Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous: 10 Essential Combat Tips (Beginner's Guide)

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Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Combat Tips Beginner's Guide
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In this video I am going to go over 10 essential tips for combat in pathfinder wrath of the righteous. This game be a tough game, but these strategies and tips will make your playthrough much easier! For more pathfinder content, subscribe.

GAME: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous PC Xbox One Ps4

TAGS: pathfinder wrath of the righteous review, review, pathfinder tips, beginners guide pathfinder wrath of the righteous, combat guide, tips & tricks, pathfinder kingmaker, wrath of the righteous gameplay, rpg, crpg, rpg 2021, classes, races, wolfhearfps, owlcat games

00:00 Intro
00:27 #1
02:17 #2
03:48 #3
05:40 #4
06:47 #5
07:43 #6
08:21 #7
10:33 #8
11:39 #9
12:16 #10
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I said #6 when it was #7.. Thanks for watching!

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My first play session in WOTR I made it to tab 4 of character creation then went to bed exhausted by all the choices.


Another thing worth mentioning, if you inflict an opponent with certain statuses like sleep or paralyze (Such as via a hold person spell), you can use the coup de grace special attack option on them which is an instant critical hit and forces the target to make a Fortitude save or die instantly (DC is either 10 or 15 + Damage Dealt). Coup de grace does trigger AoO from other enemies in reach though, so be mindful of positioning when using it

One of the most reliable ways to line up Coup de Graces is with the Slumber Hex, which can be learned by Witches and Shamans from level 1/2. Just watch out for opponents with high will or immunity to mind-affecting effects


I'd add that the combat log at the bottom right of the screen is quite useful, especially for learning. I haven't played WotR yet but in Kingmaker you could mouse over things in the combat log to get more details. For example if your character misses an attack roll you can look at it to get a break down of what their roll was and what modifiers are affecting the roll.


In turn based mode your characters movement normally is set to use as much as necessary to reach a destination. This means you might end up using your action as well as your movement by accident because you move slightly too far. If you right click you can choose a limit, it goes 5 feet, move action or default as much as needed.

Using 5 feet lets you move out of combat range without provoking attacks of oppurtunity, great for magic or bow users. Movement action guarantees you have action left to use while moving as far as possible while doing so.

I pretty much only use the default move only for moments where i want to move fighters into the face of archers or wizards. Also a good tip is moving close combat fellows up to enemy wizards or archers, even if you don`t get movement enough to attack you can get free attacks if they shoot or cast.

Charge works as well for this and letting you attack but keep in mind you get an AC penalty when charging, might be suicidal if the enemy has close combat fighters nearby


2 other things imo worth mentioning for beginners
1. vast majority of aoe spells/abilities do have friendly fire, so be careful throwing around fireballs or lightning strikes.
2. everyone gets a 5ft free scoot per round. Its almost impossible to make use of in rtwp mode, but in tb mode it helps position your heroes without losing standard/full round action. Especially casters/archers, that want to be using full round actions during entire combat...


Awesome video. 2 very cool things I happened to notice in the background footage:
1. You can delay your turn in WotR, a very welcome addition.
2. The game explicitly tells you when you have two bonuses of the same type so you know if you're wasting spells/items on the same character.


Note that each character gets only ONE AOO per round. So consider having your toughest character deliberately pull an AOO if you want to let your squishier character run past that enemy that round.

Using Choke points is an incredibly useful way to wipe entire groups of enemies with AOE spells like Create Hole. Near the very start of my first run, at the fight at the partly collapsed tower (You know, the one where the dwarf assassin warns you to go get help) I got the enemies to bunch up on the ramp leading up to the ledge, and Create Hole took out more than half of them.


A Note About Buffs: in most cases buffs of the same type do not stack, and only the highest buff takes effect. For example, you might have a morale bonus, a luck bonus, a resistance bonus and since all three are different they will stack. But if you get another luck bonus, it will instead compare to the first and only the higher bonus takes effect. Some bonuses _can_ stack though, such as dodge bonuses and (IIRC) circumstance bonuses.


Having grown up with Baldur's gate I tend to enjoy real time with pause a lot. That said I do agree that turn based is a lot better to learn the system and is really good for difficult encounters. In Kingmaker I tended to use rtwp when faced with easy filler encounters just sto speed things up then switching to turn based whenever facing anything more threathening.
If you are new at this system I would honestly give the same advice as the video, stick with turn based as it will teach you the system much faster


Sorry for the essay, but here are some things I learned the hard way in Kingmaker.

With buffs it's important to pay attention to what type of buff you get. Buffs that target AC, skill checks or saving throws may stack, but not buffs of the same type. You can stack a deflection bonus to AC from the spell Shield of faith with a dodge bonus to AC from the feat Dodge. But you can't stack Shield of faith and Ring of protection, since they're both deflection bonuses to AC.

Archers and spell casters who shoot or make ranged touch attacks into melee gets a -4 on attack (an enemy who engage another companion counts as melee regardless if the archer/spell caster is 20 feet away). To remove that penalty take the Point blank shot feat to get a + 1 and then Precise shot feat to remove the penalty altogether (Point blank is a prerequisite for Precise shot). Good idea to take on spellcasters who will rely on ranged touch attacks like Scorching Ray, Hellifire Ray, Disintegrate, finger of death etc for damage to make sure they actually hit.

Ranged touch attack can sneak attack in Pathfinder. The prestige class Arcane Trickster is built around that but isn't necessary to make a "sneaky mage". A single rogue level and the accomplished sneak attacker feat adds 2d6 to every ranged touch attack. This applies to ALL ranged touch attacks, even cantrips.

Edit) ranged touch attack not spell attack.


People don't consider this often enough: the game has difficulty settings for a reason.
If you need to learn how to play, lower the difficulty and then rise it up step by step as you improve.
If you want just to enjoy the story, lower the difficulty and have fun.
Too often people say "This game is difficult", but it really doesn't make sense. It is as difficult as you decide it to be, and you can always adjust on the fly...


You've put together an amazingly helpful video. People are going to benefit from these immensely, in my opinion. It's almost like you've taken a couple of days away from streaming with us and were able to direct your focus into it, or something. XD


Omg not one, but two spectacular Wolf videos today! Skal, keep up the amazing work! 🍻


Another tip I would advise for new players is to utilize the free move action. Each turn you have a move action and an Standard action. But you may not notice the little set of boots the left of the move action icon that says 5 ft. This is your free move action. This is a very important action w/ multiple functions.
The first thing to know is how to actually use it. You can switch between your standard move and your free move by right clicking on the ground. You may notice that after attacking at range you have a very short move for some reason. It is because the game has activated your free move instead of your normal move action. Right clicking will let you switch back to the normal move if you want (most of the time).The reason this is a toggle is because you can't use both in the same round. If you use a regular move you won't be able to use your free move, and if you use your free move you won't be able to use your regular move.
So why would you want to do this. Well there are many actions in the game that Take a Full-round in order to activate. A full round uses both your move and standard actions. These include many spells, like restoration or most summons, as well as full round attacks that can give characters extra attacks for characters w/ a sufficient BAB (base attack bonus). So you can use the free move to still move around a bit while performing these full round actions.
Free moves also bizarrely bypasses attacks of opportunity. So if you caster gets caught up in melee you can use it to back up a bit w/o getting punished for it. And for most standard size enemies 5 ft is enough to exit attack range allowing you to safely cast spells or perform ranged attack w/o reprisal.
Free move can be done before or after such actions as well. So you can use it to reposition your characters to best utilize full round attacks or attack first then back out of danger while your tank picks up agro. Inch forward each turn to keep your ranged fighters in.. uh...range as the battle progress, or slightly reposition your tank to pick up that enemy coming round the side.
This is another feature that I think only works in turn based mode, yet another reason why it's just better.


Two things: 1. Reach weapons (and enlarge person) - have a tank but back them up with a character with a reach weapon and cast enlarge person on them - I suggest Sosiel. 2. Spontaneous casters can SPAM spells. This (especially combined with metamagics late on) can give you multiple attempts to defeat a particular enemy resistance or buff (e.g. dispel magic). For highly buffed enemies (usually bosses) this is huge.


Thank you so much for this video, one of my biggest worries for this game was how difficult the combat is going to be, your advice is really going to help me enjoy this game a lot more


I like how in your chokepoint explanation video, your dumb horse runs into the doorway, taking up the spot where you'd likely want to have your Paladin. Making all your melee fighters stand behind it, raging at the horse, and throwing all the carrots away.


Excellent tips for literally ANY game in this entire genre. Best one I've seen anywhere and I play everything from BG to DOS to POE...etc.


On number 2 I want people to keep in mind that Lann as a pure Zen Archer at level 3 gets the ability to fire his bow without taking attacks of opportunity (Point Blank Master). Of course you may not want to use him that way but Lann can make a decent frontliner. The system sorts characters by AC, and if that's Lann he'll be put in the front. That said it's more of a nitpick, the broader point stands. After all you may have a character that has higher AC than another but the character with lower AC may still have more defenses if they're running with Mirror Image and Blur.
