Sam Shamoun Said that Praying to Mary is Idolatry! CHECKMATE GAME OVER Kelly Powers vs Sam Shamoun!

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Berean Perspective Apologetics
Kelly Powers
(The Sermonator)
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I pray people see the deception and unbiblical heresy of praying to Mary, and that Mariology is false.

2 Peter 3:18


As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said, “Blessed is the womb that bore You, and blessed are the breasts that nursed You!”
But He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
Luke 11: 27, 28


Sam goes around and around with a dictionary! So fake!


Dude really just went to the dictionary to prove Christian doctrine because he knows there are no references in the Bible to a someone praying to another person.


Yep, Sam is wrong. The bible says do not talk with the dead. Praying to Mary, and expecting that Mary will pray for us, is a preposterous notion.
You can only come to the Father through Christ, not through any other man or women, dead or alive.


I like some of Sam's stuff with Islam and messiah regarding the jews, but I don't think arrogance is a fruit of the Spirit nor is berating people. He has an immense knowledge of the Bible but unfortunately is not immune to tradition and bias over what the word actually teaches and is consistent with regarding this topic... Thanks for the video!


If catholic are praying to Mary then why didn’t Paul or even Jesus taught us this or why didn’t written in the bible???


Far too much pride, arrogance and mocking. Sam, you are not Walking with God. The words in the bible are meant for helping and guiding along the way, you are too concerned about being wrong and acting like a cornered injured wolf. If you know in your heart that praying to Mary is wrong, then simply stop and reassesses your position. Don't become prideful and act as a man who knows everything. Humble yourself again before Christ, find the strait path. Amen. ♰


As I predicted before even clicking, the cultist is redefining words in order to create God in his own image. Simply because of the pride he cannot let go due to the fear of being wrong. Very common among these cultists. I pray to God (not Mary because she can’t hear me) that he finds humility and begins his journey for truth. Very long way to go


You asked him a question, And he turns it around and makes you answer his question, But never answers the original question himself.


I RESPECT YOU, Kelly. You are a gentleman in every sense of the word.! You are correct & Biblical. My apologies for how rude he was to you-calling you stupid, saying that you were nervous and that you could not define the word pray. You are correct in biblical. You are a gentleman. My apologies for how rude he was to you - calling you stupid, saying that you were nervous and that you could not define the word pray. You are so right Kelly. I'm very disappointed in Sam. You know respect, as we're supposed to respect eachother.
You are so right Kelly. Also, we are NOT To pray to the dead especially. Thank you Kelly and I'm praying for you. .


The Bible says Jesus alone is Holy. The Magi/wise men, when they found Jesus as a baby in the manger, they worshiped Jesus NOT Mary. Is the Bible, the word of God more important or Roman Catholicism more important ???


Kelly Is Not, Embarrassing himself. Kelly is asking you, a clear simple question.


I'm not Catholic but Sam is crazy with his recital skills. It's special actually. Dude can recall like wild amounts. Much of his memory is even filled with Quaran.


Sam berates muslims for praying to Muhammed and rightly calls them idolaters for it. Yet he prays to a dead human in opposition to the willl of God too. He needs to humbly repent.


But "praying to a person" should be God only not Mary. There is no biblical support that we should pray to Mary. This is so heartbreaking... 😢


I don't care how much Sam knows, he's fallen away. I believe he's lead by pride and we know what that means. At the end of this video, he actually prays to the queen of heaven.


This is what happens when you only debate Muslim and not watching your own walk with Christ. The elementary things of the faith has become the hardest for Sam no one can convince me to pray to mary not all of us are the children of God born of the spirit in the fire of the apostles doctrine. Hallelujah. Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness not Abraham believed in Mary. Dictionary my foot. The bible definition of prayers is prayers. Just to win a debate he goes even against the teaching of Jesus Christ himself. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Wow in the Mary Consecration Prayer she is called ‘Queen of Heaven, “Refuge of Sinners”’

No thanks, this sinner will take Jesus as his refuge.


I used to think great of Sam Shamoun, it’s sad to see how he has fallen from the truth. He has no way to defend the indefendible. He has become a lost cause.
