9 Signs That You’re Dating A Player | Rules Of Relationship

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9 Signs That You’re Dating A Player | Rules Of Relationship

Have you ever dated a player?

It takes two mature individuals to make a relationship work. Unfortunately for most, there are just a lot of men who take longer than others to mature. There are some men who go through very specific stages in their life before they can really ever be ready for a real relationship with another person. For some very select men, they only need minimal experimentation and experience in the field of romance and love before they can become ready for a real hot and heavy relationship. But the vast majority of men will go through a very misogynistic phase of their life wherein they will treat their women like objects and points to be scored in a game.


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Рекомендации по теме

YES he kissed somebody right in front of me!


Yes I m dating with the player. He is tick all boxes you attached


I realised later that he is a player.
He is obsessed with sex.
