Epilepsy in schools: how to deal with a tonic clonic seizure

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As some one who is aware during their seizures I can not stress how big talking to someone who is seizing is. Seizures are scary, and knowing someone is there is a HUGE relief


to all those kids that suffer epilepsy. I am 35 and have had it all my life. it gets easier. never let anyone treat you differently and confront your deamons . Remember you can achieve anything and there is nothing you can't do.


Can we just appreciate the face of how well trained this lady is, even if it was acted out she still did extremely well.


Cameron Boyce's death really shook me up. I came here because I wanted more knowledge on how to handle these kinds of things.


This is really helpful. She tactfully put the little girl on her side and gently talked to her so she can become aware. I’ve never seen someone handle this with such ease and elegance. Really helpful


The most important thing as a witness to a seizure is to comfort the person, reassure them that they are ok and be calm and patient as they will be confused, disorientated and scared.


I was ready to cringe, but the video is spot on. She handled the simulation very well. Great training. Breaking people of putting object into their mouths and either breaking teeth or forcing the tongue back and possibly chocking them. Also the left side recovery was perfect. Loved that she timed it. I have videoed a seizure and before watching I claimed it lasted 5 min. It really was 2 min, but with a loved one time goes so slow.


Watching someone go through a seizure can be frightening, because they may never have seen some one going through this before, particularly on this scale. So it is important that we teach how to deal with someone that is going through this. It's just as important to be educated on what not to do as well as what to do. Where I work, they hadn't seen someone going through a seizure until I had several of varying types. Starting with absent and developing into a grand mal or tonic-clonic. I reassured them that it was nothing to be frightened of and how to deal with me and others should we be seen to be going through any form of seizure. It's amazing when you talk to people the concept of their interpretation of how person reacts when going through a grand mal or tonic-clonic. One person told me that they thought white foam filled the room once a person was fitting. They took a course in first-aid after that and began teaching after how to deal with people going through seizures. For many years it's been at a taboo subject but now finally is coming into the light. But it is thanks to those people that are prepared to film and post these events in someone's life particularly when it's a loved one of theirs. Thank you.


I cried when she was explaining where she was and she had a seizure cos I remember my mum saying that to me


Remember guys believe in yourselves. I have been dealing with this my whole life and am a Aerospace repairs technician. I have learnt everything myself in life from working on air craft to building my first PC and creating my own streaming channel. You got this. Just eat regular and healthy and get in a routine with your medication like clock work. Routine is a massive advantage.


It’s been 10 yrs since my sister died, she had epilepsy🙏🏽😔 May we meet again Sarah ❤️ God bless and protect you wherever you are 🙌🏽❤️


I have seizures and just watching this makes me cry. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in her position


This is what happened to Cameron:( but he obviously was sleeping and he didn’t have much energy and he didn’t have anybody to help him I feel if it was in the day time or when people were around her could’ve lived😭💔


This made me cry cause I have seizures and it sucks. When people see you have one, you feel out of place and want to dissapear cause you feel discusted in a way they just saw you like that. Maybe i can't speak for everyone else on this, but i bet some feel the same way. You just feel like ur in the way when your family has to set up all these appointments and stuff


I watched this video yesterday for the first time. It touched me so deeply that I cried. Every human person in this video acts perfectly like it's normal to be kind and supportive to each other. I rarely encounter such human features in my everyday life, maybe that's why I cried. Also maybe this made me rewatch the video and memorize all steps one needs to take to help and support a person having seizure.

Thank you for making these instructions. You make the world a better place.


A classmate of mine had one of these during final exams. Fell off his char, lacerated his head on the concrete floor.
I never even knew he had epilepsy. Thankfully we had two people with good medical training present, who took care of him. When he came around, his first worry was if he could re-take the exam. (He could. They gave him an extra date on another day.)


this is the good methode to help
i hope many people wil see this video so they can see how you must handle with a tonic clonic  seazure


My mum had epilepsy and I gave nightmares about it and I don’t want my mother being hated....

One like = one respect...

Thank you,


This Monday, my math teacher fainted in class. When she had fainted, the principal took me and my friends into his office, and called 911. The EMT’s said she had a seizure, but she is going to be okay ❤


For me, living with epilepsy has definitely been a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs. In my videos, I discuss how to cope with your feelings, learning how to deal with the endless emotions you experience living with epilepsy. When I googled epilepsy on the Internet there were lots of videos and articles on, what epilepsy was, the symptoms of epilepsy, the medications for epilepsy, etc., but there were very few articles about coping with your negative emotions caused by epilepsy. We need to focus on the emotional aspect more.
