Effort to close gaps between urban and rural education system | Manish Mathur | TEDxKIITUniversity

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Manish Mathur, a social entrepreneur and an innovator, believes entrepreneurship to be a timeless pursuit without a limit. Referring to the theme “Right Angle Of The Clock”, he elaborates that there’s a fixed time for everything, whether we speak about education or employment, but entrepreneurship is that vocation which anyone could attempt for at any point of his life.

Manish Mathur left his job and chose to be in this field in order to minimize the gap between the two prominent parts in which the society has been currently divided- the urban and the rural parts. Thus, in an attempt to do so, he founded the Prayas Innovation, targetting the youth of the nation. He believed it an adept choice to initiate with the youth, as it results in a precise analysis. He identified that the main problem in the education system is that almost 70% of the kids are enrolled in the govt schools among which, many of them don’t even have proper facilities for the kids, seating capacity being a major one. This even results in inappropriate body postures since a young age ! He even identifies the lighting conditions as one of the major problems among the students living in rural areas.

Focussing on all of the mentioned problems, the Prayas Innovation came up with a wonderful solution, called 'YELO Bag' to overcome all of them at once. It’s a multifunctional, light weight bag, with a single-fold technology which converts it into a desk.

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