Fix Windows Can't be installed on drive 0 partition error while install windows 10.

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Solve Windows Can't be installed on drive 0 partition 1 error while install Windows 10. You can fix this error without any file loss if you do correctly otherwise it could happen. How to Fix Windows Can't be installed on drive 0 partition 2 error while install Windows 10. Can't select windows installation drive : error : Windows Can't be installed on drive partition.
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What is Windows Can't Be Installed on Drive and Partition?
This error can occur when selecting an install drive after the first stage of Windows 10 installation.
If the partition you selected here is a local disk of a drive, the solution to this need to be done very careful. Other than that, if you are using a hard drive or SSD completely for Windows 10, then the solution can be done very fast, and simple.
Let me make it more clear.
Here you can see all the partition of the drive connected to the computer. If Operating system is installed on a Partition, commonly known as C drive of a Hard disk. Then the fix is only need to apply on that particular partition. And its essential to install windows 10 without damaging other partitions. For that, you need to do this procedure more carefully.

Let start procedure. use your computer keyboard and enter the Command prompt option. For that , hold the Shift key and press F10 key.
Type : Diskpart command and hit the enter key.
Type : List disk
It will shows the connected disks.
Type: Select Disk 0.
Disk 0 is now selected disk.
If you want to use the entire hard drive space for the Windows 10 operating system. From this point you can type the "clean" command and press the enter key. Then close the cmd (command prompt ) and proceed to install windows 10.
( following commands will helps you to save other partitions)
Type : List volume
it will show all system partitions.
Type: select volume ?.
Once the volume partition is selected .
Type : Clean
Type: Create Part pri
Type: Active,.
Type: format fs=NTFS label=DEE Z quick p
it takes some times to get formatted.
Type :Assign Letter=C.
Type: exit
and close the CMD.
Now try to refresh the drive section it will allows you to select and install without any problem.
There is two way to recover your important data if loss.
1, you need to have one more working desktop PC. If then, disconnect the hard drive from the loss computer and connect it to the working computer, and install a recovery tool like getdataback , Power data recovery, Recuva, Disk Drill, Pandora Recovery etc., on the computer. Then, Run the recovery tool and locate the "drive" and start recover.
2, Use another "hard drive" or any USB storage that support up to 32 GB file. And, choose that drive to install the windows operating system. After the installation log in to windows desktop. Then, install the same recovery tool on the computer, and try to recover ( no need another PC ).
you can contact me, If you can't choose the drive for windows OS installation.

How to Fix Windows Can't be installed on drive 0 partition 1 error while install Windows 10. Solve Windows Can't be installed on drive 0 partition 2 error while install Windows 10.

Deepu Prabhakar
Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
Contact : +916238290039.
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"Don't follow this method"
There is so many compliments from viewer that is this method is wipe all data, Then why you are not delting this video. Why are saying all to connect me by whatsapp, WTF r u doing buddy!


Its easy, just do this inside of the installer, when you are at the select disk to install Windows on part:
Click Shift + F10
Type "diskpart"
Type "list disk"
Select your disk with "select disk " + disk number
Type "clean" (It formats your drive, make sure its empty)
Type "convert gpt"
Type "exit"
Now close Command Prompt.
Click refresh
Select your drive to install on
Click "New"
Click "OK"
Select your drive then install Windows!


Everyone complaining that they lost their data should not be doing these tasks. Hire someone to do it for you if you don't know what your doing! When messing with drives you can ALWAYS loose data. Ps. He literally said to clear/clean the drive and you typed it. Good luck with your computer!


why did you select volume 8? How did you choose this? Same for selecting which disk.

Ultimately, I just selected disk 0 and cleaned; which allowed me to re-install Windows from my boot USB


Thank you so much! Worked like a charm.

Just a heads up to anyone that may be reading this, the important step here is running diskpart, and then running the clean command on the correct disk. You don't really have to do the rest in the command line.


AWESOME video, it worked!!! Thank you, have been fighting with this build for hours!! Thanks again.


Hi does this work for a dual boot of windows 7 and windows 10 on two separate partitions? Windows 7 is already installed on one partition. I created a new partition and formatted it ntfs but windows 10 installer complains windows cannot be installed to this hard disk space the partition contains one or more dynamic volumes that are not supported for installation. Any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated thanks


I can’t get the last code to work format fs=NTFS Label=DEES what am I suppose to put instead of deez in so confused and about to throw this out the window please help I’m about to loose my mind


i love this guy he actually saved me from going crazy


Legend. This shit was driving me crazy as install was stuck on a reboot loop! All sorted.


You saved my life buddy! I was ready to pull my hair out discovering I couldn't re-install windows.


I am getting same issue during the installation . But format the system using your process then all drive was merged and complete system formatted . So I loss the data.

Now to recover the data . Plz tell me .


thank you so much, i formatted my brand new nvme ssd and thought i just ruined it. your a life saver!


DEEZ, this is a great tutorial!!!

One point not addressed in it is that Windows 10 (and presumably Windows 11) need have the partition formatted for "GBT" instead of "MBR" which my old drive had. It was a simple command, after "Clean", insert the command "convert GPT". I am now loading Windows 10...after 2 days of trying the "Tricks" from other sources.

You made it easy to be a DIYer!!! Best wishes. Keep up the great work!!


Please pc showing Next button but also show the massage (windows cannont be installed to disk 0 partion 1)..when i press the next button all the information(like, , copying windows file, expandinng windows file ext.) has done but stuck on compleating installation...
What should i do..



I tried to format C drive and install windows 10 64 bit by watching your video. But using your commands, my disk fully got cleaned. How to recover ? All my volumes got wiped. Any help is much appreciated.


I follow everything but i lost my all data.please help me


Bro thank you so much, this helped me setting up my computer and I couldn’t be more happy


I followed all steps and my whole drive got format including other partitions too, does that mean my ssd is not working properly or it was meant to format whole drive?


Hey bro my computer crashed and I tried to reinstall windows on the internal ssd that I originally built with my computer. If I already installed windows what command can I use to hard reset my drive?
