Wookie a Magic Cat. I broke my leg in 2019 and had surgery. She would put her head on my leg exactly where the break was and purr. I didn't need any pain killers. I had a female surgery shortly after that, and she put her head on my tummy and purred. Once again, I didn't need any pain killers. And recently, I had some ear surgery and had to lay on my right side. Wookie came up and put her purring little head against the bad ear. She is truly a magic cat!
