Super Mario Bros. 3 Secrets, Tips, & Tricks + Glitches!

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Super Mario Bros. 3 Secrets, Tips, & Tricks + Glitches!

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Great video!! But I needed these tricks 30 years ago lol


I always got the white toad houses and ghost coin ships by accident, never knew how it was achieved...until now.


The Anchor is a special item in Super Mario Bros. 3 that is found in Desert Land, Giant Land, and Ice Land. As the airship typically moves to a random location if Mario and Luigi fail to conquer it on the first try, the Anchor will prevent this from happening, holding the Airship in place.


The fact that tips and tricks videos for this game are still bring made is testament to is greatness.


My dad was a retro/oldschool gamer, and loved mario the most. I've watched him numerous times playing Mario and loving the hell out of 3. Now that i've seen this video i realized he knew 80% of the secrets and stuff (He didn't knew about some of the Glitches as far as i remember). And this was all when i was like growing up (3-10 aged). My parents divorced like 9 years ago and he passed away last year. After watching this video i now regret not playing with him more and only if could now.


Been playing this game for over 30 years, and I never knew about the other white Mushroom houses beyond Worlds 1 & 2. Thanks for teaching something even this veteran player didn't know!


I am in my thirties now. I've owned SMB3 for about 25 years. Occasionally, I still pop it in my old gray box or play some hack on one of my emulators. To this very day I've *NEVER EVER* seen an anchor in SMB3. I'm genuinely mind-blown right now and I'll try getting one and see what it does.
And I think I've also never seen a white toad house as well, however I'm having some dejá-vù about it, I recall very vaguely that it appeared once only in all those years. And since I didn't know about the anchor, it most probably contained a P-wing.
The coin ships appeared very rarely, but I've definitely seen it several times. I figured, they might appear by pure randomness.


God damn it....I always thought that water in Dark World was lava.


I learned some stuff from this video. There is a stage in level 8 that you can sink through quicksand(the stage with the sun) and skip most of the stage. This stage can be hard I strongly recommend it


*Wow almost i managed to do all secrets by myself in my childhood and i didn't even know which things triggers white mushroom houses and coin ships.*


OMG!!! I've beaten SMB3 many times... However, I didn't realize there was much more to discover. Thank you for such an awesome video dude!!!


One of my favorite videos on YouTube. The video editing was phenomenal and the background music was perfect. It brought back so many memories


Awesome video! A few other things to note:

- In end areas where there isn't enough room to run and hit the finish block for the star, you can simply just walk instead. As long as you hit the corner at a 45 degree (hit the bottom right corner) while running a P speed or walking, you'll get the star

- There is also a way to guarantee 5up on the slots/ spades on the world map. If you hit the star when its about to leave the screen on the top and middle and hit the star somewhere around the middle on the bottom you can line up the star almost every time. Note this take alot of practice but you can come fairly close or nail it after you play with it a little while.

- You can warp right to the end of the game by completing specific movements in 7-1. Really tough to pull off but can be done to beat the game faster.

- You can also pull another way to get unlimited lives in 3-10. Move far enough in the level to grab a koopa shell and then move your way where there is a lower and upper level. Toss the shell between the bullet bills on the bottom while you stand on the top to gain multiple lives as the bullet bills will continuously shoot but be killed by the koopa shelled back and forth. Theres another way in 4-1 where at the end of the level theres 3 red big koopas where you can continuously jump on just like the castle fortress technique.

Again, great job!


In the airships of World 8, be careful if you use a P-wing, if you fly too high there's some object above the screen that will kill you instantly. The other trick, you can clud past worlds 8-1 and 8-2 and then right after there's a pipe. Go into it and come back out, basically you're in the same place. It's a pipe to nowhere. But then if you lose a life in the fortress, you go back to that pipe until you get a game over or you beat the fortress, you don't get kicked back before 8-1 and 8-2. 8-1 and 8-2 feel like work and not fun to me.


Great memories playing as a young adult and a couple of years later with my kids. One of the best games ever, IMO. Found most of the stuff you showed. Thanks


I've been playing this game since I was a kid and never seen an anchor item before. What's it do???


The Coin Ship... I've had that spawn before, accidentally, ages ago when I used to play Mario 3. Don't think I'd ever heard of a White Mushroom House though xD.


I've known all of these tips and tricks for a very, very long time (I got SMB3 the day it was released), and I've got to say.... It's nice to see them compiled in a video like this so that younger players can learn them!


Another secret some people don't know; SMB3 is actually meant to be a play, with all the characters being actors, and the worlds different acts. Hence the curtain that draws at the very beginning.


The sign on the COIN SHIP is 宝, a Japanese (takara) or Chinese (bǎo) character and it stands for TREASURE.
