Goodbye, LOR.

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Sometimes you play, watch or stream a game for the last time but you don’t know. In case of LOR, we do. That shit hurts.


goodbye to a home for many. ty for everything mog. #LorForever


Stuck with you through all the card game deaths and that isn't going to change!

Only thing I'm truly sad to lose is the mimicking of Swain on every level up. FOR NOXUS!


It was a great run, I was always playing when you were sharing your decks. I’ve hit masters 3 different seasons now with your decks. Been supporting you for years and will continue to. It was a great run Mogwai, thank you for everything man.


This is like when Club Penguin shut down, but somehow worse

I'll miss you, LOR.


Thanks for everything you've done to help us enjoy LoR again Mogwai
Goodbye LoR o7


I never comment on social media at all but this is just heartbreaking. You and your LoR videos have been a part of my every day life for the last three years and I enjoyed every second of it. I wish you the best for your future and I‘m sure you will find a route you will enjoy as much as LoR. Thank you for everything Mogwai.


dude I love your content and your personality. do whatever you feel like and just be happy! thank you so much for all of the fun decks you've been playing with. Im so grateful ❤


It’s shit that marvel snap, with its absolutely horrible monetisation, is the only way to ‘make it’, it’s worse and it’s more succesful because of it, that fucking sucks. LOR was literally too good for this world.


Thank you for your videos, I watched them everytime to go to bed. Very sad to see this happening but there`s nothing we can do to prevent it. Hope you find something new for yourself. Take care Mogwai 🥺


Mogwai - I stopped playing the game quite some time ago but appreciate all of the content you have provided this community with aswell as all the awesome builds you helped me put together! <3


Mogwai, I was playing LoR from Day 1 and was a HUGE fan of the game and you were the content creator I followed for all of it. I ended up drifting away from LoR over time and became a huge fan of Marvel Snap because you are right. The game at its core is amazing. It's super fun to play. I know it really sucks that you have to move away from LoR but for me this is exciting. I'm looking forward to your deckbuilding in Marvel snap because that's what you do best. Yes it's a 12 card deck but honestly there really is so much you can do with it and I'm EXTREMLY excited to see what you brew. Your awesome. this is the start of a new era. YOU GOT THIS!


I've been watching you ever since the LoR beta. Got into card games because of you. I still remember during the pandemic I was eager for the new upload every single day and it honestly was a huge part of my day. Thanks for that dude, it was awesome!


Sinceramente, eu sempre assisti seu conteúdo mais por você do que pelo jogo que você estava jogando. Te acompanho desde o início do LoR. Acompanhei a saga de Marvel Snap, o curto tempinho do card game da DC, o período de TFT, o retorno ao LoR, e enfim ainda penso o mesmo. Independente do jogo eu vou estar por aqui pois o seu conteúdo me entretém. Ou seja, tenha orgulho de si Mogwai, você é um excelente criador de conteúdo, talvez não o mais estável, mas com certeza faz um trabalho excelente. Então nunca perca sua essência, sua sinceridade e seu jeito divertido de ser, pois isso é mais valioso que qualquer jogo que você escolher.
Sei que nem todos pensam assim, mas falo isso coração


I remember looking forward to every video during 2022 when I had to deal with war and not knowing the future. It brought some comfort and stability and meant so much to me. The end of an era, thank you for your work


I love how you put your heart in everything you do and since I managed to enjoy your videos even when I didn't play lor for months I thought that I could watch whatever you posted without any problem, but after a couple of weeks last year I got tired of playing marvel snap and very shortly after that I couldn't bare anymore even watching your videos about the game. I would say that's because getting many cards was difficult and so I couldn't imagine myself playing those decks but actually you were posting very budget decks and I got tired of the game way before feeling stuck with the cards. So in the end it all comes down to me simply disliking how ms works as a card game, I just don't find it exiting and I've already seen that I don't enjoy watching content about it. So yeah, as a subscriber this could be a goodbye for me, I'll still check out what you're up to from time to time tho. Bye Miguel, I hope you achieve and dream you have, you deserve that and if you ever pull out that story you said you were writing a couple of years ago man count me in for buying whatever it is!!


I dont comment much but im just here to say a quick word of how much you helped me during a very rough time of my life and during many lonely days and nights, thank you Mogwai, genuenly a big thanks. I will never forget all the good times ive had with you and the LoR community.


2020, the moment i see some youtubers playing this game, i never play any CCG before, but when i saw it i already know I'll like this game, and i see your channel bro. I play this game started using the ephemeral deck (which basically Zed and Hecarim but i also add Kalista on it) get my rank higher, a lot of deck codes made by you still remain in my collection, playing it patiently while try collecting many kind of cards till now, such a long journey. you're my most watched LoR youtuber of all time, I'll always miss this game, Thank you Riot, Thank you Mogway🫡


Thank you for everything Mogwai :) Joined your channel when LoR Beta came out, and I've spent the last 4 years looking forward to your videos every day


Been watching mogwai's videos on LOR ever since the beta, God, this feels like such a great loss... Good bye Runeterra, you were too good for this world 💔
