She Died and Visited Heaven? Doctor's Near-Death Experience Sheds Light on Life After Death

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Dr. Mary Neal is an accomplished spinal surgeon whose Near-Death Experience (NDE) has inspired millions. That story, told in Angel Studios' new film "After Death" (premiering Oct. 27 in theaters) unfolded on a South American river when she became submerged while kayaking and says she visited heaven. "My husband and I are avid kayakers," Neal told CBN Digital. "We've kayaked for decades all around the country [and] internationally." But when they joined friends in Chile for a special trip for her husband's birthday, their jovial time was shattered.

Neal ended up going over a waterfall and experienced something she could "never have dreamed up." "The boat and I were immediately submerged under eight to 10 feet of water," she said. "I didn't panic. I set about trying to free me or free the boat ... but the weight of the water and the force of the current was too great for me to do anything." As she pondered her options, she came to the conclusion she would very likely die. Finding herself forced to face eternity, Neal said she asked God for His will to be done.

"The moment I asked that, I was immediately overcome with this very physical sensation of being held and comforted and reassured that everything would be fine," she said. And this is where Neal's story takes a wild turn: she said she found herself in heaven.
"I never felt alive and then dead, conscious and then unconscious," Neal said. "I felt conscious and then more conscious, alive and then more alive." She added, "I was being held by Christ."

Watch Neal discuss what she saw in heaven, her incredible journey back, and her mission to share it with others.

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I died at 12 years of internal bleeding from a car accident. I have to say’ she’s 100% correct. I told family members & they didn’t believe me. So’ I stayed silent until years later. My memory of the experience has never faded.


NDE’s are real!

I work in an emergency room. We’ve had a child die, flat line no heartbeat - game over. The child’s father felt he should pray for the deceased child once more and the child’s heart began beating on the blank monitor again.

There is life after death!


Keep my wife Leena Samuel in prayers who is now sick with a tumor in her small intestines..we are in a Spiritual warfare since our marriage in 2018....the Lord Jesus Christ is Our Only Hope....Psalms 118.17

Praise Report - Thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ who has healed my wife....Isaiah 53.5🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


My father had a NDE experienced after his heart bypass. His heart stopped during surgery and he saw his body from above the room. He saw the doctors operating on him. He went to heaven and saw and felt things that were indescribable. He felt immensed love and joy. Colors he saw did not exist on earth. He did not want to come back to his life here. He did not see God. When he came back to his body he shared with the family his experience. He shortly gave his life to Christ and always shared his experience in heaven. Several years after he passed away and I know he is with my mom and his siblings. I look forward to being reunited with them all and seeing Jesus face to face and hearing well done thou good and faithful servant.


This lady is a superb communicator. Loved her testimony! No wonder the Lord chose her for this experience - I pray she helps to bring many to faith ❤


Brothers and sisters.

Please pray for me. For more then 10 years I have been struggling with debilitating sickness that's made my life unberable. I am in my mid 30s and would still love to be able to have strength to serve my Savior.

Jesus is my Healer. Thank you all 🙏🏻

Also, please pray that God gives me strength to go through this valley with thankfulness and humility.


I've been a Christian most of my life, and now I'm old and know that I will die any time soon. So it's wonderful to hear this woman's story. Thank you, Lord! ❤🙏


She said it all when she said, "i am a beloved child of God, above all else" ❤❤❤ what an incredible experience.


I can so relate to Dr Neals story. I also experienced an NDE after a long surgery where I had complications. My transition to heaven was like the blink of an eye. I was surprised that I felt like same person, I was myself, minus the pain. I only felt intense peace and joy. I didn't see anyone or anything there except God who was clothed completely in a brilliant light, so i couldnt see Hus face, but I knew immediately who He was and I was so thrilled. We talked and talked, and I realized He was understanding me when i wasnt using my voice. I told Him i thought that was so cool! I remember I could feel how much He enjoyed me just being me. I felt so enveloped in pure love and joy that it was such a disappointment when He told me i had to go back. He said I had work to do on earth still. In the blink of an eye, I awoke while reciting the 23rd Psalm, a special verse that has become even dearer to my heart.


Soooo awesome! Praise Jesus!❤ I had stage 4 cancer and was not afraid to die. But I'm cancer free today!! Death where is your victory, grace where is your sting??✝️❤️


Thank you Dr Neal for sharing your amazing testimony. I’m also a physician, in neuroscience, who had a radical change due a supernatural encounter with our Lord Jesus. Years later on my walk with the Lord, I had a heavenly encounter : I was caught up in my spirit and taken to heaven. The Lord took me to heaven, saw the cloud of witness at the entrance The people were standing and looking down to the earth. They were wearing white gown. Then I was taken to a room full of the small children. They were the unborn babies. Lord was showing me He is a God of redemption; restoring what was lost; restoring shame and condemnation. Our lives will be one day completely restored to the fullest in His glory with a glorified body. As Jesus said in Luke 21 :28- Look up and raise your heads because your redemption is drawing near. Heaven is glorious. Blessings!


What a great testimony and so well presented. At age 22 in church one day as I was singing, I was taken in the spirit. First, I saw eternity, then I was taken to heaven and stood before The Almighty. He told me to always give him the glory in life, then to have faith especially in tough times, then to have wisdom and discernment with people, to love the church and be thankful. He then showed me my future wife and told me that she will have talents and giftings different than mine and not to try to change her as she will compliment me. About 2.5 years later I went to a different church one night and sat down, she was right next to me. We became friends and I helped win her to Christ as she was just visiting the city and staying with relatives who went to the church. Eventually she fell in love with me, and we married 4 years later. I have lived the life of an itinerant gospel minister,


When I was 14 I died of an overdose, valium I found in the med. cab. 6 -7 hrs. Had passed before my family new something was wrong. They were muscle relaxers so my heart had stopped, when my neibor/freind got me to the hospital I was D.O.A. I remember being above the powerlines looking down on my body but there were no thoughts, I felt like a feather and could see, but I had no physical feeling, I didn't see no bright lights but I heard a peacful voice, and it said, "your going to live for a time". And then I was back in my body. Doctors didn't understand how I could have lived, but I know it was love, it was God!


I had a similar experience it's nice that people are talking about this. I had this experience when I was 29 I am now 70 no one would have believed me so I have only told a couple of friends. When the movie Miracles from Heaven came out I was so thrilled to find that someone else had the same experience I saw pretty much the same thing this young girl had. Thank you for sharing.🙏💕


I experienced a near death experience from surfing large waves at the Little Sunset break at Hollywood Beach, California. It was a large winter day with 8' high sets and I took off on a large steep wave and wiped out. I hit the water surface so hard that it blew the breath out of me. The wave picked me up and took me back up and over the falls and drove me deep underwater. As I was forcefully tossed and turned underwater I knew not to struggle or panic as I would use up what little oxygen and energy I had left. I eventually made my way to the surface to only find another larger set wave breaking just a few feet in front of me. I was only able to grab half a breath before that wave grabbed me and took me up and over the falls and pushed me even deeper under water. I was now extremely worried and was wondering if I had enough energy to make it to the surface. Just as I reached the surface another wave crashed down on me before I could even catch a breath. Like before it grabbed me and took me up it's back and then drove me deeper down than I had ever been before. I was out of oxygen and energy and did not know which way was up. I then had this incredible peace that came over me as I realized I had drowned. I then had the most profound experience in my life when I realized I was dead and yet I was still a conscious being and spirit with thought. I actually had a brief cosmic Zen chuckle and laugh at myself for ever doubting or thinking it was anything other then that. The gift I was given by God was the realization that we are all eternal beings and that when our earthly bodies drop away, we seamlessly continue on. I guess it was not my time to leave this earthly world yet. God had other plans for me. Being winter time I had a thick wetsuit on which caused my body to eventually rise to the surface. Another surfer who had witnessed my 3-wave hold down paddled his board over to me and pulled me onto the top of his board. He told me I was unconscious for 30 seconds before coming too. When I opened my eyes I was blind and had no vision and remember thinking I would be blind forever. After another 30 seconds I started to regain my vision. He paddled me back to the shore and laid me on the beach to recover. The spiritual experience left me in a state of true spiritual bliss for months afterwards and to this day, whenever I speak about it I get a profound sense of calm. JE aka Skip


As Paul wrote, "For me to live is Christ and to die is GAIN"


Coming back from death for me meant, immediately after getting back to my body, crying and sobbing uncontrollably. I was 19 at the time, and seeing from above the shallow and materialistic life that I led at the time, ignoring a God that loves us so much and with such compassion, made me cry for a long time. Realizing the banality of my life from above, was deeply, deeply painful. Coming back meant holding on to God’s hand, sometimes only to a finger, but never ever letting go, until I am called back to God’s bosom for good.


My husband had a 2 near death experiences during cardiac arrest that were unforgettable (literally). He suffers severely from short term memory loss and can barely retain memories from the past 15 minutes. However, when he awoke from his coma and friends and family started coming to the hospital the first thing he said is…. Did I tell you that I died and went to Heaven? He tells us he walked up to the gates of heaven and was sent back to earth. Second he told us all about being able to see who came to see him and where we were sitting in his hospital room while he was in a coma for 2 days. He is a modern miracle after going without O2 to the brain for 30 minutes and being revived 3 times the short term memory loss is his only long term effect.


Im a retired NYC paramedic. I had a young gentleman who went into cardiac arrest as we were pulling into the ER bay. We defibrillated twice and got him back. He opened his eyes and the first thing he said was “ I saw Jesus “ My partner who was an atheist, in a mocking tone asked him “ does he look like the pictures out there ?” The patient said “no” “ He is beautiful “
I would never forget that call and I hope my partner found Jesus at the time of his passing last year. 6:01


I am from Ethiopia. I am happy to hear a near death experience story to tell to people that Jesus paid a sacrfice for our sins .
