Super Mario Bros. 3 - All Secrets & Easter Eggs

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In this video, we're going to explore the secrets and easter eggs in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Explanations of the secrets:

Bowser's Secret Room
Use a P Wing to clip to the secret room as shown in the video. Once you are about to fight Bowser, fly to the top left corner of the screen until you a reach a second Bowser room. If you fly back to the previous room, Bowser will be almost unable to hurt you.

Treasure Ship
You must be in either Grass Land, Water Land, Sky Land or Ice Land and a Hammer Bro Enemy Course must be on the map. You must finish a stage with a Coin total ending in a multiple of 11 (zero doesn't count). The tens digit of your score must match the multiple of 11.

White Mushroom House
Collect a certain number of coins in a certain level. In this case, I had to collect 44 coins in World 3-8.

Chain Chomp Breaks Free:
Let the Chain Chomp pull on his chain 50 times or wait

Рекомендации по теме

What a masterpiece is Super Mario Bros 3.


I have played this game since it first came out. This is the first time I've seen the chain chomp break free. Freaking wonderful!


Finally someone else knows about swimming under the boats. I've done it since i was a kid, and no one ever seemed to be aware of it.


Did you guys know this one? Use a P-Wing before entering a stage where you get a tanooki suit in an item block (there are very few). Ta-da, you will be P-Wing Tanooki!


I still don't understand how kid me figured out how to get all those warp whistles.


Wish I could go back to my childhood, this game was incredible !


I played this game too much, still, the chomp breaking off chains was unknown to me... this game is incredible...


The Chain Chomp thing blew my mind for a minute.. I NEVER knew that!


Having the coin ship is simple. Finish the stage with your coins being a multiple of 11 and have your score ending in a multiple of 10 matching the number of your coins.

For example: 22 coins and your score ending with 20. 55 coins and your score ending with 50.


Para mim, este será sempre o melhor super mario que já existiu!


I found the white ship one time when i was little, then never again


The chain chomp breaking it's chain was the only real "eureka" moment for me


For Bowser's Secret Room, it's technically a glitch.


10:16 Man I remember when I was a child, I discovered this when I was spamming crouching on colored blocks and be so surprised and excited when I been able to pass through things. Especially when I discovered that I can snuck behind the black border and been able to skip zones 😆


आपका बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद इतनी जरूरी जानकारी देने के लिए क्योंकि यह गेम में पिछले 15 दिन से खेल रहा था और कंप्लीट नहीं कर रहा था आपकी वीडियो से यह गेम कंप्लीट करने में मुझे काफी आसानी होगी


When I was a kid, I would move my head in circles to that music. 3:28 Specially for the longer version when visiting the king for the first time. That’s how my neck got thick as fuck!


Meeting the treasure ship requirements is easier when you understand these bits: 1) Breaking bricks gives you 10 points, so that's the easiest way to manipulate the tens digit of your score after you've collected a multiple of 11 coins. 2) Each second on the timer will give you 50 points. If you've already matched your coin multiple to the tens digit of your score make sure there is an even number on the timer when you tag the goal. Otherwise, make sure it will end up with the correct multiple when 50 points are added to your score. So a score of and 88 coins would be fine if you tag the goal with the timer on an odd number, You'll end up with and 88 coins. 3) The timer speed is variable. It slows significantly when Mario is running full speed. 4) Enemies that are still on the screen when you tag the goal will each give you a coin (even defeated enemies that haven't disappeared yet). If you already have a multiple of 11 coins and you are at the end of the stage, clear any enemies on the screen before tagging the goal.


Swimming under the boats was awesome. Little did thos wrench throwing bastards and stupid bob-ombs know i was swimming under like a ninja!


The king's line when you meet him as Hammer Mario is still awesome.


Super mario bros 3 was my first and only game for always told myself i knew everything about this game....time to put it to the test
