What Really Happened To Malaysian Airlines Flight 370? | Candace EP 80

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Ashton Forbes joins me to discuss the mystery behind the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and all the secrecy surrounding it.

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Thank you to World of Science for The Alcubierre Warp Drive explanation

00:00 - Start
02:00 - What happened the day of the disappearance
18:07 - Reviewing the footage
32:11 - Where the debris came from
41:07 - Explaining the warp drive & potential government coverup
45:06 - The fire narrative
56:22 - The Malaysian Defense Minister's strange interview
1:08:37 - Hidden technologies and the dumbing down of America
1:23:54 - An anonymous letter to Ashton Forbes
1:32:26 - How the government hides and controls information
1:42:50 - How the science explains the videos
1:45:35 - Discovering who leaked the classified information
1:54:57 - Obama knows what happened to this plane
2:00:23 - The implications regarding energy
2:18:57 - Who is the system or the deep state?
2:27:44 - Final thoughts on what Ashton believes happened to the plane

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Hi Candace, I am Malaysian (and a long-time Candace Owens listener) and thankful that you chose to cover this topic. I remember the day MH370 went "missing", because my mum's brother in law was the head steward on that doomed flight. When the early news of it going missing hit mainstream media, my mum was frantically on the phone with her sister to ask if her husband was on that flight. Unfortunately, he was. It wasn't even one of his usual routes. The roster somehow changed last minute and he had to work on that flight with less than 24 hrs' notice. Most, if not everyone in Malaysia, knew that this incident was a huge cover-up for things more sinister. One of them being the prime minister at the time's scandal with billions of taxpayer dollars. Many families were torn apart that day, all because some very powerful people had shit to cover. We will never forget.


Thank you Candace for having me on to discuss the case. It demands a response from the U.S. Govt.

I pulled no punches in this interview. I’ll discuss/debate the physics with any ‘expert’ who thinks it’s not supported by sound science.

Also watch my next major appearance with the Hodgetwins where I go deep into the science and those who discovered it decades ago.


The fact that YT immediately put a wikipedia link about this flight tells you that we are learning some inconvenient truths here. Thank you both for bringing this to light. Wow! This guy is very brilliant!!


1. Follow the power
2. Follow the money
3. This is the only channel that I feel like I’m gaining brain cells after watching. It always gets me thinking. Thank you.


This is quite frankly one of the best podcasts I've listened to, Candace never fails to deliver.


As a former Marine Corps pilot, I can tell you that military satellites and sonar detectors do not miss even a capsule the size of a baseball. The local government knows the truth. We need hackers to fish this out.


I can't believe regular, everyday citizens are now having to do the investigative journalism. Such great work Candace.


You know what? I didn't know much about Ms. Owens. I recently saw her on Piers uncensored debating rabbi Shmugley, and now I'm hooked. I'm 61 and hooked. With all my heart, I wish you ALL the best. Thank you, young lady.


100% of the people that watch this video don’t care about that Wikipedia note


I thought I was gonna have to suffer without Candace this week, but here she is DELIVERING!!! THANK YOU!


This is what is supposed to be on tv. Asking questions comparing information in order to get answers the truth is so important. How can ppl not love Candace ??


A month later and this interview still completely creeps me out. It is just fascinating because he completely backs up his theory with facts.


Happy to see so many Malaysians watched this interview. Sorry for the loss of all families involved.


Candace, I was an aerospace engineer for 40 years. I designed avionics for all types of equipment for DOD so I completely understand the “science” regarding this interview. I have to say that up until a few years ago I had been sleepwalking thru my life. This is one of those conspiracies that have given me the ability to question things that happen around the world and look beyond what my eyes see.
Thank You for this telling interview.


I've never listened to a 2.5-hour podcast while listening to every word said, but this one was truly fascinating. Please keep them coming!


Candace, your interview style is very much appreciated. You allow your guests to speak without interruption, unless you hear something that needs clarification for your viewers. This is so helpful. You truly are a professional ❤🎉.


I love that Candace actually lets the guest speak freely and doesn’t always interrupt. Keep it up! Well follow you no matter which platform you’re on.


Girl, you are so right about the science and math conundrum in the US. My Calculus teacher told me the first day of class "Those who do not understand Math are doomed to be controlled by those who do." I perked right up and I was like I am listening. LOVE teachers like that.


candace, I'm a doc in NJ. I had the same experience as you. The vaccine, etc opened my eyes and I will never see the world the same way again. Very few people are like us. Most are blissfully unaware as we were only a few years ago


Thanks for having Ashton on Candace. This guy's "obsession" has provided alot of answers and explanations that align... perfectly
