Deadbeat dads, fathers and parents! Shame on you || Conscious Reminders

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Deadbeat dads, fathers and parents! Shame on you.

If you’re a deadbeat dad, you have no right to keep the title of being a man if you can't handle the responsibility of being one.

Fear Allah and take back the responsibility of being a dad!
My Vlog Series
Muslim and Depressed! How depression is testing my faith.
What is a TERRORIST?
Why am I a Muslim? - Whats the point of this life?
Real friends vs Fake friends! - How to spot a 2 face?
Who am I? - Whats my identity?
Where are all the jobs at? - Struggling to find a job.
Islam 101 Series
What is Islam?
Who is Allah?

Please watch: "☑️ How to become a Muslim - A step by step guide 😊"
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Allahumma barik lahu beautiful video brother MashahAllah.


I'm gonna share this to my Facebook 😭


Mashallah anwar. Almost had me in tears wallah. Keep making videos


I think the keyword here is, "abandonment" and it is an unforgivable sin. As a father who worries about his kids, I can tell you that you haven't got it wrong Anwar: it is natural for a true father to be concerned about his children and to want the best for them and to put them first, and to be happy when they are happy and to be sad when they are sad. That all comes naturally with the robes of fatherhood. What I say is that when a child is born, the robes of fatherhood are ceremoniously placed on a man's shoulders: it should be noted, however, that if that man does not live up to those garments, they can just as easily be taken from him and given to another man who is more deserving of them.


seriously some men need to grow up. Children are the best gift from Allah and wallahi i don't understand how can someone just neglect his kids...if you were man enough to bring them into this world then u should be man enough to raise them well and invest all your energy in them coz your children are the best legacy that you can leave behind in this dunya. The best sadaqa al jariyah that can benefit you after ur death.
May Allah make us good parents and make us not among those who neglect such amanah. jazakallahu kheiran ya akhii anwar
