Can You Learn A New Language In Your Sleep?

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Can you learn a language in your sleep? That would certainly make life a lot easier! In this episode of Babbel Explains, we bust some common myths about learning a language in your sleep and explain the ways sleep can actually help you learn.

Check out more fascinating videos:
Is Latin Really A Dead Language?
What Are The Differences Between American And British English?

Learn more about learning and sleep on Babbel Magazine:
How Sleep Can Help You Learn A Language (And How It Can’t)
What Does It Mean To Dream In The Language You’re Learning?

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I appreciate this information because I admit to being intrigued by the many "Learn (insert language here) While you Sleep" videos on Youtube. I listened to one for a half an hour one night but was so confused that I did give up on it.


I understand that putting audio as you sleep help you know the meaning of the language or words
It just lets your ears to unconsciously become familiar to the sound of that language
To just better prepare or help you when your actively trying to pronounce or just lets your brain feel somewhat familiar to it


I have tried this a few times. I could hear the tape in my dreams, and it made me aware I was asleep and only dreaming, which allowed lucid dreaming to take place. Bit alas, I could not retain any of the vocab I was listening to.


The methood should not be used to learn languages outright, but it can be a tool for language learning through helping retain words already learned. I remember a study was done on this topic about german students using this methood to learn dutch. you should look it up, I could be wrong tho.


How to learn a language in your sleep? How to achieve a high score by doing nothing? How to start speaking any language ever spending 10 minutes a day. You know what??? Nohow. I am a native Russian speaker. If I speak Russian 30 minutes a day, I begin forgetting it. Only practice makes perfect, the more you speak the better you get at it.


For a second I thought I could learn Japanese while sleeping. (by playing audio of Japanese)


Have you ever tried to learn in your sleep? 💤


We say Pruuse
Greetings ftom Netherlands (south)


This didn’t give me clear instructions. Also why can’t you learn ASL in your sleep? You could say the word and then say the instructions to do the sign!


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