Matt Slick vs Kelly Powers Debate: Eschatology & Calvinism

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Live debate discussion on Eschatology, Calvinism, Cults, Q&A, and more. What’s are the differences of Calvinism, Arminianism, Provisionism? Some possible topics on what is called the Doctrines of Grace aka 5 Points of Calvinism known as Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints.

This was a friendly debate discussion with Kelly Powers and Matt Slick (CARM). Hope you enjoyed it and be respectful in your comments whether you are a Calvinist, Arminian, or whatever.

Links to Various Debates and Discussions Below

Berean Perspective Apologetics
Kelly Powers
aka The Sermonator
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First one lol. Hey all this was a very good overall discussion. Thanks for for joining it was good. I hope you enjoyed different things being shared, even with differences of views. Be respectful whether you are Calvinist, non Calvinist, thank you very much.


Those who think I got has by Matt trick question I don’t believe I contradicted my comments on the Scriptures but rather explained two different contexts of things stated. The Bible teaches the Sabbath is forever, Passover, Day of Atonement, but we as New Covenant believers are not bound as prior to Jesus coming. So house of Eli were judged because of their disobedience to the Lord, therefore though Jesus died for all and made atonement for the sin of the world those who reject the Lord will be judged (John 1:29, John 3:14-18, John 4:42, Hebrews 2:9, 2 Peter 3:9, 1 John 2:2). I plan to do a follow up with a video shortly.



I love hearing you guys reason the scriptures, you are doing more good than you know to your listeners. Stay humble men, I loved this discussion 👍🏼


Matt seems to give long contradictory explanations for why his philosophy is biblical


Romans 1:18-32 is not talking about evidence that can get you to heaven through Jesus. Paul is just making a point that the creation revelation leaves them without excuse.


We're in the millenium now? Satan is bound right now? Mr. Slick's theology off.


Thank you Kelly & Matt for all your work, encouragement, teaching videos and articles defending the Christian faith. Both of you have helped to strengthen my walk and growth in Christ which I'm so very grateful for.

In regards to the discussion you had, I must say Calvinism is very confusing to me. I have been studying the bible for many years and never once did the teachings of Calvinism reveal itself to me just by studying the bible. I had to be shown by a brother in Christ who is a Calvinists how they came to this conclusion scripturally. After watching the video yesterday and reading the first three chapters of Romans this morning, I'm unable to see the connection of how the scriptures in these chapters fit the Cavenist teachings at all, and thus the confusion. I have more questions than answers when trying to align these passages with the Cavinist teachings.

God Bless you both.



they were children of wrath before GOD chose them to be the children of GOD. GOD gave them the gift of FAITH TO BELIEVE🥰


I have a fishing license is my response when people start running down a list of degrees.


The first thing people do when they know they’re wrong is get mad. Matt seems to get upset a lot


The Calvinists are not born again in my opinion because they deny the Crucifixion, and death,
of Jesus, that God required in order to pay for the sin's of man. The only people called to be saved from the foundation of the world was every believer, who ever put faith in Jesus. Calvinist Believe they are saved from birth, a birth right salvation just like the Jews did.


I'm a pre-trib, Independent Fundamental Baptist Christian. Calvinism definitely isn't Biblical. Slick is smart but his eschatology is off


We don’t have free will. Matt killed it. also I don’t have a clue why you accuse him of the “shotgunning” scripture. You have to look at the totality of scripture not just 1 verse to try and force your point. What Matt is doing is absolutely correct.


Me screaming “they loved the darkness vs those who come into the light to have their deeds exposed”!


Ooh that was a fiery discussion 🔥
I’m a 5-pointer so agreed with Matt but thought you did a good job Kelly. Look forward to more discussions like this.


Matt said that if one believes that belief comes before being regenerated, you have a problem…you have a “believer” who is not regenerated. He misspoke. You do NOT have a believer who is not regenerated, you have one who is BELIEVING (taking action, a verb) who becomes regenerated, thus BECOMING a believer (a noun).

Here is the offer to become born of God (thus God enabling them to make a decision): He CAME (the offer) to His own, and His own people DID NOT RECEIVE Him (a choice they made after He CAME (at the beginning of John 1:11).

“But to all that DID RECEIVE Him, who BELIEVED in His name (a choice others made after He CAME in verse 11)…the result??! Answer: “He gave the right to BECOME children of God (born of God…”


Good discussion. Remarkable how loverly bible students like Matt can put all the pieces he reads together in such an illogical way. But no doubt you both are brothers in Christ.


Sinners making choices according to their nature is changed by God giving them the information to be saved by accepting it. That's what Jesus came for to bring the light, truth and the way which we didn't have. So we are given the truth which didn't have and by choosing it we can be saved. Just like when Adam was perfect and chose death and sin.


I love you, Kelly. I love your content when it comes to Oneness Pentecostals in your debates. I am sorry to hear you clearly contradict what God says in 1 Samuel 3:14. It's hard to get past our presuppositions, and as you told Matt, he had his glasses on earlier that's what you just did. I love the conversation. Please keep them coming. I love the work you both are doing, and I am greatly edified by both. 🙏


Doesn't Matt Slick know cats are familiars of Satan?


At around 1:46:00ish, Kelly brings up a good point of how people in the o.t though not regenerated or permanently indwelled with the Holy Spirit believed on Christ. Dispensational teaching debunks all false doctrine. (Even though I'm not sure if Kelly is Dispensational intentionally)
