Leica M6 vs Leica M10

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Sunday Stroll Episode Seven

Sunday Strolls is a little photo series where we walk around our neighborhood and take photos with whatever film camera and whatever film stock we’re feel that Sunday. The only goal in mind is having a good time, and if the photos turn out, it’s an added bonus.

#leicam6 #leicam10 #leica #film #portra400 #35mmfilm


Film Camera’s used in this Episode: Leica M6 and Leica M10
FIlm used in this episode: Portra 400 & DNG Files
Digital Camera Set up used in this Episode: Sony FX3 - 16-35 mm lens & RODE Wireless GO
Film Scanned with a Sony a9-90mm & Converted with Negative Lab Pro - Lightroom
Music Provided by Musicbed
Songs listed by orders of appearance
- Brisk by Ezzy
- I’m Lost by Sarah Kang

Filmed in Salt Lake City UT

Thank you so much for watching!
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Portra smokes the M10 just no comparison. Was the Portra shot at box speed? Great video!


I couldnt agree with you more. The film does it for me. Even in those photos the film had that looked and that warmth to them. Great video!


I really enjoyed this episode. It was really interesting comparing the digital to analogue. The results speak for themselves. I use both digital and analogue, just dependent on how much time I have. I have turned off the screen on my M10 so I treat it like an analogue camera. I use the Leica M-P and really enjoy using it also. I like the pace of this episode. We all need to slow down and enjoy photography and life.


Keep doing what you’re doing and you guys are gonna have a loyal following in less than a year. Love your content and looking forward to the next episode 🙌🏽


Great comparison and composition! I guess that all sensor manufacturers are dreaming of being the first to develop a sensor that can truly match film in dynamic range and colors rendition. Personally the best trick that i've found to mimic film is to put an polarizing filter on my lens.


Spot on! Thanks for this comparison. I share the same sentiment about film. Spent way too much time capturing the perfect moment when I shot digital, that in turn, I always really missed the "real" moment...being the experience. Been debating lately to try out an M10-R, but I think I would lose what initially made me want to go back to full analog in the first place.


I grew up with film, went digital in 2001working as a pro, but kept all my film cameras and now I’m back with film for my personal photography. What goes around comes around I guess.


hey man! great video, i really enjoyed watching your process of conceptualizing a theme, thinking out loud really brings us into your frame of mind for photos it's great well done. nice cadence too in the editing. keep it up!


nice video - äh… sorry… BOLD video 🤪. Please keep up the good work👌


You could have set the WB on the M10 to 6500K, or even 7200K, to come a little closer to the warm Portra. And maybe you should have underexposed with 1/3 stop, so you had preserved the highlights. Digital cameras are not good with blown highlights.


Another great video. (I like the second car shot, more close-up, and of course the M6 version). Personally I think the photos themselves, it's a wash, the M6 had more color but the M10 images could easily be tweaked in LR to match. But you nailed it regarding the tangibility of the M6 (or any film camera in general), and the anticipation while you wait for the film to come back from the lab. Right now I'm trying to get back into shooting, but the cost of color, the PITA of the scanning workflow, et al pushed me to end up getting a cheap(ish) fuji x-e2 and adapters for some of my old lenses, and I'm doing things like forcing myself to shoot at one film simulation for a "roll", and also experimenting with square crop (again, sticking with it for a "roll"). Taping up the screen is next. Yes it's faking it, but as you said whatever gets you shooting and I'm going to stick with it for a while to see where it leads (which may well be back to my M6, lol). Keep the videos coming!!


Fantastic comparison. was there any retouching on either the film or digital?


Shooting on M10 too. Also left-eye dominant
Sending M10 to leica for upgrade to M10-P


Perhaps using the same lens on both cameras could rectify the bias implied in the rendering of colour. The Nokton is what they call a "poor man's (like me) Summilux. Don't get me wrong, but my understanding of the Leica experience encapsulate the handling and the final result. Using an M6 with a Nokton and comparing it to a Summilux is, one could claim, inadequate. Nice shots tho.


Feel the same way. Recently could afford any digital M and couldn’t get excited - I’m not a pro, it’s not for my living I just love my M6. So why change. You summed it up nicely with this vid and yeah the dig looked flat, Portia needs no effort when scanned properly. Digital is some how more work, more options and less fun. But if you love digital have at it. Seen a tonne of amazing shots on it. Just can’t be bothered.


I thought i recognized the name, you almost bought my hasselblad 500c/m from essential last year. Fancy running into you here lol


I would love to know if you matched the white balance to the film on the m10 or if you had it do auto white balance. The m10 shots felt so plain and dead in comparison, also too much contrast sometimes.


Sounds like you might dig the M-D (typ 262)? No screen, definitively analogue-like experience. Can't shoot them like modern digitals- the ISO just won't perform. Plus the M240/M262 era cameras had a touch of the M8/M9 era color science. The M10 is so cold in tone by comparison, imo. You'll still have to drag the white point down to bring back those skies, of course.

Portra obliterated the M10, though. No surprises there. On the M240, I find that just dragging the tint away from Magenta a bit, and the white balance a touch warmer really starts to approximate the old film warmth. No comparison to the real thing but at least a further step away from typical digital trappings.


That M6 is popping off!! Let’s collab Ramsey. Big fan all the way from Richmond, VA. Have some great spots in mind to shoot when you come out. Plz dm me! Longtime admirer.


You can always buy like a 1GB SD card
I think you can get at least 36 raw images

But tbh film looks nicer because its already graded. You can always tweak and touch raw photos the way you like the colors and create a “film” look of its own.

Idk id go with the digital M10 and just colorgrade it in post.
