THIS Led FORMER Atheist Peter Hitchens To a Belief in God!

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Peter Hitchens opens by stating that he hates this argument. He says that the opposition reminds him of his adolescent self, the worst person he ever knew. This debate is not serious, it's a matter of opinion and thereby a matter of choice. The question, he says, that should be discussed is why we choose what we choose?

Quotes Thomas Nagel, in his opinion the most intelligent atheist living today, "why is it that me and my fellow atheists want so much for they're not to be a god?"

Based on the knowledge we have, we construct a belief that helps us to discover what we ought to do and how we ought to live and if our actions have significance beyond what we immediately do.
He says that the atheists know that if everyone didn't believe in God there would be a lawless society in which we cannot trust people not to lie, cheat, steal or rape. Without the advantages of Christianity we would lose all faith in people doing the right thing.
Filmed on Thursday 8th November 2012

My commentary:
It is hard to imagine how free will can operate if our behavior is determined by physical law, so it seems that we are no more than biological machines and that free will is just an illusion.”
― Stephen Hawking, The Grand Design

That is the position of the naturalist who believes there is nothing beyond what our senses can test.

Yet, Internally we scream for justice! When we see someone wronged, especially if they are poor, old, sick, or very young our hearts scream about the injustice, that something must be done.

Question: If we are a biological machine with actions predetermined then why would we have a passion for justice?

And if it's just an illusion, why do anything about it? If it's just biological machines bumping into and breaking each other... then from whence commeth human value?

Of course, we see human value. At our core, even the most die-hard atheist believes in human worth and the value of human life – even if it's just the humans who agree with them.

While they didn't bring me to faith, I fully believe that our inner passion for justice and our inner longing for love – these represent something to me much greater than purposeless biological machinery operating within a mass domino effect. Instead, they represent the very image of God.

Imago Dei.

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Рекомендации по теме

Christ is King! This is the 33rd Atheism to Christianity video. All are in a convenient playlist featured on my channel page. The original source is ALWAYS linked in brackets as the first link in the description.

Commentary at the end is my own.

Peter Hitchens is notably the brother of late Christopher Hitchens.

I do apologize for the brief interruption in the video (I intended for the audio to be present during that section, but I goofed!)


Many people deny God because they don't want to be answerable to him.


6:40 Richard Dawkins recently said that he much prefers living in a Christian society than any other, which proves your point


Thank you, Aspiring Christian - and well said, to Peter Hitchens, having been an atheist, he is well able to expose them.


Wow, Hitchens brought up an outstanding point, that came from his gut; a deep and profound one at that. The opposition wants to take God out of the picture. He said that God is the only One that stands in their way.


“A number of people who are in the end servants of power are… quite anxious to dispel enormous force of restraint on power which Christian belief provides!”
Brilliant! An accurate assessment.


Remember Peter so ardently refuting the gospel. This does my heart well. So grateful he said yes and that he is offering his immense intellect and wit to advance the Kingdom of God.


I can relate to Peter. I was agnostic and an avid admirer of his brother Christopher and Professor Dawkins for 13 years. Im a 36 yr. old male nurse. After becoming wiser with age, working my career in nursing, becoming more knowledgable about science, which also humbled me with the realization I knew very little about the universe, all that collectively drove me to read the New Testament for myself, study the history of the scriptures, and I eventually gave my life to Christ. I now see the atheist arguments that I once held in high esteem from a much different perspective. Their arguments sound empty, meaningless, purposeless, and frankly ignorant. Many atheists fake being knowledgable about the Bible and science. They memorize high profile atheist quips, things theyve heard on youtube, and pass them off as their own, and in my experience with debating them in live video chats, they ended up having a very shallow knowledge about Christianity and science frankly. Its evidence that they accept atheism on faith because their knowledge is often times very superficial and they accept basic tenants of atheism on trust from the authority figures they admire. My coming to Christ was in no way faith-based as atheists would believe. It was based on extensive historical research. My beliefs are so evidence based I would feel comfortable debating anyone on the topic. As the scripture say always be ready to defend Christ with a knowledgeable mind and humble spirit.


Jesus says the path is narrow and not popular. If that's not prophetic then I don't know what is.


Eloquent and profound. These brothers possess high IQ and keen intellect.. amazing to see how one brother used his intellectual gifts from God, and how the equally brilliant brother used his.


I didn't know Christopher Hitchens had a brother who looked so much the same and was an Atheist, but now defending Christianity! I wonder what his brother would say if he was still alive


How Glorious is this! I thought this was click bait because we all know his brother Christopher. Praise the Lord. Christ is King! ✝️


It still cracks me up that he is Christopher Hitchens brother.
It's funny that people deride Peter for being haughty and self righteous. Christopher was the king of solipsistic bloviation but was beloved as "clever" because he was an Atheist.


The Hitchens household must have been wild when they were growing up.


God is the first 5D chess player. Atheism's rise to prominence forced many believers to actually examine their beliefs.


I KNOW God exists because after I gave my heart to Christ, I had a born again experience. The Holy Spirit swooped into my body and almost scared me to death but He immediately revealed Himself to me. In all the years that I had Christians for friends, nobody had explained what born again meant. I had no idea that the Holy Spirit comes to indwell the believer. So no argument can convince me that God is a mere belief. I’m definitely “a new creation in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17), ” a much different and kinder person than I was before my conversion.


Every knee WILL bow!
Every tongue WILL confess!
Oh, the joy and glory of that coming event!!


God calls insividuals, not families.

Good on Peter Hitchens.


He speak so well and defends christinity very well.


I wish I could speak so eloquently... Amazing.
