#StaySafeSide: Michael’s Basketball Team Learns Seizure First Aid

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I like the kid who nods in the background, very convincing acting


I didn't know coaches like this exists. Our coach sometimes makes us run until we throw up. But that's what makes us stronger so IT'S GREAT 😄.


I like the coach in this spot. He is very calm and he knew just what to do.


This makes me feel more confident to go out into public because from this video people are getting the information needed to help me


If you ever see someone with epilepsy having a seizure stop and help them you’re doing the right thing by doing so


Kid tosses up that brick, other dude looks back to the director all "you see this fool?"


when I started high school the coach of the volleyball team had told me that he was uncomfortable with me playing because of my epilepsy. I was heartbroken and didn't play although high school. It still saddens me because I was so excited to play and yet I was discriminated by something that I couldn't and still can't control.


I love this video... When I was 12 years old coach used to tell me that wasn't ready to play football team because I was too special... it was kind of hard for me to understand..But I do understand I had a hard time to let everything go..It's took me time at the young age...Seizure epilepsy it is the hardest thing you have to go through with it to making sure you're taking care of it


I've had seizure some many times at school, everyone laughed at me.😭😭


Will be sharing this video with my mom. I had my first seizure a little over a week ago, two days after my 43rd birthday and it frightened her. Good thing is, I feel that it was the side effect of a medication which I'm no longer taking. (:


I was exempt from doing sports at school in case I had a seizure. I went to the classes but just watched, then was asked by the coach to head to the changing room 5 mins before the guys arrived, to have the showers warmed for them. Recall coming out of a seizure in the coaches room as he emerged from his shower; no memory of who brought me there or how long I was there for.


I have epilepsy and it is nothing like this most just laugh at you like your some weirdo. Plus this has such a high school musical vibe.


I had 2 bad seizures 2 weeks ago one after the other and had to go to the hospital so I know how they feel I feel so sorry to the people that go through these stay strong don’t let this seizures ruin your life and anyone can talk to me that are going through them because when I was little I would have 3 seizures a week


One of my closest friends daughter who would’ve turned 18 next month had a seizure while her mum & dad were out & although some friends were with her she fell on her bed facing down with the bedroom door closed. Her friends finally went to see why she had not come back out of her room only to find her non responsive & still face down on the bed. Unfortunately she could not be saved, despite valiant efforts from her best friends. I went to her funeral last Monday and the whole town was there. A special young woman taken way too soon. Hope this video reaches far and wide to save those that can be saved. If you know anyone with epilepsy, please check on them regularly as this can help. I know that a lot of people at this funeral have donated (including myself) a total of over $25k


I'd certainly pay the coach for the pep talk


Playing these commercials on tv now....thank God sure caught my attention


I Have Seizures Too A Lot (In School In Public And At Home)🥴🤤


I love this. My last seizure was during REM sleep but my last sleep while awake was almost 9 weeks ago. I'm trying to get my license back so I can drive and not have people to rely on to drive me places.


I had seizures years ago but after many scans and tests i can happily say i’m in the clear. The doctors believe it’s a one and done for me. But unfortunately for others, it can affect them for the rest of their lives.


He’s fail the physical exam in some school and he prohibited from playing due to the safety issue. It’s a good lesson learning school for kids so they know what to do in the event of someone having a seizure though. I mean he would likely have to sit the remainder of the game out cause this is a grand mal and when you come out of a seizure like that, your disoriented and confused and sometimes in pain or may have a pounding headache. It’s not likely you’ll come to and jump up and continue to play ball like nothing happened.
